Nov 27, 2011 02:47

[1. Action- Around Mayfield.]

[Sometime after Ray's rescue, Peter is struggling through town with the other man slung over his shoulder, the two of them pretty speckled with blood from Ray's head. He's running on pure adrenaline at this point, and trying to find some place safe to leave Ray so that he can try to find medical supplies.  Hopefully, a ( Read more... )

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Comments 70

1 notsaul November 27 2011, 08:15:44 UTC
[It's been a while since the end of the Children's Crusade, and Annie hasn't done much besides wander, looking for a familiar face in the wasteland. When she finally finds one, well... There's a lot of blood on it. She knows this man. This was a man who had seen her tits. That brings people together in a way normal people just don't understand.]

Hey, is he okay? [That is a stupid fucking question.]


sosghosts November 27 2011, 08:19:12 UTC
[He glances over to find the source of the voice.]

He's breathing... if that's what you're asking.


notsaul November 27 2011, 08:26:22 UTC
That's pretty good, I guess.

[She peers over him, trying to get a better look at Ray.] What the fuck did that? I haven't seen any psychos around today.


sosghosts November 27 2011, 08:32:12 UTC
Some short, fat, blonde asshole with a knife.

[He shifts, trying to slide Ray back up onto his shoulder where he'd been slipping.]

Trying to get him back to my basement, but I'm having a hard time getting my bearings. How close are we to Partridge?


1 pkeccentric November 27 2011, 08:22:12 UTC
[head lolling against Peter's shoulder, Ray's one remaining eye is closed, but there's some activity behind the eyelid. like he's struggling - and failing - to achieve consciousness. even now when it would be most beneficial for him to rest, his brain won't let him. all he can think of right now in his stupor is continuing to fight, refusing to give into defeat whether it be in front of the rest of Mayfield or the man who put him in this situation to begin with.

he can hear his heartbeat in his ears and it sounds like a countdown. unsteadily, he murmurs fitfully against the fabric of Peter's shirt.]


sosghosts November 27 2011, 08:26:05 UTC
[He hears Ray and uses his free hand to pat him on the back for reassurance.]

We're almost there, buddy. Hang in there.


pkeccentric November 27 2011, 08:33:29 UTC
[some numb part of his brain registers that he's being patted, but he doesn't exactly feel it. his senses are too dulled for that now. there are only two things he can really concentrate on: the throbbing agony that's taken up the right side of his face, and the significantly less severe but still unpleasant burning ache caused from the gash that extends from his cheek to his chin.

but he stirs all the same. and, if Peter listens closely, he might be able to make out words. they're faint and slurred, but they're still audible.]

Told you not to drive so fast... Z...


sosghosts November 27 2011, 19:52:40 UTC
Yeah, yeah...

[He kicks aside some rubble, unearthing a set of stairs. Hopefully this was it.]


2 wentthroughhell November 27 2011, 15:40:32 UTC
[Everyone that he had stopped to talk to had been preoccupied trying to deal with the destruction around them. He understood the need to find friends and family, but what he understood more was the need to secure supplies from food, to medical, down to whatever weapons there was to be had. That was why Rick had walked from the neighborhoods before noon straight to the hospital with the market next in mind.

He had found a stairwell partially buried under the rubble leading down to a lower level of the building that possibly had another under that. There had to be storage down there, a morgue, or anything to keep supplies that weren't being used on the floors right? At least that was the theory Rick was going on if it hadn't been demolished too.

Seeing the other man approaching, his hand brushed the hatched on his side out of habit while studying him carefully. That face was dead serious on something and that pipe meant serious business.]

Seem like a man on a mission. Do you need any help?


sosghosts November 27 2011, 19:47:38 UTC
[He was a bit wary of others after seeing the way Ray was treated, but he had enough faith in humanity to hope that this man wasn't some other scumbag.]

Looking for first aid, a friend of mine got scewed up pretty bad. You see anything worth salvaging?


wentthroughhell November 27 2011, 22:32:03 UTC
There isn't much. If there was anything here it's buried to deep or was incinerated in the blast. Rest of it's in such a shape it might not be worth even tryin' for.

[Shifting the pack on his back, the former Deputy started to move away from where he was standing being careful not to slip or fall. It would have been easier to find houses that hadn't been demolished and strip the sheets for bandages, but, could only do so much with what you had right?]

How bad are they? Don't exactly have a lot, but I haven't been here that long.


sosghosts November 27 2011, 22:43:36 UTC

[He kicks a nearby brick in frustration.]

He lost an eye. And a lot of blood. Get him an eyepatch and I think he still might be able to land a job on a ship, somewhere.


1 elevatoravatar November 28 2011, 00:06:20 UTC
[A pale woman with tattered clothes and carrying an axe that she wrestled from the invaders walks by, singing her usual creepy along in Lost Carcosan when she stops and looks at Peter]

You look as a man who is teetering between grief and rage, are you certain these streets are safe to dance in?


sosghosts November 28 2011, 00:16:00 UTC
[He stops abruptly, shifting Ray's unconscious body higher on his shoulder. He's normally so good at masking his emotions, but this was really the first time he's had to see his best friend in such a state. He felt as if he was fraying.]

I'm looking for shelter.


elevatoravatar November 28 2011, 00:17:54 UTC
I see, a long shelter for recovery, or a short stay till he moves to the next plane?

Either way, the basement of my abode was fortified to keep things in. It works just as well at keeping them out, and these things that wander the wastes are hardly interesting sport.


sosghosts November 28 2011, 00:21:48 UTC
Uh... [He glances around, uncomfortably.]

He'll live. I just need to get some medical supplies... let's go with the former.


2 - ooeeooahah November 28 2011, 00:19:04 UTC
Peter? What happened?

[ She's already trying to get a look at Ray. ]


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