[open] I scream, you scream...

Jun 06, 2010 14:58

Characters: Adah Price and YOU (I mean, OPEN)
Where: Adah's apartment on the first floor of Casualty Communal
Rating: G for goodness!
Time: August 12 - All Day
Description: Adah got so interested in the fascinating process of creating ice cream that she made way too much. So she offered it up to everyone. You can jump in even if you didn't reply to ( Read more... )

axel, tony stark, yozak gurrier, rachel price, adah price, izaya orihara

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Comments 42

hatesafrica June 6 2010, 20:13:18 UTC
[Rachel, having seen Adah's message on the PDA, and being a bossy an overprotective older sister, comes down to Adah's room, interested more in the prospect of spying on her sister than the actual ice cream. She enters.]



d_amnma_d June 7 2010, 02:17:37 UTC
[Adah looks up from the book and points to the ice cream, which is sitting neatly on a table, bowls stacked beside it. Even though her sister was not the most welcome guest, there was no need to send her away at the moment.

Who knew? Perhaps someone interesting would show up and Rachel's attention would be diverted.]


vanvanvandarvia June 6 2010, 20:17:07 UTC
[ There was a redhead that might have been passing through. Might have, because as soon as the sign went up, he swerved around to meet her like a fly to honey. His fingers went to his change purse, and when he realized that it was not there, his lips curled into a sheepish little smile. ]

Ah, how much, ma'am?


d_amnma_d June 7 2010, 02:20:26 UTC
[Adah looked up from her book in curiosity. She had assumed that people would just take the ice cream- given from her initial reactions to those around her, they seemed like greedy people. But this man was different. She thought for a moment and scribbled a note.]

It's free.


vanvanvandarvia June 7 2010, 03:35:22 UTC
[ Well, Yozak had plenty of occasion to be greedy, but he was kind of a good ol' boy at heart. Since there was no mischief to be had, he gave her a big smile instead and slumped sheepishly. ]

I wonder what the occasion is. Maybe it's a national holiday?


d_amnma_d June 7 2010, 14:14:45 UTC
[She smiled back. She'd never heard of a national holiday for sea salt ice cream, but perhaps there was one somewhere else.]

I just made too much.


loves_humanity June 6 2010, 22:16:55 UTC
[Izaya will just stand by her, tilting his head to the side and studying - starting at - her intently, hands inside his pockets and red eyes clearly amused.]


d_amnma_d June 7 2010, 02:21:24 UTC
[Oh hey, there's someone in her presence that's not talking. This in itself is a rare occasion, one that Adah is happy to revel in.

Ah, silence. She continues reading for the moment, considering in the back of her mind to start staring at him, as well.]


loves_humanity June 11 2010, 23:46:19 UTC
[Mm, interesting girl, this one. Izaya will continue studying her for a bit more, she looks interesting enough, and the offer of free food makes him curious too. He hasn't decided if she's giving it away because she's just that naive or if she's trying to gain something. Hmm.]


d_amnma_d June 12 2010, 16:38:59 UTC
[Finally, after finish a chapter, Adah looks up. She spots Izaya immediately, but doesn't make any motion to greet him. Instead, she simply smiles and points at the ice cream.

She's just as interested in him as she is in the others. Mentally, she makes a note to find him again for better research.]


yeah_i_can_fly June 6 2010, 22:50:27 UTC
Tony was heading back--heading out?--to/from his room when his steps halted and he backtracked a few paces. He eyed the sign, flicked his gaze to the girl sitting in the nearby chair, and flicked them back to the sign again. They flicked back to the girl.

Stark didn't find her inequivalently gorgeous but she was pretty and that was enough for someone like him to at least send out a feeler. (He'd have to figure out her age first though.) Plus, there was ice cream to make everything worth the while. He just had to figure out if it was free or not...

Going from billionaire to flat-broke in two point three seconds and some change made a big difference in a man's life. He'd have to figure out just how much he was capable of dipping into the generous coffer of their hosts. But later. He turned his full attention to the girl and smiled one of his flashy grins that won him more than one date back home.


d_amnma_d June 7 2010, 02:28:14 UTC
Adah wasn't interested in men the same way Rachel was. But she noticed when Tony walked into the room, pegging him as a different sort of person from the last few that had come in. She couldn't place it at the moment, but she knew that something had to be different. Live evil.

She looked up from her book, placing it on the table beside her. The grin did nothing to persuade her to move, but she was curious as to why he was giving it to her. Was he mistaking her for someone else?

Perhaps he was simply thanking her for the ice cream. She scribbed a note. Do you want ice cream?


yeah_i_can_fly June 10 2010, 02:36:06 UTC
He blinked once at the note and then nodded with a little wry smile touching his lips in slight amusement. Tony would have flat-out asked why she was reverting to the pencil-and-paper method of communication but another glance at her--really looking at her--told him to keep his mouth shut. Something about the way she looked at him told him that he wasn't really getting a good vibe back despite all his grinning. Not hostile, but like he was just something incomprehensible and alien. It took him off-guard.

Mentally shrugging this off, he just glanced around for the ice cream and wondered if it was a self-serve sort of thing going on here. "If it's all right..." he said with another forced smile.


d_amnma_d June 10 2010, 19:23:50 UTC
It's fine. You can help yourself, if you want. Adah pulled herself up from the chair, still watching him curiously. She'd never had a man come this close to even having a reasonable conversation before. It was curious, certainly, his behavior.

She came closer to him, getting some of the sea salt ice cream for herself. She was interested in him, partially for scientific purposes. Adah wondered if she could make a study of any human males that weren't her father, now that he was no longer around.


pyroporcupine June 7 2010, 01:43:57 UTC
[Pretty much zipped over, soon after making the post. It didn't take too long to find Adah - Axel had an internal radar for finding things that he wanted to find except if it happened to be Roxas.]

Hey there~

[Moseying on riiiight over, clearly looking for that ice cream.]


d_amnma_d June 7 2010, 02:29:42 UTC
[Adah looked up and smiled briefly, pointing to two things of obviously home-made ice cream. She scribbled a note on a notepad.]

Sea Salt, yes? It's on the right.


pyroporcupine June 7 2010, 03:16:27 UTC
[Blinks. She really doesn't talk! That's kind of interesting~

Moseying over to the right now. Takes a generous scoop for himself, then:]

Huh. You managed to nail it pretty well, for a first try.


Thread hop, I hope that's okay? fromthewaves June 7 2010, 06:11:19 UTC
[She's a straggler, really, and so she enters the room after knocking and peeking in. There was... almost a party inside now, so she joins in and sees a familiar explosion of red hair.

... eep.]


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