Love is Blind -- Chapter 6 [How It Happens.]

Nov 13, 2010 21:23

Title: Love is Blind
Author: Soul_on_Fire67
Rating: R
Pairing: Vam
Disclaimer: Sadly...I don't own these guy. : (
Summary: Bam goes to Finland for an anniversary for Ape & Phil and unexpected things happen.
Warning(s): Language, Sex in later chapters, and of course, angst.
AN: FIRST FIC ON THIS SITE! I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT! :D Reviews/Comments are the fuel of writers everywhere!
Previous Chapters:
[Problems, Guaranteed.]
[Not to Blame.]
[What Are The Odds?]

Maybe it was the huge amounts of walking, or just the events of the last few days catching up to me, but I had to sit down and take a break after the first few hours. Ville seemed fine, used to walking everywhere, but me - personally I’d take my Lambo. Or a skateboard at least.

I pushed the snow pile off of one metal bench in front of a park fountain and laid on it, breathing heavily. Ville sat beside my feet, hands on his knees, smiling at me. “I don’t see how you can be so happy. I’m sweating and it’s only 20 fucking degrees.”

He shifted, pushing stray strands of hair off his forehead, “Takes some getting used to, I’ll admit.” My eyes closed, cold air soothing my hot skin. Only when I felt Ville stand did I re-open them, staring up at him.

“Shall we?”

Inside I was saying no, but outside I stood up, saluting him before we began walking again. This tour was a lot more entertaining than the last, I’ll admit, yet it was hard to concentrate. My mind was on one thing, the thing that was causing my stomach to growl out loud - food. We stopped suddenly, and I had to come to a halt so I didn‘t knock him over. He laughed, turning toward me, “Was that you?”

I nodded, pushing on my stomach with one gloved hand, “Shut up. We’ll get something later.”

Ville grabbed my hand, “Or now if you’d like.” My heart skipped again. It wasn’t as close as we had been when I carried him home, but knowing he willingly did that was so much more worth it.

I left the restaurant choosing up to him, since he knew what was good. The place he chose wasn’t very big, one of those small places that was only open until after lunch, but according to him they had some of the best homemade food. When the waitress came over, she was a rather large lady with braided pigtails, Ville helped me order a burger with the works while he got a salad platter.

“Not very hungry?” I asked, unwrapping the silverware. I wasn’t used to eating with other people very much, since everyone back home was usually doing their own thing, so I had to remember table manners. This wasn’t the guys I could be a total ass around, this was Ville.

“Not a very big meat person” he responded, taking his silverware out also. The lady returned with my Mountain Dew and his water quickly before disappearing back into the kitchen.

“You’re a vegetarian?” Dumb question.

“That’s usually what that means, sweetheart” Ville joked and took a small sip from the glass. I nodded and hit my straw against the table slightly, making it push out of the wrapper and sticking it in my drink, taking gulps until it was half-full.

“Phil tried being a vegetarian once, for a dare on an episode of the show. Lasted about 20 minutes. I could never do that.”

He raised an eyebrow, amused by the mental images, “Who is Phil?”

“Oh, he’s my dad.”

“And what show would this be? You told me you had one, never the name though.” Oh, whoops.

“Viva La Bam. It just sounded catchy, so we picked it. You probably wouldn’t find it very interesting though, we just do reckless things for entertainments sake. Almost got myself killed so many damn times I lost count.” Laughing at the explanation he took another sip and took his hat off, letting his curly brown hair down.

“I’d like to see sometime.”

I nearly choked on the mouthful of my drink when he said that, swallowing quickly so I didn’t have to freak him out by dieing in the middle of a café, “You would? Seriously?”

He shrugged, “Why not?”

“Well…you just don’t seem like the type to be into that shit is all.”

“And what type is that, Bam?” I stared into his eyes, a million responses going through my head. That smile of his got me every damn time.

“Uh…I…you know…” Right before I could answer a plate was set on the table in front of me, burger steaming. I reached for the ketchup, squirting it into a big pile next to the fries, and dipped the bun in it before taking such a big bite it took nearly 10 minutes to chew. Ville was still smiling, poking his tomatoes with his fork before gathering some lettuce and dressing and eating slowly.

Most of my plate was empty, save for some fries, by the time he was a quarter done. I had gone through napkin after napkin but couldn’t stop myself, all worries about being proper with him here gone from my head while my stomach was raging. As soon as the last fry was in my mouth and swallowed I leaned back, letting out a long sigh and pushing the plate forward.

Ville wiped his mouth with the same napkin his silverware was wrapped in and put the rest of the dressing on his food before finishing as well. That was a nice little break after all that walking.

“Madame, tarkista kiitos” he said to the waitress. It was for the check.

“Let me get that” I offered, reaching over, but he put his hand on it before I could. “No, it’s quite alright. My treat for you, since you’re my guest.”

His wallet had a strange symbol on it, much like the one on the wall above his bed back at the house, a heart inside a circle. “What is that?”

He looked to what I was asking about and smirked, handing the woman the exact amount on the check and five extra dollars for change, “It’s a heartagram.”

“The hell is that?”

“A logo I personally created. Do you like it?”

I nodded, touching it on his wallet. “Yeah, it’s pretty badass.”

After finishing our drinks, walking around for a few more hours, and stopping to get Finnish doughnuts, we made our way back down the seemingly familiar roads to his ‘tower’. Not many words were exchanged, he seemed awfully content with staring at the buildings and lights more than holding a conversation.

The closer we got the more I began to think of that creepy text messenger from earlier, whoever they were they didn’t have the wrong number. When Ville unlocked the front door, and I realized he replaced the knob, did I re-check my phone. Ape had called 13 times, so I motioned toward the kitchen where I’d be. Ville nodded and hung his coat up, moving back to the living room where he had been earlier.

I counted the rings in my head after I pressed ‘Dial’, waiting to hear her angry voice. It didn’t take long.

“BRANDON COLE MARGERA WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!” she yelled into the phone, and I had to hold it away from my face.

“Relax, I’m okay. Sorry I haven’t called.”

“You better be sorry! Do you know how worried I’ve been?”

“I have an idea.”

She sighed, and I pictured her rubbing her temples, “Where are you right now?”

“I’m safe, I’m with a friend.”

“A friend? Who, some whore you met at the bar that night? I can’t believe you, Bam, didn’t we talk about this before. You’re 31, time to start growing up and-”

“Ape, stop bitching at me. I know, I’m grown up, and that means I can do whatever the fuck I want whenever I want to. I don’t have to report to you. We’ll talk when I get back to the hotel. Whenever that is.”

My head was starting to hurt, right behind my eyes, so I shut them and rubbed slowly after slamming the phone down on the counter. Ville was in the doorway, and when he cleared his throat I looked up.

“Did you hear that?”

He walked in a little, nodding, “Yes. What was that about?”

“It’s nothing, don’t worry. Just bullshit.”

When he stopped he was right in front of me, sympathetic look enough to make my oncoming headache lessen. I reached out then, arms going around his waist, and pulled him flush against my chest. It felt good, especially when I felt his hands on my lower back.

And, on instinct, I tipped his head up and pressed our lips together. It wasn’t as gentle as I wanted, because my nerves were going crazy, but as soon as it began I ended it, pulling back and letting him go.

But, what I wasn’t expecting, was what he did after…

him, vam, ville valo, yaoi, bam margera

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