title. A Brilliantly Languid Affair pairing. akame (je) rating. pg summary. central park in wintertime is beautiful, i bet. author's note. before jin came back. word count. 00510
I came in for the brilliance of the first sentence and I was not disappointed. Not only was the language constructed beautifully, but the construction of the whole piece was absolutely stunning. OO <- cookies.
Ahhh, you read it right before I revised it (but just a little!). ♥ Thank you for reading and liking and I will definitely be taking those cookies of yours. ;D
i feel like i've been really remiss about commenting/reading your fic, somehow? then again i don't really track comms and i apparently didn't have you friended, which i have now rectified XD my flist is surprisingly not very JE-heavy, although that is changing! but thank you for this little gem; kame and jin both felt very plausible and natural, and um, frankly i can never get enough of kame forgiving jin, even though i think he did. but i love it when they have that rapport between them, that silent understanding. i feel like that's what i miss the most =(
Comments 14
OO <- cookies.
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