All I Want for Christmas (Is You) - It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Dec 04, 2015 23:52

Title: It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Author: sophia_clark
Word Count: 985
Characters/Pairings: Draco, Pansy (eventual H/D)
Rating: PG-13 (Oh, wow!)
Warning: Snarky, sneaky Slytherins.
Summary: Draco really needs some non-Slytherin friends.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Notes: Written for slythindor100's 25 Days of Draco & Harry Traditional Prompt 4 - Official entrance to the Ministry, & for dracoharry100's Christmas Challenge prompt - Snow boots. Part four of All I Want for Christmas (Is You). The title for each part will be a different Christmas song/carol, because I love them all! :)

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Part One

"Ugh," Draco said, disgusted, as he stepped in a particularly wet patch of snow. He held his wand hidden up his coat sleeve on the packed muggle street and surreptitiously dried his leather shoes before they could be ruined.

He refused to sacrifice style for something as fickle as the weather, but perhaps it would be wise to invest in a nice pair of snow boots. Either that, or he could research which spell the Ministry used on the toilets in the main employee entrance. Some long-lasting and powerful variant of impervius, clearly. He would have to look into it.

Purchasing a new pair of boots would certainly be faster, and seeing as he was to traipse along outside with Teddy and Potter tomorrow night, he would look for some while he was out today. Luckily, he was meeting Pansy for lunch; she was always up for an impromptu shopping trip.

His destination finally came into sight and he sped up, ducking inside the narrow doorway after a woman with a bright yellow scarf, and glancing around at the small tables for a sign of his friend.

It had been Pansy’s idea to meet at this muggle cafe, a favorite of hers she discovered following the end of The Second War. The Wizarding World, while celebrating the downfall of Voldemort, had been in shambles, and emotions were extremely raw. Pansy, and many other sympathizers, ironically found it easier and much safer to be in the muggle world. She was more comfortable here now.

It was, of bloody course, Potter once again on the front lines, calling for peace and an end to the prejudice against Slytherins. He had even spoken on behalf of Draco and his mother at their trials. Even though things were improving three years out, progress was slow. At any rate, Draco didn’t mind meeting at the muggle restaurant; he merely wished his shoes didn’t have to suffer for it.

Looking around the small space, Draco could see why Pansy liked it so much. The owners had obviously done some remodeling to the inside. Every surface was sleek, precise lines in black and white, stainless steel, and glass. Very minimalist and modern, and very Pansy.

Almost as though she knew someone in the vicinity was thinking about her, Pansy’s sharp eyes suddenly found Draco’s from across the room, and she waved him over. He leaned down to kiss her fair cheek in greeting before taking the seat opposite her.

"Afternoon, Pans. Have you been waiting long?”

"Only about five minutes. We’re lucky I got this table. The nutters are out in droves today." Draco looked around at the cafe’s other patrons, noticing the bulging shopping bags most were carrying.

"Well, it is the most wonderful time of the year, you know. So many people out doing their shopping means everywhere’s bound to be more crowded than usual. That reminds me..."

Just then a very tall young woman in a red and green striped apron came bouncing over to take their order, promising with a smile to be back in a jiff, whatever that meant.

"She’s certainly feeling chipper," Pansy said. "What were you saying before Little Miss Uppers appeared?" Draco rolled his eyes, but otherwise chose to ignore Pansy’s comment. It would only encourage her.

"I was about to say that I need to find a suitable pair of snow boots for tomorrow. I can’t be bothered worrying about my shoes every five minutes walking around in this weather. What’s the name of that muggle place you mentioned, Harrods, isn’t it? I thought we could look there if you’re free after lunch."

Draco wasn’t ashamed to admit, to himself at least, that the calculating look on Pansy’s face unnerved him. He’d seen it far too many times and knew exactly what it was capable of. He did not appreciate it being directed at him.

"What, do I need to bribe you to get you to a store now? Fine, I’ll get you that scarf you’ve been eyeing if you’ll come with me." Now she was smirking at him. Wonderful.

"You’ve gone soft, Draco. I certainly will take that scarf now that you mention it, but that’s not what I was thinking about." Draco sighed as their overly-perky waitress came back with their food, her bright smile faltering for a moment at the decidedly evil glint now in Pansy’s eyes. Pansy waited until she left again to continue.

"Is there any particular reason you need new boots for tomorrow, Draco? It is the gift giving season, after all. You can’t wait until Christmas like a good boy?"

Damn you, mother. Of course you told the evil cow about Potter’s invitation. Draco seethed internally, not showing any hint of weakness to the predator in front of him. She was good, but Draco was a Slytherin too.

"I simply wish to protect my shoes as soon as possible. I don’t see why..."

"Oh, bollocks! I know where you’ll be tomorrow, and who you’ll be with." She looked viciously triumphant now, and Draco was glad that at least she was only trying to embarrass him, not destroy him completely. "Why won’t you just admit that you want to shag the pants off of Golden Boy and have at it? I’ve seen him ogling your arse you know, so I really don’t think it’d be that hard."

She snorted as Draco felt his cheeks heat uncomfortably. He was not going to be dragged into this conversation with her again. It was absolutely ridiculous, not to mention insane. He narrowed his eyes at her as she continued to sit there, looking supremely satisfied with herself.







As annoyed as he was, Draco couldn’t help it. His lips twitched into a small smile, and before long they were both leaning on the little table, laughing uncontrollably. Merlin, he had the most terrible, best friends.


Part Five

advent fic, comm: slythindor100, holiday: christmas, challenge: christmas 2015, rated: pg-13, arc: all i want for christmas, ship: draco/harry, ewe, fandom: harry potter, challenge: 25 days 2015, comm: dracoharry100, era: post-war

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