016 ~ [Action]

Jul 18, 2011 16:02

[After being flung into countless numbers of trees from the third party's traps during the last draft, Ion swore to himself he'd never climb another tree for as long as he lived. Obviously, he didn't count on finding a baby bird having fallen out of its nest when he made that declaration. And with the mother bird calling for her child overhead, Ion ( Read more... )

!action, [mewtwo], kind to a fault, [nephry], [ororo], [arche], [master toph], [dist], fml, derp master ion, operation: rescue the princess!, [luke], [hubert], [tao], [vorona], [emil]

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[ action ] mistyarc July 19 2011, 02:31:13 UTC
[It's Uncle. In a nonexistent lifetime, anyway. In the process of putting a book back into a shelf, Hubert catches sight of Ion and ends up staring for a few seconds too long. Had something happened?

He turns back to the shelf in front of him. It's none of his business, and it'd be strange to ask after what they'd undergone in that experiment. But . . . perhaps Ion was hurt --

Then he wouldn't be in the library. Hmmm.]


[ action ] soreplaceable July 19 2011, 03:02:24 UTC
[Hubert may have turned away, but Ion caught him staring. He didn't have another twig in his hair, did he? He was sure he'd gotten them all... of course, his hair was still a bit more fluffed than usual and his clothes were looking a bit snagged in places from walking through the thorn bushes. The only reason he stood out was likely because of how careful he usually was about his appearance. But regardless, it would have been pointless to go all the way home when all he planned to do was pick up a few books.]

[And though they may not have spoken since that last experiment, it seemed rude not to say something. After all, based on what Ion can recall from that life, he was rather fond of him.]

Hello, Hubert.


[ action ] mistyarc July 19 2011, 03:10:21 UTC
[Hubert's hand lingers on the spine of the book he places back onto the shelf. He first eyes Ion through his peripherals, then turns around to properly greet him.]

Hello, Sir Ion.

[He's not sure why the "sir" tumbles out. It's most likely due to the fact that Ion was someone to be treated with respect back then. Even now, it would be awkward to address him otherwise.]


[ action ] soreplaceable July 19 2011, 04:54:54 UTC
[Ion thinks nothing of the formality, returning Hubert's greeting with a smile. Technically, he's used to being treated with such respect; just not usually in Luceti.]

Just Ion is fine. It's been awhile since we've spoken. Not since that experiment, right?


[ action ] mistyarc July 20 2011, 22:11:03 UTC
[That experiment -- is one he'd rather not think about ever again, but given the situation, it's inevitable that it would be brought up. Still, his answer is a frank one.]



[ action ] soreplaceable July 22 2011, 03:32:06 UTC
[Aww, come on now, it wasn't that bad! ...a little weird, granted, but everything in Luceti was weird.]

Have you been well? [Just some small talk would be fine while looking for a particular book, right? He'll just glance at Hubert while scanning the titles.]


[ action ] mistyarc July 22 2011, 07:37:41 UTC
[Never. It was the absolute worst. The most traumatic -- ]

Well enough.

[Frank responses are going to get them nowhere, even if it is small talk. So he adds:]



[ action ] soreplaceable July 23 2011, 05:29:09 UTC
I'm glad to hear it. [A smile.] And I'm doing well. I had a bit of an incident on my way here this morning, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.


[ action ] mistyarc July 23 2011, 08:17:42 UTC
[No, though from his rather ragged appearance . . . ]

What happened?


[ action ] soreplaceable July 23 2011, 08:32:58 UTC
I was on my way here when I found a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest. I followed the sound of its mother calling for help, but the nest was rather high up.

[A soft, somewhat embarrassed laugh.] I managed to get up fine, but the lower branches broke while I was climbing. I had to jump down. And the bushes around the tree had quite a few thorns in them...


[ action ] mistyarc July 24 2011, 04:41:34 UTC
However, you . . . jumped regardless?

[Unless someone came in and helped. He hopes that that's the case.]


[ action ] soreplaceable July 24 2011, 10:36:29 UTC
[And after using RNG to decide which rescue attempt would be canon for this thread...]

Well, there was someone there to make sure I didn't fall over when I landed. Though I couldn't jump far enough to avoid the thorns...


[ action ] mistyarc July 25 2011, 00:01:53 UTC
[ . . .

That's simply ridiculous -- ]

Have you gotten yourself checked for potential long-lasting injury?


[ action ] soreplaceable July 31 2011, 21:14:06 UTC
Thank you for your concern, but I'm all right. I was able to heal the worst of the cuts I received in the fall myself.

[Though seeing as he had to use his artes for that, getting a check up later would still be a good idea for him. They always made him feel so weak afterward.]


[ action ] mistyarc August 3 2011, 07:42:24 UTC
[At the same time, Hubert is bothered by how Ion looks fairly not presentable right now.]

And the least worst of the cuts?


[ action ] soreplaceable August 3 2011, 11:10:14 UTC
[Because clearly that's more important here. Still, it was hard to say would would look worse; having still-untreated cuts on his legs, or being covered in band-aids.]

I was planning on taking care of those once I returned home. But the library was closer and I didn't want to make two trips.


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