012 ~ [Action]

Feb 12, 2011 14:48

[Anise hadn't even been gone a full day yet and Ion already didn't know what to do with himself. It hurt to look across the hall and know that the room was empty. It hurt knowing he wouldn't see Anise's smiling face as she cooked breakfast in the morning. It hurt knowing he wouldn't get to spend another day with her around the village. It hurt ( Read more... )

[tear], [luke], !action, this is the saddest tag, [nephry], [wolfwood], [simon], [emil], [repliku], [dist]

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Comments 142

They will be bestest friends forever someday or something personafalsify February 13 2011, 01:01:05 UTC
[ This is the third time today Rep's seen you walk past.

Normally he wouldn't bother, but that sort of wandering looks kinda familiar.

So he's gonna just... maybe approach Ion. Uh.

Hi. ]


They can mourn the loss of their favorite ladies together, sob soreplaceable February 13 2011, 01:15:16 UTC
[Ion hasn't even realized he's been going along the same path. He's too distracted by his own thoughts to pay much attention to his surroundings. But he's not so distracted that he doesn't notice Riku approach.]

[For a moment, there's an attempt at a smile. It doesn't last very long.] Hello, Riku.


They are birds of a feather~ personafalsify February 13 2011, 01:58:18 UTC
[ He tilts his head and moves closer, trying to read Ion's expression.

What's up, man? ]


soreplaceable February 13 2011, 02:43:14 UTC
[His expression becomes easier to read in a second. It's difficult to hold a smile when you feel so down.]

...I'm sorry. I'm a little distracted today.


[Action] its_rose_damnit February 13 2011, 01:02:37 UTC
[Much like Ion had done, Dist has decided to get out of the house once the news that Anise was gone had reached him. It was strange; a feeling he wasn't comfortable with. He was both pleased to be rid of the little brat, but the emptiness, and utter quiet of the house now...it seemed unnatural - hollow.

So, when Ion enters Seventh heaven, he'll find Dist there, practicing a song on the piano there. It's very, very sloppy, but Dist has been repeating the tune over and over, so he's gradually getting the hang of it.]


[Action] soreplaceable February 13 2011, 01:20:12 UTC
[Ion hears the music and glances over at where Dist is playing. He hadn't really spoken to him since Anise...]

[He walks over and waits for a pause in his playing before speaking up.] Do you mind if I sit and listen for a while?


[Action] its_rose_damnit February 13 2011, 01:35:43 UTC
[Looking up with mild surprised when he hears and spies the Fon Master here, Dist takes a moment to actually respond. Once he does, however, his voice is subdued, and the attempt to make it as indifferent as possible hides an ulterior motive.]

...If you wish. I'm afraid I'm nothing short of a novice, however.


[Action] soreplaceable February 13 2011, 02:22:02 UTC
[The fact that Ion makes no effort to convince Dist otherwise by insisting his playing sounds good should let him know just what sort of mood he's in right now.]

[He takes a seat nearest the piano, for now just staring silently down at the table and listening.]


[Action] gasp! ABOUT TIME!! not_a_bluesbro February 13 2011, 01:35:11 UTC
[Wolfwood tends to walk around pretty damn often (gosh, it's like he's on patrol or something-don't know why he'd do that!) when he notices the familiar head of hair. He didn't know very many green-haired people, after all. It takes him a minute to straighten out his memories, but when he does, he pauses in front of the boy.]

Hey-it's you...!


[Action] OHAI soreplaceable February 13 2011, 01:54:30 UTC
[It takes a moment or two for Ion to stop and react, still rather distracted. He looks up at Wolfwood... and doesn't recognize him. After all, the last time he saw him he was only 8-years-old and Ion was kind of busy almost-dying.]



Re: [Action] Fancy meeting you here! In your entry. Eheh. not_a_bluesbro February 13 2011, 02:32:49 UTC
[That look of confusion turns into a grin, at the sound of Ion's voice; so the kid can talk now. That's good.]

Neck's all better now?

[He shifts the cross on his shoulder, suddenly realizing-]

Ah, right... I was a lot shorter, when you last met me.

[Does the scruffy-headed tan guy ring any bells yet, or should he make sure to be completely obvious?]


[Action] soreplaceable February 13 2011, 03:15:02 UTC
[It takes a minute for Ion to realize what he's talking about, but when he does, he actually seems to perk up just a bit.] You were... that boy who saved me.

[He'd probably look even more grateful had the circumstances of this been different, but as it stands, this is the happiest he's looked all day.]

You left before I had a chance to thank you. You saved my life...


[Action] cakeblocked February 13 2011, 06:13:18 UTC
[Luke had pretty much been doing the same thing. With Natalia gone, Luke just... wasn't sure what to do. It hurt to come out of his room and know that the one beside him, Natalia's, was empty... and then hearing about Anise...

He couldn't be home for a few days. Not often, at least - only coming home at night. So, Luke is wandering again, hands in his pockets and just watching his breath form into steam in the air, when he sees Ion on the pathway near the plaza.

Oh, jeez... Ion. He cared about Anise a lot, didn't he... Luke frowns a little with worry; How had Ion been doing? Only one way to find out.

Luke steps closer to Ion and raises his head a bit to call out:]



[Action] soreplaceable February 13 2011, 07:20:04 UTC
[It takes Ion a moment or two before he seems to register that someone said his name, and another moment before he realizes that person was Luke. He turns to face him and... well. Luke should know him well enough to be able to tell what his mood must be like.]

Luke... it's good to see you.

[Not even an attempt to smile.]


[Action] cakeblocked February 13 2011, 07:37:54 UTC
[Yeah, Luke can't manage a smile back, either. This is the first time someone close to him had been sent home, and back-to-back at that... And he couldn't believe what Asch had said, that it basically just gets easier. Luke can't imagine this getting easier...

He can tell how Ion's feeling, too. The fact that he's not even trying to smile tells Luke just about everything. He walks closer to Ion until he's a few feet away.]

... Yeah. I just needed some fresh air... I guess you needed it, too.


[Action] soreplaceable February 13 2011, 08:17:15 UTC
[He nods. It seemed like both households were having their fair share of problems right now, weren't they? Natalia left just a day earlier. Was it a coincidence? Or would more follow...?]

[He stares down at the ground for a few moments, not looking up when he speaks.] ...Luke, would you mind walking with me for a little while?


[action] seleniahymn February 13 2011, 07:33:40 UTC
[Tear hasn't been around the house much, coming home just shortly before Ion did. The pain of losing Natalia, then Anise in less than a day was still on her mind, making it hard to enter the quiet household knowing that the guardian wouldn't be there to greet her. It felt wrong.

She'll come out once she realizes Ion isn't coming in, joining him in silence on the front porch. Sometimes words couldn't express how one felt.]


[Action] soreplaceable February 13 2011, 09:07:01 UTC
[Ion doesn't acknowledge Tear's presence right away. He's spent the whole day avoiding his thoughts and now that he'd finally calmed down... well. It was finally settling in that Anise was back home now. He wasn't quite at peace with that idea just yet, but he was getting there. It would just take more time...]

[He looks up at the starry night sky, his voice soft when he speaks.] ...it's cold tonight, isn't it?


[Action] seleniahymn February 14 2011, 05:51:41 UTC
Yes it is... [Beyond that, she doesn't know what to say, she had never been good with these things without coming off as scolding. So she looks up at the sky too, thinking back on what Aether said about his home long ago.]

At least the sky is clear...


[Action] soreplaceable February 14 2011, 06:55:53 UTC
[He nods. His eyes remain locked on the sky, his expression somewhat hard to read. His voice remains even and calm, despite being so quiet.]

It's strange. Even in a place like this, so different from Auldrant, the stars feel the same... I wonder if that's the case for many of the people here.


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