Washed Away [OPEN]

Oct 08, 2010 03:09

Characters: Anybody washed into the desert by the flood, a shitload of Kishin Eggs.
Location: The desert and ruins surrounding Death City.
Rating: R, in anticipation of swearing in terror.
Time: Sept 14 and onwards, for the duration of the monsoon.
Format: Action or Prose
Description: Whether by accident or in the interest of having fun, more than a few ( Read more... )

shishito madoka, shirley fenette, dante sparda, fa mulan, jenrya lee, date masamune, colette brunel, jeanne d'arc, justin law, pepper potts, fuuka yamagishi, suzaku kururugi, nataku, phoenix wright, azusa yumi, sasuke uchiha, naruto uzumaki, naoto shirogane, rise kujikawa, miles edgeworth, euphemia li britannia

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[TIME FOR BONDING THINGS] [CLOSED] getyourgunson October 25 2010, 10:58:36 UTC
The Meister himself fell to the ground once he executed his kick bits of sand and blood sticking onto him with his sweat as the last Kishin was finally disposed of. With the resonation broken, Date could feel just about all the energy draining from him - damn, that had been seriously intense. Dante was hardly anything like Genesis at all; but it anything, Date found himself liking this a lot more. Genesis was fine and refined, but Dante had the wildness (and coolness) that the samurai found himself quite liking.

Pushing himself up with some effort, Date took a moment to attempt trying brush off the sand stuck on his now-not so drenched clothes before Nataku's clapping directed his attention. He was about to reply, but then he noticed the eggs floating away and he turned to see Justin taking the eggs for himself. Well, almost all of the eggs anyway. The smaller of the two that remained was offered to Nataku, which meant...

Date turned towards Dante at that, breaking into a grin as he jerked a head towards the lone kishin egg that remained. "Well, what are you waiting for? That's yours, so take it."


[TIME FOR HIS IGNORANCE TO SHOW AGAIN] [CLOSED] wittyreplyhere October 25 2010, 11:36:32 UTC
Wait what? Devour these souls? Were they seriously expecting him to eat it? He watched in open curiosity as they were sucked into Justin's arm/blade and then watched him approach Nataku with one of the remaining souls. He ignored Nataku's clapping, the guy really did know how to piss him off.

To be honest, those souls reminded him of the demon souls back in his world and he had never contemplated eating one of those. Although he didn't consider himself one of them, this felt a bit like cannibalism. Dante addressed Date. "Mine, huh? So I'm supposed to eat this thing?"

Dante really wasn't enjoying finding out just how little he knew in how things went around here. Conveniently ignoring the fact that he was the one who had chosen not to listen to all the explanations because they were too long. For now there didn't seem to be much to do other than go along with it all. He reached over and floated the soul towards him.

"No sauce? A pity." And with that he scarfed it down. The taste was... indescribable and it definitely wasn't anything like pizza. It wasn't disgusting, but it wasn't something he'd willingly choose to eat either. Surprisingly it seemed to have given him a boost of energy and he found he wasn't nearly as exhausted as he had been. With his new energy boost Dante pulled himself back up and ran his fingers through his hair in a way that echoed his brother minus the fact that the action was to dislodge as much of the whatever it was that was coating his hair.

"So when's round 2?"


[TIME FOR BLANK STARING] [CLOSED] soulparadox October 25 2010, 16:56:15 UTC
"I do not know how to pray." However, it did not seem like it was required as Justin gathered the souls anyway. He wondered if someone would think it was 'pretty' how they were drawn to the Deathscythe and how it floated through the air. A shake of the head to get some rain water out of his hair before looking to at the soul that was being handed to him.

But, I did not do anything save tell them what they should be doing, and they ignored me. Still, it seemed like the same would happen if he were to bring this point up to Justin. They would do what they want and so he weakly reached up to take the offering. "Thank you for the meal." Tossing it into his mouth, he tilted his head as he did feel a surge of power that helped with the exhaustion that he felt. Just a little, anyway. Is this delicious?

Standing up carefully, he still felt a little sore but at least he would be able to walk. He paused to turn and stare at Dante. Round two? Meaning, he would like to fight like this again, even though he was so exhausted afterward? Why? "It is as I thought." A beat. "Lack of common sense is contagious. I wonder who is the immediate cause." His gaze drifted between Dante and Date before allowing himself to tangent and look to Justin.

"Praying gives you strength, how is that possible?" Nataku allowed another pause. "I would like to hear on it when we are back in Death City."


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