Watch Members, ASSEMBLE! [Semi-open]

Oct 19, 2010 18:11

Characters: thewarisover, members of the Watch, and whoever else decided to drop in!
Location: All over Death City
Rating: G... I guess?
Time: September 18 - the entire day, on various shifts
Description: Watch patrols happen on a daily basis, but the events of such are usually handwaved. This one's the official log for this out-of-game month!

Like the police. only better! )

vergil sparda, elizabeta hedevary (hungary), ezio auditore, dante sparda, norma beatty, !watch, genesis rhapsodos, date masamune, cloud strife, tres iqus, tassadar, saber, nataku, shouta mikoshiba, roy mustang, sephiroth

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Comments 177

"Headquarters" thewarisover October 19 2010, 10:14:14 UTC
[...Or more like, wherever Mustang is, depending on the shift. If you're tapping him in the morning or early afternoon, he's over at the DOGS office. If you're tapping him in the late afternoon, evening or small hours of the morning, he's seated at the steps of Shibusen Academy.

The last few days haven't been good to him, but at least he doesn't look TOO dead.]


soulparadox October 24 2010, 04:29:26 UTC


thewarisover October 24 2010, 11:03:47 UTC
[Blinks, when he notices.]

What is it?


soulparadox October 24 2010, 20:15:21 UTC
Merely checking on you.


SHOPPING DISTRICT thewarisover October 19 2010, 10:15:33 UTC
[Generally a nice area to be in, although the wares in some of the shops much look tempting to thieves or punks...]


nicknaming October 19 2010, 14:59:12 UTC
[And have a Norma who is wandering around looking for people who shoplift. While she's on the job, she couldn't help but eye a couple of things in some stores. Oh how she wishes she could have them but...that would go against what was doing right now...]


magyar_maiden October 19 2010, 23:26:04 UTC
Hungary was giving glances to a few people who passed; some glances friendlier then others but just enough to keep potential shoplifters aware that they should be careful. It felt odd to be watching the people instead of the windows around them.

Then she caught Norma looking, with a soft smile she gently nudged her partner, "We can come back in the earlier part of the day."


nicknaming October 19 2010, 23:33:29 UTC
A small smile was on Norma's face. While she was being greedy and wanted most of the stuff in the mall, most of her frustrations were the fact that her friend, Moses, was gone. However, she couldn't be mad at Hungary, she didn't tell her yet. She didn't tell Grune yet either but...she doubt that she'll understand it.

"Ahhh, if I can get myself to wake up earlier! But hey, at least I'm able to get up at 9 in the morning compared to 1 in afternoon!" But she really did miss being able to sleep through the morning.


ENTERTAINMENT/RED LIGHT DISTRICT thewarisover October 19 2010, 10:16:09 UTC
[Lots and lots of back alleys here, for all sorts of rough types to hang around in.]


CAPCOM BLUE ONIS, ASSEMBLE! getyourgunson October 19 2010, 13:02:07 UTC
[Worktime, yes. Date is as prompt as usual, taking over from the duo in the last shift. Now he takes a moment to make sure that his katana is alright as he waits for his partner to arrive or finish up whatever he's doing on his own end.]


Capcom Blue Oni: Captain Badass reporting for duty. blue_darkslayer October 19 2010, 14:09:19 UTC
[Vergil's not long in coming; he'd had to pick up one of the patrol motorbikes and ride to where he was meeting Date for their shift. Given the cooler temperature of the evening, he's wearing his usual blue coat, which is flapping in the rushing air as he approaches. He isn't wearing a helmet. Because helmets are for losers.]

[So he pulls up next to Date and pulls a hand through his own hair habitually before greeting him.]



God of Eyepatches reporting as well. getyourgunson October 19 2010, 14:25:07 UTC
[Date, of course, happens to lack a motorbike now ever since the one he originally was using got trashed horribly in the flood. It's going to take a while before he can get a new one too, but he doesn't mind - he wasn't that all good in using one anyway.

He's totally not wearing a helmet too, because he's in his much more notably casual attire. He's really grown quite attached to it, to be honest - much more flexible than his armor.

Anyway so he notices Vergil and smirks back in return.]

Yo. Are you ready?


OUTER RESIDENTIAL QUARTER I thewarisover October 19 2010, 10:16:53 UTC
[Houses, apartments - the works!]


everdistant October 19 2010, 16:50:20 UTC
[Saber, for her part, didn't quite understand why someone would want to steal women's undergarmets. Nevertheless, she kept an eye out for any sign of the mysterious thief.

To anyone not in the know, she might appear to be either a frail-looking pretty boy or a delicate-looking little girl dressed like a boy, but the only indication of her Watch status would be the wooden sword affixed to her belt in a makeshift fashion.]


aiursfavoredson October 20 2010, 00:59:28 UTC
[He'd gotten the definition of what human under clothes were for, but Tassadar failed to understand why a human would wish to steal such a seemingly useless item.]

[His large form is obvious among the much shorter humans around. Sighting Saber, he begins walking over towards her.]

I do hope that things are going well, Saber.

[ooc: I'll have Tassadar fill in until Aya shows up - if you don't mind? :3 I'm also assuming that they know each other because of their Watch duties and Tassy being a zone leader :) Hope that's okay? If not I can change it ♥ ]


everdistant October 20 2010, 04:51:35 UTC
[She maintained her customary neutral expression.]

It would seem so. There have been no disturbances as of yet.

[She does frown slightly in bewilderment]

Though I must admit that I am rather puzzled by the unusual amount of attention being devoted towards apprehending this particular thief.

[OOC: It's fine! I'd been meaning to tag Tassadar before my hiatus, just never was able to get to it]


OUTER RESIDENTIAL QUARTER II thewarisover October 19 2010, 10:17:21 UTC
[Even MORE houses, apartments and such!]


[Cloud + Seph] Any Shift Needed! || Open. pure_lineage October 19 2010, 13:19:55 UTC
There had been growing accounts of this so called 'panty' thief running around. Sephiroth couldn't say that he cared one way or another at whatever this pervert did. Stealing the undergarments of women was hardly something he thought was important for them to acknowledge, but it seemed as though others thought differently.

Glancing at his meister, a slender brow rose up in question as the ex-General murmured, "Are you truly so bored that you feel we must search for such a pitiful target?"

[ooc: He'll be sticking to Cloud throughout his shift... so they'll be heading around trying to find the panty thief. He's not exactly the type to talk much, but he and Cloud will be in a few open threads for anyone working in their zone while they compile information regarding the panty thief ♥ if there's anyone who wants to report to them that their undies have been stolen, feel free to hit them up.]


de_faulty_hero October 20 2010, 15:07:23 UTC
Imagine that a large city found itself held in terror for someone stealing undergarments. The reports about it were pouring in, and there had even been funny little sightings here and there. While amusing, he was supposed to be keeping his eye out for the person who was doing such acts. What he would have to do with all that underwear afterwards was still up in the air.

Glancing up from where he was crouched, Cloud raised an eyebrow at his weapon. "Simply because you don't wear underwear doesn't mean that others don't. It's a rather important piece of comfort for some. We're here to keep the peace and stop people who break the law," he said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Besides, he might be peering at all these people in the showers or something too. Next thing, it turns to touching someone's pet, eating their food, and taking strange pictures."


pure_lineage October 24 2010, 10:21:17 UTC
Sephiroth stood beside his meister even as Cloud remained crouched down. Giving the blonde a silent stare, the ex-General wondered if he'd just heard what Cloud had just said. The one who was once the head of ShinRa and who was almost a God... reduced to nothing more than a panty thief hunter.

"SOLDIERs of our level do not deal with panty thieves," he stated before his gaze narrowed at the following piece of information. "Then it's fortunate that we are both male, otherwise I would have used lethal force if he had invaded our apartment." It was fortunate for the thief that he was aiming for females only. He would hardly allow for such an invasion of their sanctuary. Crane had done such a thing once before, and that was something Sephiroth would never allow to happen again.


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