Title: Whispers of Children
sorrowofanangelChapter: 5 of ?
Genre: Romance, Angst, Drama, 1st Person Narrative
Band: The GazettE
Pairing(s): Aoi x Reita/ Reita x Aoi (main) Uruha x Kai/ Uruha x Kai. Reita x Kai (one-sided)
WARNINGS: Strong language, depression, schizophrenia
Rating: R
DISCLAIMER: Yes, I own them and make Kai bake me muffins all day long... >D
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Comments 6
Haha I love that build up at the opening when Yuu asked Aki for his help for homework and not his personal issues. I can't help but feel Aki's disappointment for not yet being confided with, but it's more plot to be explored, right?
*takes a piece of luffles* looking forward to more =) don't kill ducky, we haven't meet him yet
Indeed!! Gomen ne!! But I thought a bit of a cliffhanger would be a nice way to start hehe~ but YES! All shall be revealed soon, sweets! I promise!!! (^o^*)
I'm really glad you liked it; I'm so happy to be back writing this hehe~ (and Uruha's fate will have to stay secret with me I'm afraid D:) xDD (^^*) <333
“Is this a bad time?”
I really wanted Reita to said "yes"..but after hearing Kai's explanation, then I want to blame the time for this one..
Just when Yuu -looks like- wanted to say something..there goes Kai and his problem..
Ah, I'm really curious about Yuu's problem here~ ><
Thank you for the update! I'll wait for the next chapter! Good luck! :D
And thank you very much for the lovely comment, I'm so glad you enjoyed!!! I'm working on the next chapter as we speak!! *flails* <3333
Please update soon!!!
Oh, and I'm curious, how old is Yuu?
And Yuu in this story is about 17 years old ^^" <3333
Thank you for reading and for the lovely comment!! Updates soon!! ^^
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