tell me what to write

Aug 05, 2011 15:42

I was looking at my numb3rs100 prompt tables and got a little overwhelmed at how many unwritten prompts I have. So...

The first 3 people to go take a look at these tables and pick a prompt for me get to choose what character/pairing I write about for those prompts. :-)

writing, numb3rs100 tables, fic, numb3rs

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Comments 27

mustangcandi August 5 2011, 22:49:46 UTC
I pick Dream...

Ian/Nikki if you're inclined. (Thought I was gonna say David/Liz didn't you? mwahaha.)


sororcula August 5 2011, 23:05:30 UTC
You're fast! And you defy expectation. ;-) Thanks!


mustangcandi August 5 2011, 23:08:43 UTC
hehe. I think I just happened to pick the right time to come into LJ to see what's new in the world (while I wait for dinner to finish cooking.) :)

I do try to defy expectation. Can't be predictable now can I?


sororcula August 5 2011, 23:11:07 UTC
Hmm, what are you making for dinner? A little while ago one of my neighbors was cooking something that smelled amaaaazing as it came wafting through my window on the breeze.


magisterequitum August 6 2011, 00:07:43 UTC

David/Liz, steam.

This was really me wanting to say hello, in case that doesn't spark anything for you. :)


sororcula August 6 2011, 00:12:31 UTC
Aw, helloooooo! I haven't talked to you for a few days, how are you?

And I like that prompt! I actually already have a D/L WIP that involves steam but I think I might start over for this one, because it wasn't really going anywhere.


mustangcandi August 6 2011, 04:48:09 UTC
Candi likes this. Candi likes this VERY much.

*gets comfy on the floor and waits patiently for resulting fic


julietm August 6 2011, 19:39:17 UTC
How about Fireplace David/Liz


sororcula August 6 2011, 20:36:51 UTC
Ooh, lovely! Thanks. :-)


sororcula August 8 2011, 00:52:49 UTC
ACTUALLY, you get to give me another one because I found a drabble in my WIP folder that worked for this prompt that was basically already written in its entirety (which I am going to post in a little while).


julietm August 8 2011, 00:56:07 UTC
Ooooooooh! Ok!! *runs to look at tables


mustangcandi August 10 2011, 02:21:51 UTC
If you're up for more, there were four prompts that jumped out at me (all from the 100-200 table.)


Considering what else is in that table, I'm surprised these are the four that jumped out at me. I'm inclined to go with my favorite pairings on these but I'm trying to branch out... so if you'd like a character and/or pairing to go along with the prompts, read further. If not - ignore and do with these suggestion what you will.

Crumple: Don/Megan
Insomnia: Colby
Lick: Liz/Nikki
Photograph: Amita

And I'm sorry I didn't message you back today - I actually had to do work the rest of the afternoon. Tax payers everywhere are rejoicing. LOL.


sororcula August 10 2011, 02:36:22 UTC
Thanks! I love those prompts. I don't think I'll do a Don/Megan one because I don't really buy that pairing, but I like the other ones a lot.


mustangcandi August 10 2011, 02:38:26 UTC
(I don't really buy that pairing either but for some reason I thought you did. LOL. I'm more of Megan/Larry or Megan/Coop kind of girl. hehe.)



sororcula August 10 2011, 02:48:11 UTC
I think I've sort of touched on it once or twice, but yeah, I'm not really into it. I liked Megan/Larry a lot on the show, I thought they were really cute/sweet, but I've never been that interested in exploring them in fic, either reading or writing it. However! I really liked how Larry's storyline ended up, so I could see maybe doing some post-series M/L fic...

Megan/Coop I like, but I could ship Coop with anybody tbh. Like, I'm literally thinking through various characters and there's not one I wouldn't pair him with.


tivabee February 6 2012, 23:52:30 UTC


Randomly picked the prompt, and love the Don/Liz pairing. ;D


sororcula February 10 2012, 03:01:57 UTC
I just wanted to comment so you know I'm not ignoring this. :-) I haven't had time to do any writing this week, but I do have some ideas for this prompt, so hopefully I can get it written soon! Thanks.


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