Numb3rs drabble: Howdy Pardner (Charlie/Colby, PG-13)

Feb 16, 2009 20:43

So, uh. I wrote this. Colby will be looking at me with the expression in this icon for the rest of my LIFE. Whoops.

Howdy Pardner. Charlie/Colby, PG-13. 100 words.

"Really? A cowboy theme?" Colby asked, incredulous. Charlie shrugged.

"It seemed to fit," he offered.

Colby's eyes narrowed. Finally Charlie caved.

"OKAY," he said. "So I wanted to see you in chaps and a cowboy hat. Nobody would blame me."

Colby spluttered. "You actually LIED to me?"

Charlie smirked. "Skintight jeans and leather over your thighs, framing your ass right there? Cowboy hat pulled low, creating that mysterious Old West cowboy look? There's not a jury in the world that would convict me. Trust me. I've done the math on this."

Colby sighed, then smiled. "So where's your hoop skirt?"

rated pg-13, drabbles, numb3rs, fanfiction, numb3rs100, n3 fic, slash, colby/charlie

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