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Comments 1465

[Batch 3] thebestandwurst January 18 2011, 14:08:26 UTC
[Sparring can also go here.]


[Souji Seta - OPEN] socialinking January 18 2011, 21:08:54 UTC
[He had been coming to the training here for a few weeks at this point, and while he was already skilled enough with a sword, Souji had been picking up different weapons to learn how to wield them as well.

But this point his hand to hand and knife skills were pretty good, but the variety was enough to make him want to test more. But he's ready for anything, and is training with a wooden sword to warm up.]

[ooc: Souji is open to anything; sparring, chatting, possible partnerships? Anything.]


couragemantra January 20 2011, 09:15:18 UTC
[ Kurt spots Souji fairly quickly from across the park - really, it's hard not to. It looks like he's running through some reps with a wooden sword. Interesting... He looks good, too. Not just physically good, but actually good at it. Why is Kurt not surprised?

He makes his way over, arms crossed, and just watches for a while before speaking. ]

You're quite skilled. I can tell.


socialinking January 20 2011, 09:56:57 UTC
[Souji wiped some sweat off his forehead with his rolled up sleeve and he gave a small smile. He had noticed Kurt over with the beginners, but he didn't want to interrupt anything, and he knew Kurt could use all the learning possible.]

Thank you. It's almost as if I had never stopped, though this is a more formal training then I'm used to. [He slung the sword over his shoulder.]

How was your lesson?


[Batch 4] thebestandwurst January 18 2011, 14:09:03 UTC
[You are secretly encouraged to beat the crap out of each other.]


[Vergil Sparda - OPEN] blue_darkslayer January 18 2011, 14:19:00 UTC
[Those of you unfortunate enough to not be in the Watch or otherwise protected by a filter will no doubt recognize Vergil from a certain advertisement that aired over the DEMISE network earlier. Unlike his impersonator, there is absolutely nothing coy or suggestive about his manner during training.

On the contrary, actually. At this time he's working through forms and strength conditioning training by wielding a blunted bastard sword one-handed. He is, far more noticeably, surrounded by a highly ominous aura of deepest midnight. If that isn't discouraging enough, perhaps the look in his eyes is. Or the open bag not far away from him with two more swords sticking out.]

[(Vergil's free for chatting, sparring and chatting, or full fight logging. Just let me know! Action or prose, doesn't particularly bother me.)]


sendthefallen January 18 2011, 15:14:57 UTC
Yuna was also blissfully unaware of said advertisement, which was well and good, because otherwise this meeting would have been awkward (or, at least more awkward than these two usually are). Thanks to her shopping trip with Rikku, the summoner was dressed in more appropriate combat clothes, form-fitting but breathable, as she approached him, no longer even remotely intimidated by him or his menacing aura.

"Good morning, Vergil," she said pleasantly. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting." Quite the contrary, since she was always sure to be on time, if not early.


blue_darkslayer January 18 2011, 15:46:10 UTC
He was concentrating far too deeply on maintaining his Soul Adrenaline to take heed of her approach, but when Vergil hears the familiar sound of Yuna's voice he blinks away that particularly murderous look from his eyes and sweeps his sword aside with finality. His dark ki dissipates with the motion. Finally, then, he turns and beholds the girl.

"Not at all," he says automatically, though she certainly hadn't, indeed. He'd only just managed to stabilize his aura, as it were. Certainly not one to waste time, he takes a moment to consider her before simply stating, "Pick a sword." He deftly reverses the bastard sword in his hand and holds it out, but at the same time, he inclines his head in the direction of where his Big Bag of Blades® rests, where his iaito is also visible.


[Weapon Transformation] thebestandwurst January 18 2011, 14:09:39 UTC
[Kindly specify if you have preferences of who to teach you, if any.]


No preference! totallynottalon January 18 2011, 14:40:48 UTC
[Sasuke has transformed the once already and discovered his form is that of linked dual shuriken, but he'd much rather learn how to do it without having Yuffie physically assault/hug him. It is not likely to work a second time! So he is standing around, peering about curiously and observantly until an instructor can make an appearance - he's been here for a while. Promptness is a good trait in a shinobi.]


/if you don't mind, then--! closedmarket January 18 2011, 22:09:34 UTC
[China had noticed the man standing (awkwardly, in his opinion) off to the side, but it was only after a few minutes that he actually headed over to confront him--]

Are you looking to transform, aru...? [observers really weren't supposed to cross so close...]


totallynottalon January 19 2011, 06:35:28 UTC
[He looks up from habitually scratching at his cheek when he hears the sound of the man's voice and nods, swiftly moving his hand back to his side and inclining his upper body, expression polite and tone formal.]

That is correct, Sensei. [Or at least, he hopes this is an instructor.] I've transformed the once by accident, but I need to learn the proper process.


[Soul Perception] thebestandwurst January 18 2011, 14:10:01 UTC
[Better than the stairs. I think.]


[Open] snipingyourfail January 18 2011, 14:24:14 UTC
[Definitely better than the stairs! She can also impart weapons transformation tips if required.

But in any case, she'll be hanging around once again, observing, watching the various spars taking place, maybe checking out a soul here and there, secretly entertaining herself by matching up meisters with weapons.]


anonforgives January 18 2011, 21:31:27 UTC
[Mikado spots Azusa, and seeing as he definitely knows what he is and has a partner, he's probably approaching her for something else.]

Azusa-san! Um... after training, would you have a moment?


snipingyourfail January 19 2011, 04:34:36 UTC
Of course. [Her expression doesn't change, doesn't even go through the requisite pleasantries at the start of a conversation, and it's like she's been talking to the kid for hours, and that was just a natural segue--but she is quite happy to see Mikado doing well.]

Is it important? I am quite free at the moment.


[Partner Training] thebestandwurst January 18 2011, 14:10:23 UTC
[Aren't youuu excited?!]


[Open] grigoriwings January 18 2011, 14:41:43 UTC
[Maka is here, ready to help anyone who wants to know more about resonance, how to work well with their partner, or anything else, really.]


hesgotsoul January 19 2011, 01:53:30 UTC
[...And her Weapon is with her, not looking quite as eager.

Did they REALLY have to do this? ~_~]


grigoriwings January 19 2011, 02:10:15 UTC
[Maka glances over at him out of the corner of her eye before elbowing him in the side.]

You could not possibly look more annoyed to be here. You could at least try to look enthused.


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