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Comments 43

thistlerose March 5 2010, 22:09:35 UTC
Awww. Somehow, I can totally see Jim proposing marriage in order to get out of doing boring paperwork. I love the relationship he has with Jo. And the glasses! Very, very sexy.


sororexitium March 5 2010, 22:19:40 UTC
Thank you so much.

I don't know, I had a conversation with a friend of mine and this is what came from it.

I'm glad Jo was well received. I love adding her to my random stories :D.

Thanks for reading, bb!


florahart March 5 2010, 22:13:49 UTC
This is cute, but I'm going to go out on a limb--I know a lot of people don't like criticism in open comments, so I will be unoffended if you opt to delete/ignore/whatever--and say you might want to get a beta to have a look, because there's a distracting number of usage errors (e.g., a millennia (millennia is plural; singular is millennium); Yoeman which is both misspelled and non-proper in the context it's in; missing word in to a captain’s only daughter. and so on) and probably things a beta would point out as places to tighten up as far as stuff like info-dumping. I'm really not trying to pick nits; I have errors like this in things I write sometimes, too--I sometimes feel like they are invisible until the fic is posted. Anyway. It's cute, and I swear I wouldn't bother commenting if I didn't think so--something that's just bad, I just back-button in the first place.


sororexitium March 5 2010, 22:22:30 UTC
Oh, it's no problem. I'll get those fixed in a few seconds.

I actually do have a beta, but she's out of communications at the moment, and though I really do try to have patience...I don't have any, like at all. I have tried practicing, but I'm horrible. I have a lot of these instances, and I have to say I am sorry, and I will work harder to wait until I have my beta available.

Anywho: I am glad that you like this story! Thank you for everything, bb!


florahart March 5 2010, 22:29:27 UTC
Oh, whew you're not cranky at me, and dude, I HEAR YOU on the patience. I am impatient like an impatient thing (I'll be forty quite soon; I have concluded this is not a trait I am going to grow out of, heh), so my compromise with myself is that I post pretty much immediately, and then usually wait for the typos to pop up for my eyes the next day or something before cross-posting. Heh.


sororexitium March 5 2010, 23:24:24 UTC
I don't know how to be cranky when it comes to concrit. I love it so much!

I will take your advice though, and simply post it to my journal before cross posting. We'll see how that works.

Thanks again!


paleogymnast March 5 2010, 22:16:10 UTC
Aww, that's adorable!! :)

One thing though, October in San Francisco is actually really warm, it's "Summer" for San Francisco since actual summer is often very cold, damp, foggy, and unpleasant. :) But that's just a tiny, tiny detail. This story was very sweet.


sororexitium March 5 2010, 22:24:06 UTC
I will never trust google again! I looked up climate in San Fran while writing another story, then looked it up for this story...and it said...It doesn't matter. I'm sorry it irked lol.

I'm glad you liked this story, despite my flaw in trusting google!


paleogymnast March 5 2010, 22:29:42 UTC
Oh no, didn't irk me, just thought I'd tell you for the future. SF has VERY weird weather. And micro climates. Which means it's totally common to leave one's apartment having it be sunny and seventy degrees (F) go to another part of the city find it's fifty-five and pouring rain and then head out to the ocean and have it be not raining, but super foggy and fifty. Most people don't realize the true wonkiness of the weather until they've lived here (I know I didn't). :) Hey, thanks for taking the time to RESEARCH in the first place!


sororexitium March 5 2010, 22:34:22 UTC
Oh, well now, that just makes San Fran difficult. I think I may pout (still totally boycott google, but pout nonetheless). Thanks for filling out those details for me. I'm going to have to go through all my stories now and try to fix em before posting, lol.


(The comment has been removed)

sororexitium March 5 2010, 22:51:37 UTC
Thank you so much!

I loved Bones totally blase reaction. It just fit so perfectly in my mind. And yeah, I can see Jo as a total networker. She is a teenager after all.

I'm glad you like this!


linelenagain March 5 2010, 22:33:29 UTC
OMG!! I am actually posting on my phone because I am JUST that excited! This is the only way I could ever really picture them getting legally married - Jim's attitude and lines were perfection, and so was Bones. And the glasses? Bonus. I loved this, bb, thank you. <3


sororexitium March 5 2010, 22:55:15 UTC
Oh wow! Yay, for having a source of excitement!

I really like the idea of it not being a big fuss, but in its own way, being kinda...special. And Jim's glasses...I swear I cannot leave them behind anymore. Ugh. They are my kryptonite!

I'm really glad you love this! And you're welcome, bb!


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