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ASSAULT TEAMS: EAST SIDE soul_mods July 1 2011, 14:11:12 UTC
/laaaaaaate daddyscythe July 5 2011, 14:10:55 UTC
[Spirit doesn't really consider death. His job is to keep his meister from dying, and he's been all right with that so far, with the one exception of Shinigami (what a big loss that was). But he leaves their resonance for a moment to scan the environment, check in with the other camps, etcetera. He snaps to when Stein calls, and immediately cycles their wavelengths carefully, making sure that Stein will be able to last a long time without tiring, preventing muscle cramps before they come, regulating heartbeat with a thought.]

[And then Stein feels the witch, and Spirit can feel it, too. It's no ordinary witch, nothing low level.]

It'll be fine. [encouragingly, soul like a vice to keep Stein's from being affected by madness.]


My attempts to track this thread failed, sorry! recreant_pride July 7 2011, 02:03:28 UTC
[She can feel them coming. They're just up ahead, but she didn't have time for this.]

[Before she even makes it to the junction, she's already chanting her familiars to help distract the duo. Two large lions appear in front of her before the began tearing their way down the hall. Their footsteps are loud, and they're the first to be seen as they claw their way around the corner and set their sights on Stein.]

[Cybele's not too far behind, and as her lions move in to attack, she sets her sights on the pair.]

You do not interest me, Shibusen. Leave before my pets make you their meal.

[She knows that it would take more than two familiar's to take this pair down, but that doesn't stop her from warning them.]


that's okay, I'm slower than slow. screw_disorder July 10 2011, 05:24:52 UTC
I've never really liked cats.

[he shrugs Spirit around his shoulders, ducking down and sweeping at the lions' legs; he's got to get past the familiars. it's easier to fight a witch up close.

but they're some big gigantic lions, and he gets trampled, swiping up at the lions with a growl and using Spirit to flip himself back on his feet. he manages to keep running, somehow, in that amazing Stein way.

a spin, and he slides to a stop, glancing up at Cybele.]

It's been a while, huh, Spirit. Since we've fought a witch.

[and then he's down the hall again, dashing at her as fast as he's able, more than a little aware that there are bounding lions at his back.]


daddyscythe July 10 2011, 10:13:42 UTC
[Spirit likes cats, but usually this big...! And furry. Trying not to make a bad joke, Stein! Spirit cycles their wavelength around with a vengeance, to let Stein have the energy to go faster, because those are some vicious looking cats.]

It has been! [When was the last time? Spirit has been stuck home for such a long time.] Don't get eaten by this one, Soul will laugh at us.

[And then:] FASTER!


recreant_pride July 11 2011, 01:10:53 UTC
[Cybele instantly reacted the moment that Stein and Spirit evaded her familiar's. Che, irritating!

Raising her arms up, the ground beneath the pair was torn up by row after row of spiked vines whipping up to snag their prey.

The lions didn't stop, and they instantly spun around to begin charging back in towards the pair.]


I imagined Kanda Yuu standing on the side saying "che!" screw_disorder July 13 2011, 15:49:31 UTC
[holy crap holy crap holy--]


[he manages to duck and weave past most of the vines as they spring up, but stumbles as one sweeps his legs and another hits him in the face, and then there's that goddamn lion on him again, the other one bounding forward as he falls. Spirit's blade glows and he slashes up at the lion, fiercely slicing it in half, and violently pulls himself up again, giggling just slightly.]

I think... I'm getting bored.

[he lets out a low breath that sounds almost like a hiss and, ignoring the pain in his face (and bleeding cuts, goddamn those vines), begins twirling the Death Scythe before him, slicing through vines. more of the bastardous plantlife cuts at his arms and legs and face, tearing through skin every time they touch him, but he doesn't seem to notice.]

Let's end this quickly.

[and he's off! comin' back at you, Cybele, low to the ground and holding a glowing Death Scythe.]


Like a sneeze, right? daddyscythe July 13 2011, 23:47:24 UTC
[Spirit is tense, because he can feel the power of this witch through Stein's Perception. Nothing they can't beat, he's sure of that, but coming out of it with Stein unscathed is probably another thing entirely. Those are very effective attacks!

He checks Stein's vital signs, adjusts his heart rate, feeds the meister more wavelength and generally immediately does something to Stein's pain threshhold so he doesn't feel that face so much.]

Be careful!

[Hi, I'm glowin'.]


It must be a sneeze! recreant_pride July 14 2011, 12:33:51 UTC
[The remaining lion continued on after the pair despite the first one being destroyed. It was hungry and wanting to protect its master.

Seeing that Stein was coming after her, she doesn't hesitate in leaping back to put distance between them while chanting beneath her breath.

There's a small glowing orb in her hands, and within moments, it's growing rapidly into a huge fireball. She doesn't hesitate in throwing it down the hall at the pair.]

You shouldn't have come here, Shibusen!


there is literally nothing else it can be. screw_disorder July 14 2011, 16:16:13 UTC
...Fire and vines?

[his voice is deadpan but it's obvious he's lamenting this new turn of events; he manages to dodge the fireball (albeit barely) and is off again towards the witch, dashing almost superhuman-fast. he tries to catch up to her, slashing the large glowing blade at her.]



daddyscythe July 15 2011, 13:11:36 UTC
Don't forget, lions, too! African witch, I'm guessing.

[Spirit rides out and pushes at that surge of power when Witchhunter activates, and suddenly he's a much larger scythe, glowing brightly as he's swung in an arc at the witch.]


recreant_pride July 17 2011, 13:11:23 UTC
[Cybele caught sight of what was to come, and inwardly growled at herself. She wouldn't let herself be destroyed here.

Leaping out to the side to avoid the arc, her left arm snapped up to fire off another fireball towards the pair while they were occupied.]


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