There is a shadow

Nov 23, 2010 15:32

Characters: OPEN
Location: Horrorspital
Rating: PG?
Time: Starting September 26 lasting various days.
Description: A place for all those injured from the attack on the city. Unfortunately the clinic seems to be missing many of it's healers.
Note: It's up to you how long you want your character to stay in the clinic, remember their recovery will ( Read more... )

shibuya yuuri, kurapika, spirit albarn, kuroro lucifer, lacus clyne, adah price, naomi kimishima, azusa yumi, winry rockbell, franken stein, gilbert weillschmidt (prussia), adrian monk, roy mustang, yao wong (china), grell sutcliff

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Comments 416

Sept 27th endthiscycle November 23 2010, 21:34:09 UTC
The moment Winry's head had hit the pillow the previous day, she went out and slept for the entirety of the day and into the late afternoon the following day. That'd be nearly twenty-six hours and now that she was awake she still felt tired, beaten, and completely drained. The fight at the factory ten years in the future, the energy needed to return to the past, and the fight against Risa and Arisa had pushed her past her limits. It was really hard to believe that she was still alive.

She winced when a pang of pain ran through her. Hurting, but alive, and that was what counted. She'd survive.

After all this was only the beginning of the fight. They still had a lot more to do until this was all over, and Winry would--had to see it through to the end or she would never feel closure with this long ordeal she and the others had been through. How long had it been? Only a month had passed here, but for them it was nearly four times that length ( ... )


deadshallspeak November 24 2010, 03:17:30 UTC
In the middle of all the kidnappings and the loss of friends, the return of those long gone had come as a shock. She remembered what Shibusen had said about returned powers being a possible explanation, but...explanations didn't always mean that things came out for the best. A lot of good fortune must have gone into it all, or else they might not have turned out this way.

Looking in on the clinic, she saw that Winry was up now. "You're back," Naomi said to her quietly. It reminded her of a greeting she herself had received just a few months ago, having been rescued from the grip of death by a miracle. Perhaps this wasn't much different. Nobody had known whether those four might come back alive or not, if at all, and Winry certainly looked as if she'd been near death.

"You are still alive, aren't you?" The question was more wry and rhetorical than anything else, and Naomi turned away to busy herself with some papers. If Winry needed some sympathy, fine; if not, no use giving it where it wasn't wanted. "It's good to see you again."


endthiscycle November 26 2010, 19:12:46 UTC
Winry looked up, shifting slightly in her bed (and wincing a bit at even that small movement) and offered Naomi a small grin.

"Think so. Still hurting so I must be." Well, perhaps not so much hurting as it was just feeling like her body was a dead weight. She and Miranda had both exerted themselves the previous two days and it felt like it would take forever for her body to finally catch up. She knew better than to believe that was actually the case. Maybe one more day, especially under the care of Naomi and Kurapika with their special abilities and she'd be able to get around but it certainly felt that bad right now.

Her shoulders relaxed a little. "Thank you. It's good to see you too--good to be back. Seems like a lot has happened since we've been gone." Some of which she knew thanks to 'history' but the details of who was taken and when, that was lost to her.


deadshallspeak November 28 2010, 05:54:14 UTC
"Yes. It has. You disappeared after the Madness Wave, didn't you?" Winry had been gone a few weeks, then. Certainly, the disappearances had been noticed long before the kidnappings started. "The kidnappings are the most notable part of that few weeks...that and a flood that occurred some time ago. The kidnappings are more pressing, however--but then, you know the reasons for that already."

She didn't know if Winry knew of what had happened to Watson, through whatever she'd heard in the future or right here in the present. If not, Naomi was probably going to be the one to break to her and the thought of that was unpleasant. All the same, Naomi would need to find that out sooner or later. "What have you been told about them, by the way?"


[OPEN] September 27. Action Log is also okey. daddyscythe November 24 2010, 04:08:22 UTC
Spirit didn't want to be here. Not for dislike for hospitals -- on the contrary, he was so used to being on a hospital bed that it usually wouldn't bother him -- but because there was just so many things to do. Unfortunately, the skirmish with Risa and Arisa had left him with an injured eye, his neck sliced open, and various other wounds that would have bled a normal man dry. His natural ability as a Deathscythe (and in person -- he had always been a tough one) to remain alive even after getting butchered was possibly the only reason why he was lucid right now.

Didn't stop him from trying to escape his bed through the night and morning. He had no intention of staying here more than a day if he could help it. There were plans to be made, the city to look over, arrangements for the dead, the guests, the four who just came from the past (his saviours). Seeing if Maka was all right.

Spirit was in the process of slipping out of his bed again, regardless of his injuries and whoever was there. He was patched up. That should be enough,


d_amnma_d November 24 2010, 04:17:57 UTC
"You'll hurt yourself if you try and run away."

Adah's voice was matter-of-fact, as if she didn't care who it was that was trying to turn tail and run from the clinic. After the disappearance of Watson, she had been putting in more hours than usual at her new job, trying to help as best she could with his disappearance. The work made up for the strange things she felt when she thought about how Watson had been in front of her one day, and then missing the next.

Standing close to Spirit's bed, she had her arms crossed. As much as Adah wanted to be congenial, it simply wasn't in her to try. The more analytical side of her took over, assessing damage done and how fast it would be before Spirit could actually leave.


daddyscythe November 24 2010, 04:27:18 UTC
"Haha," he laughed awkwardly, blinking up at her with his good eye glinting blue. The deathscythe recognized Adah Price, had seen her around in training and stuff. On any other day, he'd be gushing at her cuteness.

"I have a lot of work to do." A year ago, Spirit would have been shying away from all administrative work. That had always been more of Shinigami's thing, with Spirit as his representative. These days, Spirit found himself needing to make more and more decisions in behalf of Shibusen. It was stressful but necessary.


d_amnma_d November 24 2010, 05:25:42 UTC
"Healing is important." She wasn't about to state the obvious; everyone had something that they needed to be doing at this moment. Thankfully, she was much less worse for wear than most of the people in the city. When Adah needed to find a hiding place, she could generally find good ones.

"If you need help..." Adah trailed off, finding it hard to offer up her assistance to someone who always seemed to have it all together (albeit in a strange, lopsided way).


September 27 Evening [Prussia, Kurapika, Kuroro] alphaspider November 24 2010, 04:21:52 UTC
[Hi, Prussia. Your citizens are here. Kuroro just came from Sephiroth and is a little scratched up. No injury serious enough to need healing.]


ih8spiders November 24 2010, 05:04:15 UTC
[Yeah, because Germany tells him you ran into a tree.

Kurapika didn't have the heart to ask him if he would prefer you injured and stuck in bed or healthy and running into even more trouble.]


seizeyoursouls November 26 2010, 04:59:11 UTC
[oh look someone was actually sleeping for once...]


alphaspider November 26 2010, 16:22:45 UTC
[o3o Ooh. He quietly pads over and peers at Prussia.]


[Closed to Stein] September 26 daddyscythe November 24 2010, 06:55:39 UTC
He couldn't believe it. Risa and Arisa had betrayed him and Shibusen. They had trusted the two girls, had allowed them to live in Death City for years-- More than his injuries, it was the betrayal that stung and crippled him. Spirit Albarn put his faith in people and was unaccustomed to being slapped in the face for it.

They had rushed him to the clinic after the fight, when he had fallen into a dumb daze from blood loss and extertion. He had just made sure that the four guests were all right before letting them take him, half-conscious, to wherever they wanted him to go. He was on a hospital table at that moment, bleeding from an injury to his eye, lung punctured, a deep slice on his neck and various cuts and puncture wounds from Risa and Arisa's claws.

"--isa," he mumbled and moaned, visible blue eye unfocused as he remembered the fight and the black blood.


screw_disorder November 24 2010, 09:01:37 UTC
Stein stared down at Spirit's bleeding, mostly unconscious form with his mind divided fairly evenly into two parts.

The first clinically assessed the damage, what had to be tended to first, what would take the longest to heal, and even what sort of weapons had inflicted the wounds to begin with. In seconds he knew exactly how to go about putting Spirit back together, and wasn't actively concerned for his senpai's life, even though he was aware of some faint emotion he could only call dissatisfaction that he had been so badly wounded in the first place ( ... )


daddyscythe November 25 2010, 15:48:30 UTC
And very, very quickly, life returned to Spirit's eye.

It was strange to have a body that was both so used to the hospital table under a certain doctor's hands (however unknowing past operations were) but at the same time so terrified of it. Logically speaking, there was really nothing to be scared of. Sure Stein sometimes switched his toes around and at one time, he had green eyes, but he always came out of these things whole, scratchless, and most importantly, unaware.

But, you know. There was something very freakish about your body parts either going missing or switching places overnight. Even if you don't notice it happened. Very, very logically, Spirit also knew that Stein was a good man, and that Stein wouldn't actually hurt him. Years and years of being partners left no doubt in his head, and sure Stein was sometimes kind of crazy and made weird crazy faces and did weirder crazier things like drive a screw through his head, but Spirit could trust him with his life and some extra ( ... )


screw_disorder November 30 2010, 12:14:11 UTC
"We're only just getting started, senpai. I haven't had a chance to take anything yet." Stein managed to say this almost as if he was offering a comfort. 'The best is yet to come', that tone promised.

Of course, coming from Stein it was really just unbearably creepy. Or at least that's what Stein's data suggested.

Stein didn't bother with much more than local anesthetic. He worked almost quickly enough that pain wasn't an issue, and anyway, supplies were running low and Spirit was very resilient. He began to deal with senpai's punctured lung, inserting a chest tube.


[Open] September 27 deadshallspeak November 26 2010, 05:37:12 UTC
[Here again, hello emergencies. Naomi is secretly relieved that Winry's back for more than one reason. Juggling work on two or three fronts every day is tiring.]


ih8spiders November 26 2010, 06:21:04 UTC
[If any of you need help, he's there to haul boxes or supplies. Just saying. But he knows better than to stand in a corner waiting to be called on, so he's... attempting to be unobtrusive while hovering around looking for work to do. Mostly organizing supplies. Tasks almost custodial in nature, but he's not about to overstep his boundaries when the other medics are all more qualified than he is at this point. But he can at least assist. Or brew tea, even if working in the kitchenette keeps reminding him of Watson.]

You're looking a bit peaky. Maybe you should take a break. [This to Naomi. He doesn't know her that well, but he can't help worrying.] Is there anything I can do to help?


deadshallspeak November 26 2010, 20:59:29 UTC
That depends. What are you capable of right now?


ih8spiders November 27 2010, 17:58:13 UTC
Just basic first aid. [He ducks his head in embarrassment.] I started studying with Doctor Watson only a few days ago, and then he got kidnapped...

[shakes his head as if to avoid getting depressed about it again] My weapon form can heal, but my meister isn't here at the moment.


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