Boo, you whore! | Open (Now)

Aug 10, 2010 18:49

Characters: neverbeenworse, suchselfishness, dyingames, any and all hero-types (or not so hero-types) who want to save Princess Enma from his attackers-- or rather, his pursuer.
Location: In the general area of Casualty Communal
Rating: F for Fail (PG-13 because Rhode has a mouth on her. :|)
Time: August 29, Midday/Early Afternoonish
Description: Rhode and Josh decide to try their ( Read more... )

sandrilene fa toren, rhode kamelot, kanji tatsumi, mikura kazu, kozato enma, yoshiya "joshua" kiryu

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neverbeenworse August 11 2010, 01:06:05 UTC
In the hours after bringing a stray cat back to his room in the Communal, Kozato Enma had come face to face with the reality of pet keeping. A cat, being a living, breathing organism, would need food, for one, and probably a bowl, a collar, and a whole milieu of other things that most pets generally needed for their continued survival and well-being.

He looked to Señor Don Gato, who had made itself at home on the desk chair, and frowned. The cat, Enma decided as he scratched it behind the ear, was lucky he liked it.

And Señor Don Gato was the reason Enma determined to make another trip into the outside world and unwittingly strolled towards a certain alleyway in search of the purported pet store.


neverbeenworse August 11 2010, 05:26:43 UTC
Enma stood frozen for a precious second as he watched Rhode plant her fist firmly into Joshua's face. Then his survival instinct took hold again -- there was distance between himself and Rhode, and they were both distracted. There was only one thing to do.

He scrambled to his feet and took off.

The window of opportunity, however, wasn't as wide as he had hoped, and there was the sound of something connecting with aluminum, and before he knew it, a garbage can came flying past him and into the street.

And that's when it happened -- his feet, for the second time that day, went and failed him, and before Enma realized it, he had stumbled over and rolled unceremoniously into the trashcan.

And then it was rolling, picking up momentum, crashing down the street with Enma still inside.


dyingames August 11 2010, 05:33:06 UTC
Joshua was frozen for a few moments, stock still and bewildered as he felt his nose. It actually hurt. She actually punched him. Punched him, of all-

Then he heard the kick, head flicking up and watching, even more bemused, as the trashcan somehow trapped Enma in its garbagey depths and proceeded to take off with him.

"...Your prey's escaping."


suchselfishness August 11 2010, 05:38:04 UTC
Rhode actually put a hand to her mouth as the can started rolling away with the boy inside. Really-- Really-- What were the odds of that happening?

"Oh, shut up."

She snapped at Josh, putting her hand down and taking off after Enma. Nothing ever went the way it was supposed to in this city, especially when she was involved. The entire city was downhill, anyways! How was she supposed to catch him?

"Get back here, damn it! I'm not finished with you yet!"


dyingames August 11 2010, 17:48:14 UTC
A pause, not a very long one, but long enough for Rhode to turn around, and Joshua's SC wass out and taking video.

After that was finished? He started to giggle.

Then laugh.

Then guffaw, all alone in the alleyway, until his legs went out from under him and he sat down hard, just snickering uncontrollably.

He kept that up for some time.


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