Year of the Dragon [Open for the Most Part]

Mar 26, 2011 22:14

Characters: China, Toph, and Sohki!
Location: All over Death City
Rating: G!
Time: 31st of Oct. Whatever time you like!
Description: It's a case of the blind leading the blind, ala dragon style~ Sohki's leading China and Toph on an adventure through the streets of Death City while all are beneath the colourful traditional dragon costume. Only not big ( Read more... )

toph bei fong, mushu, sohki, !halloween, yao wong (china), temeraire

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Comments 44

[The Making Of.] Semi-open. closedmarket March 27 2011, 03:22:10 UTC
"Do we have any more super glue, aru?"

The room was a glorified mess, with fuzzy trim, felt patches, thread, a dozen different rolls of cloth and a multitude of other little items laying around-- and only one sewing machine to speak for all of it, propped at the edge of a table that had obviously seen lighter loads and had been the better for it.

It had been a process over the course of a good week (or two), and it was finally turning out. Well, somewhat. There was the frame work done - kind of - and a good number of scales attached - relatively speaking - and they all had matching pants - only Toph didn't have shoes - so... It was so far a success, China thought.

Just as long as they didn't have to leave the apartment for the next ten hours or so. People had already started talking, hadn't they? There had be some super glue under one of the jaw wiring--!

( Open to anyone who would reasonably be able to track them for carting around supplies! )


holy_prankster March 27 2011, 03:30:10 UTC
"China-kun~ do you really think that we would run out so quickly?" There was nothing but amusement in his voice as he teased the dear country. Putting down the material he was working on, the kirin reached over for one of the few remaining packets of glue nearby.

Offering it over to the country, Sohki smiled cheekily, "Now don't lose this one."


terra_inflexus March 27 2011, 03:33:42 UTC
Toph, naturally, was no help in the actual making of the dragon get up. The best she could was play errand girl, and even that was hit and miss sometimes if the clerk didn't know what it was Toph was looking for. So she was sitting around, occasionally checking for fallen scales or missing patches of fur.

"So, why am I the tail end again? Because I'm short?"

Not that she minded, but it was something to talk about.


closedmarket March 27 2011, 03:38:35 UTC
"I do not lose it, it loses itself after it is empty!" He wasn't really complaining in any manner of the word, but he had to say something in his defense as he accepted that packet. It was a wonder they were getting anywhere, since two out of three of them were supposed to be blind (Sohki cheated), but they were--

A glance to one of said blind people, China mused: "Mostly. We could have you in the middle, but that would make the dragon very lumpy."


[Dancing Dragons!] [Open] terra_inflexus March 27 2011, 03:28:30 UTC
There was a glittering flash of golds, reds, and greens, as the trio made their way down along the street. It was impossible to see just who was beneath the ornate dragon costume, as all anyone could see beneath the colourful material were three pairs of legs dressed in the same colours as the dragon's body.

If anyone was to look closer, they'd notice that the person manning the tail end was much shorter than the other two, and almost gave the appearance of the dragon sagging a little from the behind... not to mention that they weren't wearing any shoes either.

The dragon paused in front of a pedestrian on the street. There was only a moment of ungraceful movement with the three, as the one in the middle bumped into the first before muttering something in Chinese beneath his breath. Blinking the large, well created eyes, of the dragon, the mischievous trouble-maker in the front raised the dragon head higher into the air before giving it a playful shake from side to side.


[/Here, have a curious dragon] shendefeng March 28 2011, 21:31:26 UTC
Temeraire had to make several trips to the library to get a good sense of what this particular holiday was, and even more so because the American part of it was somewhat different from the British version, and he didn't even know that because it started getting popular a couple of decades after he was there. It seemed to be an interesting sort of thing for the humans, because it would be rather silly if he should ever try to dress up as anything for the occasion. Laurence probably could have tried to get him to dress up, and might have been successful, but alas, there was yet another reason to miss the man terribly so.

He was walking out and about to get some exercise, and to enjoy the people passing around walking in their various sorts of costumes, when something came close to him.

He tilted his head toward the side as he examined it. What was it? It seemed familiar, only because it somehow reminded him of Mushu and that one Kiao Sea Dragon he met before. He looked it up and down, and then saw its feet: they were human feet. It ( ... )


Yay for curious! 8D holy_prankster March 29 2011, 00:06:33 UTC
The faux dragon responded in kind when Temeraire played along. There almost seemed to be a playful response in return, as its jaws opened, and the eyes blinted again.

"Oh ho~ have you not seen the dance of the dragon before, Temeraire-kun~?" Sohki asked back in perfect Chinese.

[ooc: posting order Sohki -> China -> Toph -> Temeraire? : > ]


closedmarket March 29 2011, 00:48:00 UTC
China was regaining his footing, meanwhile, blinking under his part of the dragon as that voice drifted back in. That wasn't... Sohki-- well that was Sohki, but he was talking to-


China would've said something, but he wasn't at the head, and one of the rules (what rules?) was-- well, not speaking if you weren't the one who was supposed to speak. He moved a bit to the side, anyway, as if that would let him see the real dragon. It might've pulled and dragged some at the other two, but...

He didn't mean it, really? Temeraire was just a bit of an instant-distraction.


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