Washed Away [OPEN]

Oct 08, 2010 03:09

Characters: Anybody washed into the desert by the flood, a shitload of Kishin Eggs.
Location: The desert and ruins surrounding Death City.
Rating: R, in anticipation of swearing in terror.
Time: Sept 14 and onwards, for the duration of the monsoon.
Format: Action or Prose
Description: Whether by accident or in the interest of having fun, more than a few ( Read more... )

shishito madoka, shirley fenette, dante sparda, fa mulan, jenrya lee, date masamune, colette brunel, jeanne d'arc, justin law, pepper potts, fuuka yamagishi, suzaku kururugi, nataku, phoenix wright, azusa yumi, sasuke uchiha, naruto uzumaki, naoto shirogane, rise kujikawa, miles edgeworth, euphemia li britannia

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[TIME FOR SOME CHEERING FROM THE PEANUT GALLERY] [CLOSED] soulparadox October 11 2010, 13:37:50 UTC
The Kishin egg continued snapping and spitting at Justin as it continued to try to twist free, trying to find any way to dig its claws deep into the Deathscythe. Now focusing all of its anger that originally had been directed toward Dante onto him. It seemed like the screaming which it continued to do, possibly as a means to confuse or deafen the Technician it was grappling with, helped to spur on the other three that were quickly rushing in from the front. Turning their attention upon the other three rather than going to help the other Kishin egg. Simply too focused on their own hunger and the wish for less of a fight than anything else ( ... )


[TIME FOR SOME SURPRISE AT THE RULE OF COOL] [CLOSED] soulparadox October 21 2010, 04:28:39 UTC
"You are doing nothing of value at this point and time." Nataku added to the prayer. He was not trying to be funny or sarcastic; he had no desire to for either Date or Dante to die. While he understood that praying was meant to give some emotional or psychological strength to the person doing so, he did not understand or see how it helped their current predicament. Only one person would be put at ease as to what is happening. Only one person would be fine with all that was occurring around them.

Even if he felt mostly apathetic at this point, merely because he had accepted his fate the moment that he could not stand on his own, he still would have liked for something more to be done to save the other meister and weapon. Useless. Just useless. He closed his eyes as he found that he had no wish to watch either of them die ( ... )


[TIME FOR FIRIN' MY LAZOR, BLUUUUUUUUURGH!] [CLOSED] guillotineofgod October 24 2010, 14:19:21 UTC
The Kishin Eggs churning forward in a ravenous mass threatened to overwhelm the assembled Technicians. The larger beast that had been temporarily downed was not yet dead, but it was writhing in pain and clambering to its feet while vainly attempting to hurl assailants away from itself. The lesser ones pounced onto it like predatory felines, sinking fangs in and rending with claws in a frenzied, voracious effort to tear their target down. Individually they were mere nuisances, but as a group they were swiftly overcoming the behemoth ( ... )


[TIME FOR FINAL BLOWS AND SHIT] [CLOSED] getyourgunson October 24 2010, 15:19:10 UTC
Date snorted quietly at Dante's response to his comment, but said nothing otherwise as he watched his move successfully deal damage to the Kishin. As it fell back, the Meister grimaced at the group that was lunging towards him, ready to strike again once he landed--

--except he couldn't, because the next thing he knew was Justin's all-out attack and Date was forced to duck before it hit him. The samurai hit the ground moments before the giant silver wave energy flew above his head, Dante in his grip as the claymore clattered onto the earth as well.

The attack was like nothing that he had ever seen; the screeches and cries of the kishin were a testament to the power of the attack, and it even took Date by surprise at the force of the move. So this was the power of what a Death Scythe possessed... incredible. If he could get Dante to work with him, would the Weapon be like that as well? Of course, first he had to convince Dante to work with him once all of this was over ( ... )


[TIME FOR... I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WRITE HERE ANYMORE] [CLOSED] wittyreplyhere October 25 2010, 03:59:32 UTC
Getting shoved into the ground did not make Dante happy. He had been about to make a remark when Justin's attack shot right over them. After that he minded it a little bit less. At least it managed to get some of the blood and other gunk off, even if it was replaced with more sand. That was also one seriously cool move. He wouldn't mind being able to do something like that.

One last Kishin to take care of and then it was all over. He was looking forward to a long shower after all of this. Let's do this!

Dante was kicked clean through the Kishin and as the Weapon was sailing out he managed to transform back. The remaining Kishin had been taken care of and Dante grinned at their handiwork before promptly collapsing when his legs gave way. "Whoa!"

He hadn't realised just how much energy had been expended during the battle. He must have looked like a real sight, lying on the ground covered with sand, blood and other questionable things.


[TIME FOR SOME CHEERING] [CLOSED] soulparadox October 25 2010, 04:33:51 UTC
He almost wished that he could cover his ears, but he did hear something pop upon the spell used by Justin. His head tilted slightly from side to side but it seemed like his hearing was not lost. Mudding up his face a little more, he did watch as the rest of the horde was destroyed and what had happened to the last surviving one. Prayer can actually grant such power? Perhaps, I should learn about Jesus from Jules. He blinked a few times as he stared at all the floating souls, properly lighting up the area that they were in ( ... )


[TIME FOR STEALING YOUR SOULS] [CLOSED] guillotineofgod October 25 2010, 05:24:42 UTC
Attack completed and the battle over for the time being, Justin finally restabilized his Soul Wavelength and relaxed his posture, breathing more easily. He then closed his eyes and bowed his head reverently.

✝Now, let us pray.✝

Not that he actually expected the others to, all things considered. Even so, without so much as looking up again he raised his right arm and it began to slowly pulse with light. The floating Kishin Egg souls began to gradually drift towards him, at least until his guillotine blade jutted out from his arm and they all streamed towards him rapidly, being sucked into it and bathing the silver in a crimson glow.

Well, all except for two. The soul of the largest Kishin Egg remained close to where it was before by the Meister and Weapon, and one of the lesser ones now drifted above Nataku. In a rather rare display of consideration, Justin grasped it in one hand gently and knelt down on one knee, holding it out to the boy. Previous annoyance aside, he needed to be able to move at least a little if they were to ( ... )


[TIME FOR BONDING THINGS] [CLOSED] getyourgunson October 25 2010, 10:58:36 UTC
The Meister himself fell to the ground once he executed his kick bits of sand and blood sticking onto him with his sweat as the last Kishin was finally disposed of. With the resonation broken, Date could feel just about all the energy draining from him - damn, that had been seriously intense. Dante was hardly anything like Genesis at all; but it anything, Date found himself liking this a lot more. Genesis was fine and refined, but Dante had the wildness (and coolness) that the samurai found himself quite liking ( ... )


[TIME FOR HIS IGNORANCE TO SHOW AGAIN] [CLOSED] wittyreplyhere October 25 2010, 11:36:32 UTC
Wait what? Devour these souls? Were they seriously expecting him to eat it? He watched in open curiosity as they were sucked into Justin's arm/blade and then watched him approach Nataku with one of the remaining souls. He ignored Nataku's clapping, the guy really did know how to piss him off ( ... )


[TIME FOR BLANK STARING] [CLOSED] soulparadox October 25 2010, 16:56:15 UTC
"I do not know how to pray." However, it did not seem like it was required as Justin gathered the souls anyway. He wondered if someone would think it was 'pretty' how they were drawn to the Deathscythe and how it floated through the air. A shake of the head to get some rain water out of his hair before looking to at the soul that was being handed to him.

But, I did not do anything save tell them what they should be doing, and they ignored me. Still, it seemed like the same would happen if he were to bring this point up to Justin. They would do what they want and so he weakly reached up to take the offering. "Thank you for the meal." Tossing it into his mouth, he tilted his head as he did feel a surge of power that helped with the exhaustion that he felt. Just a little, anyway. Is this delicious?

Standing up carefully, he still felt a little sore but at least he would be able to walk. He paused to turn and stare at Dante. Round two? Meaning, he would like to fight like this again, even though he was so exhausted afterward? Why? "It ( ... )


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