Impromptu SPN ficlet: "Alma Mater," gen

Dec 04, 2006 00:52

The Big Game (between UC Berkeley and Stanford) was on Saturday, and while I was happy about the outcome, I thought Sam might not be. *grins*

Title: Alma Mater
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: none (except Sam/Stanford? haha)
Rating: PG/PG-13, for language
Word count: ~255
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. I'm just playing for awhile. Their rightful owners put them through far worse situations than I do here. :-)
Warnings: Unbetaed. Written in about ten minutes.

Sam sighed quietly for the fifth time in 15 minutes, and Dean glanced at him--again--to find him concentrating on his book (some boring tome Dean was pretty sure wasn't even in English, but then, that was why Sam was reading it and not him) and frowning slightly.

"You okay there, Sam?"

Sam looked genuinely surprised when he looked up at Dean. "What? Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"You're in a real pissy mood today. More so than usual, I mean," he continued, before Sam could protest.

Sam rolled his eyes. "Whatever. It's nothing."

"'It's' nothing? What is 'it?'" Dean looked at him expectantly.

Sam tapped his fingers on the table, appearing to engage in some sort of inner debate over whether or not he should tell his brother.

Finally, he said, "Yesterday was the Big Game."

Dean blinked. "Excuse me? What big game?"

"The Big Game. Between Stanford and Berkeley?" Dean continued to look blank and Sam sighed again--sixth time, now--and shook his head. "Never mind. Just. It's a rivalry, okay? Stanford lost yesterday."

"Wait... Let me get this straight. There was a college football game yesterday, in a state across the country, at a school you don't even go to, and you're upset? Dude."

"Whatever, man. I told you it was nothing."

Dean gave his brother a strange look and resolved to tackle him to the ground if he fucking sighed again.

A few minutes of silence and then, "Fuckin' Bears," Sam muttered.

And now, to bed!

fanfiction, rated pg, supernatural, spn fic

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