Numb3rs drabble: "Take You Higher" (David/Liz, rated R)

Aug 07, 2011 18:12

Sorry, sorry, I don't mean to be spamming your flists!

Title: Take You Higher
Pairing: David/Liz
Rating: R
Summary: He watches how the firelight casts shadows on her body.
Word Count: 150
Spoilers: none
Warnings: none
Notes: Unbetaed. For julietm. ♥ Title from Bruce Springsteen.
Prompt: #191 "Fireplace" at numb3rs100
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor do I profit from their use here. This is only for fun.

Across the room she undresses. He watches her. How the firelight casts shadows on her body, dark and then light just along the edge of her hip, skin glowing warm. The flame reflects in the mirror, throwing light through the room, a prism catching in the bevel, blue red yellow green if he tips his head to get a different angle. He looks at her curves, the straight of her back, the looping curls in her hair as she unpins it, letting it fall down over her shoulders. He can't see the details, just the shapes, how her waist tucks in and her hips flare out, her thighs run long and lean, and then the curve of her calf, and she turns to face him and he sees the round of her breasts and the little rise of her belly, and that dark space between her legs drawing him in.

numb3rs100, rated r, fanfiction, n3 fic, drabbles, david/liz, het

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