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ASSAULT TEAMS: EAST SIDE soul_mods July 1 2011, 14:11:12 UTC
naniwarocky July 9 2011, 22:25:26 UTC
[Sendo fell silent thinking over everything. Hopefully if this sort of thing happened more often, the next time he actually have a weapon to go into this with.]


pure_lineage July 10 2011, 01:11:10 UTC
We will soon discover how much truth your words hold.

[The pride, unfortunately, goes wasted on the ex-General. He wasn't going to mention the fact that he had once been a General, and Sephiroth also knows that little could be done without a partner - that was something he'd initially learnt the hard way.]

[Continuing on down the hall, his attention returns to their mission.]


de_faulty_hero July 10 2011, 20:36:16 UTC
[Glancing at the three other men, Cloud fell silent as he concentrated on the task ahead. Soon enough they would be engaged in battle and there wouldn't be time for talk. For now, he had to trust that the other two to be able to handle the battle.

Walking a little faster so he caught up with Sephiroth, he glanced around the area.] Anything yet?


recreant_pride July 10 2011, 20:44:58 UTC
[Those with good hearing would be able to hear the faint, but rapid, footfalls of a heavy beast near where they were walking. If you look closely enough, you'll begin to see the outline of what looks to be a single large cat coming towards the group.

Not even a minute has passed by before a second and a third one can be seen, and the trio appears to be heading your way.]


adiosasshole July 10 2011, 22:03:38 UTC
[Shinjiro had been about to reply, only to be interrupted by their...guests]

That... looks like something. [He's reminded of the lion shadows back home, only these aren't held down by giant balls and chains]


naniwarocky July 10 2011, 22:12:00 UTC
[Sendo stops walking when they start to head their way.]

..Where the fuck did these things come from?


pure_lineage July 10 2011, 22:59:29 UTC
[Sephiroth could sense Cloud approaching him, but his attention was fixated elsewhere. They were no longer alone...]

Stay put of my reach.

[A warning to those who hadn't yet seen the length of his weapon form.]

[He remembers those creatures, and wondered if it meant tha she was here. Narrowing his eyes, he moved to stand in front of Cloud before he began transforming.]


de_faulty_hero July 11 2011, 03:38:58 UTC
[He became aware of the sounds of approach along with everyone else, but he kept his pace regardless. There sounded like multiple sets of legs, and he glanced at Sephiroth.

He kept close to the ex-General, and his eyes narrowed at the sight that was approaching down the hallway. Those looked like... those beasts that they had faced off on the last factory mission.

He stepped over and reached out to take his weapon in hand, eyes narrowing.] Let's mosey, people.


adiosasshole July 17 2011, 19:46:04 UTC
...mosey? [At a time like this that shouldn't sound so amusing to Shinji, but who can say what will hit a person oddly in battle? He snorts, raising his axe and staying well out of Cloud and Sephiroth range. Like hell he wanted to be hit by the wrong end of that sword.]


recreant_pride July 19 2011, 12:53:05 UTC
[Each cat began to pick up in speed. Soon enough, they're beginning to circle around the ground before rushing in with their teeth bared and every intention of taking their prey down to the ground.]


naniwarocky July 19 2011, 21:09:41 UTC
[Sendo kept his eyes trained on the cats are they started to circle them. One bite in the right place from them and it was lights out. He readied himself before they rushed in but he was mindful of the rather long sword being handled by Cloud.]


pure_lineage July 21 2011, 02:08:17 UTC
[The long length of the blade began humming the moment that Cloud's fingers wrapped around the weapon's handle.

Sephiroth could feel the way that their souls harmonized even as the familiar beasts attempted to circle around them. The last time they had met, he had been protecting Cloud from fighting. This time would be different, and neither of them would hesitate in battle.]


de_faulty_hero July 21 2011, 02:40:56 UTC
[Like always, the Masamune began to sing as their soul wavelengths harmonized, and he kept his gaze coolly on the four-legged cats circling their group. He was ready this time, unlike the previous factory mission.

As soon as the one closest to him turned inwards, he charged, using the six-feet of length of the Masamune to his advantage to slash on the diagonal at the beast. He was careful to keep a close eye on his companions, both their distance from his swinging sword and how the fared with the other lions.]


Spirit & Stein, Cybele recreant_pride July 3 2011, 10:22:27 UTC
Cybele found herself more annoyed than angry that their work was being disrupted again. She was never going to be able to finish her work and keep Medusa appeased at this rate, and that was what caused a flicker of annoyance to cross over her face.

Fortunately it seemed that Shibusen was focusing on the other corridors of the factory. That gave her just enough room to breath as she slipped out from the control room. Cybele wasn't going to grow arrogant like her sisters and go storming around. She hadn't survived for four hundred years acting in such a way. It wasn't as though she feared anyone from Shibusen, but more that the Witch had no real interest in fighting.

Her footsteps were silent as her bare-feet stepped cautiously down the hall. Swishing her tail once back and forth, Cybele's dark eyes sighted the second corridor up ahead. It would lead her to the exit, but there was one thing she needed to do first. Of course she knew that this factory was lost, but she knew that she couldn't leave without finding Sif first.


screw_disorder July 5 2011, 01:00:31 UTC
[Stein has, by now, shed his customary coat, having it almost ripped to shreds in the heat of battle. it's not easy, fighting hordes with a long coat on; it's especially hard when his job is to run and fight sparingly, distracting most of the others from the guests.

everything about this mission is speed. everything hinges on the guests bringing home a witch soul, hinges on the guests ending this threat. everyone here could die. it's more than likely.

but every day is another brush with death, and considering it more of it is pointless.]

Spirit, we need to resonate again.

[he skids to a stop around a corner, focusing on Spirit, and then he pauses. his soul hesitates. he looks up.]

...Do you sense that?

[something isn't right. there's- an incredibly powerful soul. and violent. oh dear. there's a witch.]

..Spirit, we have a problem.


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