Love is Blind -- Chapter 5 [Mysterious.]

Nov 07, 2010 21:29

Title: Love is Blind
Author: Soul_on_Fire67
Rating: R
Pairing: Vam
Disclaimer: Sadly...I don't own these guy. : (
Summary: Bam goes to Finland for an anniversary for Ape & Phil and unexpected things happen.
Warning(s): Language, Sex in later chapters, and of course, angst.
AN: FIRST FIC ON THIS SITE! I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT! :D Reviews/Comments are the fuel of writers everywhere!
Previous Chapters:
[Problems, Guaranteed.]
[Not to Blame.]
[What Are The Odds?]

The warmth of sunlight hitting my face directly woke me from the comfortable sleep, and at first I had no idea where I was. The events of last night hadn’t caught up with my body yet but eventually I took in the unfamiliar surroundings as Ville’s house. Ville!

I shot up out of the chair, ignoring my aching muscles from sleeping crooked, and scanned the bed for any sign of him. It was neatly made, not a wrinkle on the top sheet whatsoever, so I did a double-take around the room. No one but me. The smell of coffee hit my nose from downstairs, so cautiously I made my way out of the bedroom, through the hall, and down the twisted stair case. Everything seemed so normal here, just plain, there wasn’t anything fancy.

Ville was there, as I thought, but not in the kitchen. He was sitting in the living room on one of the couches, bent over the coffee table and scribbling away on some papers, completely unaware of my presence behind him. I couldn’t read what he was writing as I walked up, only able to see his hand move to write then erase, write then erase. A white cup sat next to the papers, steaming and smelling so rich I could taste it.

“Hey” I mumbled, rubbing the sleep from one of my eyes and moving around the couch so he could see me, “How are you feeling?”

His head whipped up, smile soon replacing the surprised expression, and he leaned back some. “Better, I thank you very much for last night.”

“Not a problem” I replied, sitting in another chair near a big bay window. “Does that happen often?”

Ville shook his head, erasing some more from the bottom of the paper, “No. I am glad you were there, when an attack does happen it’s quite terrifying.”

Yeah, you’re telling me…

I decided to take time to look around the room as he became absorbed in writing again, noticing how there was no paint on the walls, only pictures hanging up. Some were of people, some were of nature scenes, they were all different. For some reason I was antsy, leg moving up and down like it did when I was impatient, so I excused myself for some of that coffee. Not bothering to ask which cupboard the cups were in I took it upon myself to snoop a little, opening and then closing different ones, seeing what was in each. Eventually I found the cups - second on the right from the plates, left of the sink. Kind of an unusual thing to remember, but it was just incase I was ever back here.

Like that would ever happen.
This was probably the last time I’d ever see this place. It was depressing to think about.

For some reason I started feeling around my pockets for my phone, suddenly wanting to know how many missed calls from Ape there were waiting for me. It wasn’t in jeans or my hoodie pocket, so I ran back upstairs - forgetting the coffee - and up to the bedroom. Ville hadn’t even made a sound from the living room, aside from the eraser squeak, so I didn’t think he’d mind my sprinting indoors. Ape would have flipped shit at it.

I pushed the door open and checked all around the chair, finding it laying face down on the red rug on the floor by the bed. When I picked it up the screen was bright, showing 10 new messages. I sighed, heading into the hallway again while scrolling down. Of course, Ape was the first few, asking ‘Where the hell are you, Brandon?’ even though she knew my first name pissed me off. Others were from Dico, one from Phil who I didn’t even know had a phone, and then from Raab at the end asking if I was banging some chick without him. Typical. I laughed and deleted all the ones from my friends, scratching the top of my head when I glanced at one at the very bottom. It was that number…the one from the other night, who texted me after the first run-in with Ville.

‘What are you doing?’ I read a loud.

“Using the bathroom if that’s alright.”

I jumped back a few feet, heart leaping as I stared at Ville. He chuckled, opening what I assumed to be the bathroom door, and looked from my phone to my face. I tried to smile back but had to take deep breaths to get over that scare. Being around people who were loud and obnoxious all the time made it hard to get used to someone that didn’t make much noise.

He closed the door silently behind him and I leaned up against the wall, re-reading the message in my head. What exactly did this person want?

I turned my phone and slid it up, revealing the keyboard, and clicked ‘Answer’ on the touch screen. When the white box appeared with how many numbers I had left to use, I responded: ‘Who is this?’ and sent shortly after. As soon as the green checkmark appeared to tell me it was successful I slid the phone back in my pocket, right when Ville came from the bathroom.

“Is everything alright?” he asked, eyes holding some concern. I nodded happily, walking up next to him. He put his hands in the pockets of his jeans, moving down the stairs and staying by my side.

“I think you’d really like it here, Bam, if you got to see Finland like I do.”

“What, like your own personal tour?” I joked, heading back into the kitchen to grab the cup I abandoned. Ville stayed in the archway that connected the kitchen and the front where the stairs are, and crossed his arms over his chest.

His smile got me every time it appeared on that face, and those eyes. It was like a trap, quicksand that I was falling into faster than I think I wanted. Suddenly the creepy texts didn’t seem like a major deal, it was all about him. I couldn’t say no.

Sighing half-heartedly I looked back at him, “Sure, why not.” He beamed, reaching over behind the wall where I couldn’t see to grab a black button down jacket, the one that reached to his knees. The one I had first met him in. I just put some water on my hands from the sink, ran my fingers through my hair, and attempted to look good in public as we left the house.

There was a certain spring in his step as we quickly left the wooded path leading to the house and got onto the main sidewalk. He lifted his hand over his eyes and looked down each street, probably wondering which way to go. It didn’t matter to me, I just moved my head down further so the hoodie covered my nose against the cold morning air. The sky was clear, sun just showing over the buildings as it moved, and everything was so quiet. So different from America…

Another vibration in my pants took my attention from Ville for a second, as I reached in and pulled my phone out with slightly shaky hands. A new message.

‘The question is, who is this?’ was the reply from mysterious number. I quickly pressed the red ‘End’ button and got back to my Home screen, putting it back in my pocket. That uneasy feeling was creeping back into my body, the feeling of being watched, but Ville’s comforting hand on my shoulder snapped me back to reality.

He looked right into my face, “You’re sure things are alright, sweetheart?” Whoa. Where’d that come from. My cheeks heated up again slightly and I had to move my stare away from him.

“Yep. So we gonna go or…?”

That dorky laugh came out again as he pulled my arm, leading me to the right. A personal tour from Ville himself, this had to be better than that boring bitch talking. And best of all, he spoke English pretty fucking well.

Yet, that feeling was seeping into my bones. Someone was definitely watching me. I stuck close to Ville, our arms touching much to my liking., but didn’t want to worry him. Ignoring it just didn’t seem like an option.

him, vam, ville valo, yaoi, bam margera

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