RANT 2 (that's right I said it!)

Jun 12, 2010 10:27

I truly believe that if Jacob was white that he wouldn’t get the kind of hatred that he does. Yes Jacob is not perfect but neither is Edward. People choose to over look Edward’s flaws, by justifying it as “love” or “protection”, but they have no problem with dragging Jacob through the mud. To "Jacob haters" Jacob is just a savage trying to steal the love of Edwards life. All they see is his brown skin and ethnic features and they are immediately turned off, and want to label him as “gross”. I have read comments that have said that Jacob is ugly, and I’m like WTF!! I can understand him not being your type but to call him ugly is more than a stretch. Any Jacob hater that tells me that race has nothing to do with it is a damn lie!! If you are going to hate Jacob because of the things that he has done than you also have to hate Edward too, because he hurt Bella almost beyond repair, and that is not love.
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