Numb3rs drabble: "Sundown" (David/Liz, PG)

Oct 28, 2011 13:24

I wanted to write something last night so I asked Candi for a prompt. She gave me David/Liz, "flowers," and I wrote this in like 10 minutes, haha. (I'm using Sand as my n100 prompt because I've already done Flowers there.) It felt SO good to write fic again.

Title: Sundown
Pairing: David/Liz
Rating: PG
Summary: It's the best light to watch her in.
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: none
Warnings: none
Notes: Unbetaed. Written for mustangcandi.
Prompt: #220 "Sand" at numb3rs100
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor do I profit from their use here. This is only for fun.

His eyes are caught by the flapping of her skirt in the breeze, cotton slapping against her thighs, making its flowered pattern dance in rhythm with the crash of the waves nearby. The sun is just setting on the far edge of the ocean, painting the horizon a banner of soft sherbet orange and pink, and behind them to the east the sky is turning a deep, rich blue. It's the best light to watch her in, everything about her softly golden, and he does, letting the sunset serve as a backdrop to the real vision in front of him.

She knows he's watching her from behind his sunglasses, and she'd be self-conscious except for the content smile on his face, sweet and contemplative like he's meditating on her. She lets the expanse of ocean calm her work-shot nerves, breathing the fresh, salty air and digging her toes into the cool sand, grounding herself. She glances over her shoulder at him, catching him, and he grins and takes a step toward her, dropping an arm around her shoulders, warmth seeping through her thin shirt. She tucks her head into his shoulder, fitting just right, and breathes him in.

rated pg, drabbles, het, numb3rs, fanfiction, numb3rs100, n3 fic, david/liz

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