Numb3rs drabble: Safe (Charlie, Don, Liz, PG-13)

May 05, 2009 00:43

So, back in February I posted This Time and for some reason people clamored for a sequel. OKAY, YOU GUYS. I wrote one. I hope it's not lame! That's the problem with sequels. Always leave 'em wanting more, that's what I always say. (I actually never say that. "Fake it till you make it" is my cliché phrase of choice.) Forgive me for the title. It's really late.

Title: Safe
Characters: Charlie, Don, Liz
Rating: PG-13
Summary: He hears shouts and a door slam.
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: none
Notes/Warnings: Unbetaed. Sequel to This Time. Tiny bit of implied violence, but nothing crazy.
Prompt: #183 Rescue at numb3rs100 (obvs)
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor do I profit from their use here. This is only for fun.

He hears shouts and a door slam, a few pairs of pounding feet and then the familiar, savior's cry of "FBI!" sounding through the building. He waits.

Liz is the one to reach him first. She doesn't smile, exactly, but she looks relieved as she unties him, presses a palm gently to his head as she asks if he's alright. He nods, stumbling on numbed legs when she helps him up.

"Where's Don?"

"Your brother... got a little overexcited," she says, and he wonders what that means until they emerge into the daylight and Don is standing in the street, cradling his right hand, the guy who'd snatched him safely handcuffed a few yards away, with knuckle-shaped bruises on his face.

As soon as Don sees Charlie he drops his arm, pain forgotten, and Liz barely has time to step away before Charlie is engulfed in a tight, panicked hug.

"Are you okay?" Don asks against the side of his head.

Charlie nods. He doesn't trust his voice not to break.

"Damn it, Charlie."

Don doesn't let go.

Around them, a crowd of noises as agents come and go. Charlie buries his face into his brother's shoulder and breathes.

numb3rs100, fanfiction, rated pg-13, n3 fic, drabbles, gen, numb3rs

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