The Sims 3 Asylum Week 2 Day 3

Jul 06, 2014 21:20

And the first interesting thing that happens during the day is England wetting himself. Because that's the sort of thing that happens in this Asylum. However, it wasn't because of our cursed plumbing as you'd think, but because Belarus was hogging the bathroom to take a long bath. Honestly, it's like the AI doesn't know I can make the toilets clean themselves if I just had some time.

And then France cock-blocks him from the bathroom to clean up the mess from the broken toilet. I like to imagine on purpose.

That's your brother, Belarus, not Austria. One would think you of all people would know the difference.

I didn't have time to take a photo, but they got those love sparkle thingies. A second later Austria started fighting with her like so. Talk about mixed messages there, dude.

And then it happens again soon afterwards. Belarus, why are you going around getting attracted to everyone but your brother?

I imagine England complimenting your cooking WOULD be an insult to it.

By the way, The Sims 3 doesn't really have chance cards to the same degree The Sims 2 does, but it does have something else. Namely, opportunities. Basically you're simply given a task to complete and if you do it, you get a reward. Why am I randomly mentioning this all of a sudden? If you guess it's because America has been given an opportunity you'd be correct. And since my method of getting screenshots won't work here (and the game is in Swedish anyway) I'll just translate it in text like I do in my The Sims Medieval LP.

"As a new member of the police force, you still have much to learn. Your boss thinks you should start your education right by reading "How to Avoid Concrete Shoes". If you do, maybe you can avoid ending up on the bottom of a lake. Not to mention it makes your boss happy, so you'll be one step closer to the next promotion."

Well, America's bloated body ending up at the bottom of a lake would certainly be an... interesting ending to this challenge, but hardly beneficial to my points. Not to mention totally unheroic. Also, the text mentioned that magical, sacred word "promotion", so you know we have to do this.

Meanwhile, Russia has just gotten completely used to the fact that everything is broken and is entertaining himself by making faces in the mirror.

Considering that is the international sim symbol for gossip, I suppose Belarus is just randomly telling people she likes gossip? I have to say, she didn't seem like the type.

This, on the other hand, feels a lot more in character. And apparently Austria is repulsed by Russia to the point that the mere mention of his name is enough to make him want to vomit.

Or maybe he's psychic and can see Russia coming to get him.

Oh, are you freaking kidding me?! Nope, sorry guys, I don't dare to touch that thing unless America has like full Handiness. The bathroom is higher priority anyway. You'll have to entertain yourself by playing rock-paper-scissors or something.

France: I really like this house! The broken everything, the dirty dishes everywhere, the metal fence imprisoning us all...
England: *does not give a frick*

And then England makes a hypocritical statement. Because the two are, if all is right in the world, physically unable to be in the same room without at the very least giving each other dirty looks.

Meanwhile, Russia is being incredibly subtle about his evil plans for Hungary. Whatever these plans are.

France: I've changed my mind. Let's pack our bags and move out.
England: Yeah yeah, whatever. God I need sleep.

And America returns, having made enough money to pay the bills and keep the repo man at bay for another few days, and he gets a wish to go to an exclusive bar. Oh, you poor, naive thing.

But there are some good news. He's getting pretty damn close to filling out the work performance meter thingy, which means promotion which means more money and my first step on the long, long path to winning the challenge.

Russia has the power of the brown note! DDDD: Nah, just kidding, Belarus just needs to pee in general XD

And I take advantage of one of the few times the bathroom isn't taken to continue my endless campaign against broken plumbing.

And while doing so, he gets another skill point in Handiness, putting him at four! I hope this means he can repair things faster.

And not one to be outdone by America, Russia promptly gets a skill point in Guitar! Give me those sweet, sweet points, Russia!

Don't you dare, Belarus! We're having construction work done in there!

Goddammit! Don't you understand that you have to pee on the floor for just a little bit?! For the good of the world!

As I wait for Belarus to stop interrupting America's work, he randomly decides to heckle England. I think he's doing it wrong though. Aren't you supposed to point AT the person you're heckling?

As Belarus finishes, I immediately send America back to work as Lithuania joins in on the skill point collecting by getting a point in Athletic. Yet more of his attempts to impress his lady love. Tis sad.

Hallelujah! The sink is fixed! *throws confetti* Now to fix the toilet! :D ...Yaaay.

Hungary: Hey, have you thought about the fact that we never brush our teeth unless someone tells us to? Our breath must smell horrible!

And success! I tell America to clean the toilet too while he was there, because I'm a slavedriver who doesn't want the toilet to break again. By the time he's finished, America's tired. But like I care. Off to read, cop slave!

Meanwhile, Hungary's also being a good, productive inmate. I don't know why she of all inmates is so interested in that, but if it means her building up skill points and making paintings I can sell to keep the repo man from taking stuff and dooming my sims to an even more miserable existance, I'm not complaining.

And it seems like I repaired that toilet just in time. Russia needs to go so bad he doesn't even care Lithuania wants to take a bath!

...Well, that's not creepy at all, Russia.

Also, Austria is now lifting weights while Hungary is painting. I'd think we were in bizarro land if it wasn't for the fact that neither seems very good at it.

Lithuania gets his revenge on Russia's perving by taking the bathroom until Russia has a little accident. This is the second time this day. Don't you love this asylum?

However, as you've already noticed, today is also a day of skill point gaining! Austria joins in by getting his first point in Athletic!

Anyway, as much as I want my cop slave to be promoted, I also want him to actually put on a good performance at work, so I soon send him to bed. Despite only having a little bit left on the book. Sob.

And Hungary, being the amazing artist she is, finishes her latest masterpiece in less than one day! It's a masterpiece worth all of 4§! Hooray!

I like Hungary. She's actually pulling her own weight. Well, the weight she's pulling is like half a kilo, but she's still one of the more helpful inmates.

I have no idea what caused the game to decide this should pop up considering Austria is sleeping in another room, but as a shipper, I approve.

Guys, I know there are no free beds, but surely sleeping on a hard floor beats sleeping in the cold?

Nevermind, Hungary had a much more sane reason. Going out in the middle of the night for reasons I'm not quite sure of, wearing her underwear. That's alright then.

There's a perfectly good sofa to sleep on there, so what do you do? Practice your piano skills. Ahhh, sim logic.

And then we have France waking up at 3 AM. I know he's hungry, but I can't help but wonder if the fact that there are two sleeping spots missing is messing with their sleeping cycle.

Aaaand a while later, he and Belarus are arguing again. They seem to do that quite a bit, but it never goes anywhere!

Nothing more really interesting happens until America wakes up, immediately asking me to feed him like he's a baby bird.

However, he'll have to wait a while because as the sun rises above the Sim Nation, another part reaches its end. I hope you enjoyed this part, everyone, I'll see you later!

lithuania, hetalia, belarus, hungary, russia, england, america, austria, france, the sims 3

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