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florahart March 5 2010, 22:13:49 UTC
This is cute, but I'm going to go out on a limb--I know a lot of people don't like criticism in open comments, so I will be unoffended if you opt to delete/ignore/whatever--and say you might want to get a beta to have a look, because there's a distracting number of usage errors (e.g., a millennia (millennia is plural; singular is millennium); Yoeman which is both misspelled and non-proper in the context it's in; missing word in to a captain’s only daughter. and so on) and probably things a beta would point out as places to tighten up as far as stuff like info-dumping. I'm really not trying to pick nits; I have errors like this in things I write sometimes, too--I sometimes feel like they are invisible until the fic is posted. Anyway. It's cute, and I swear I wouldn't bother commenting if I didn't think so--something that's just bad, I just back-button in the first place.


sororexitium March 5 2010, 22:22:30 UTC
Oh, it's no problem. I'll get those fixed in a few seconds.

I actually do have a beta, but she's out of communications at the moment, and though I really do try to have patience...I don't have any, like at all. I have tried practicing, but I'm horrible. I have a lot of these instances, and I have to say I am sorry, and I will work harder to wait until I have my beta available.

Anywho: I am glad that you like this story! Thank you for everything, bb!


florahart March 5 2010, 22:29:27 UTC
Oh, whew you're not cranky at me, and dude, I HEAR YOU on the patience. I am impatient like an impatient thing (I'll be forty quite soon; I have concluded this is not a trait I am going to grow out of, heh), so my compromise with myself is that I post pretty much immediately, and then usually wait for the typos to pop up for my eyes the next day or something before cross-posting. Heh.


sororexitium March 5 2010, 23:24:24 UTC
I don't know how to be cranky when it comes to concrit. I love it so much!

I will take your advice though, and simply post it to my journal before cross posting. We'll see how that works.

Thanks again!


sororexitium March 5 2010, 22:30:01 UTC
Couldn't figure out what was up with Yoeman. If you would like to help me out with that, I'll fix it...but I'm at a loss. I won't deny, I'm not as smart as I'd like to think I am.


(The comment has been removed)

sororexitium March 5 2010, 23:22:58 UTC
Aha! Thanks muchly, dear! It is fixed and fixed :)


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