All I Want for Christmas (Is You) - Christmas Time Is Here

Dec 02, 2015 00:08

Title: Christmas Time Is Here
Author: sophia_clark
Word Count: 611
Characters/Pairings: Harry, Teddy, Andromeda (eventual H/D)
Rating: G (for now)
Warning: Cuteness and three-year-old speech patterns.
Summary: Harry meets a few friendly faces in Diagon Alley.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Notes: Written for slythindor100's 25 Days of Draco & Harry Traditional Prompt 1 - Snow-covered lane with shops, & for dracoharry100's Christmas Challenge prompt - First snowflake / snow. This is the first part of what I’m calling, All I Want for Christmas (Is You). The title for each part will be a different Christmas song/carol, because I love them all! :)

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Diagon Alley looked as beautiful as a Christmas card. All the shops had twinkling fairy lights strung up and boughs of fresh greenery adorning every available surface. There were large, gleaming snowflakes floating along in the air every few feet. Though the sun had set hours before, the whole street was illuminated by the festive lights, making the light snowfall that had begun earlier that day seem to glitter and glow.

Harry was admiring the little cluster of trees that had been set up outside his favorite cafe when something suddenly hit the backs of his legs and clamped on. He smiled when he turned around and saw a mop of lurid magenta hair beneath a knitted hat that looked like wolf ears.

“Teddy,” he said as he scooped the bouncing boy into his arms, “Did you come here all by yourself, buddy?”

“No, Ha-wwy! Gamma comed wif me!” The little boy grinned as he continued bouncing in Harry’s grip.

Harry smiled and nodded at a frazzled-looking Andromeda as she joined them. He knew it couldn’t be easy for her to raise an excitable three-year-old by herself, which was why he visited often and helped her every chance he got. He took his godfatherly duties very seriously. That and well, Teddy really was an adorable child. Harry couldn’t imagine his life without him.

“Harry,” Andromeda said, her breath visibly puffing out between them. “Thank you for this suggestion. Teddy has been so excited all day.” She leaned in to kiss Teddy’s pink cheek, making him giggle.

“We go see Wheezes' Wiz’d Wheezees now, peas!”

Harry chuckled as he brought Teddy onto his hip and gave him a squeeze. “Yeah, buddy, we’re going to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes now.”

“Yaaaaaaaay!” Harry readjusted his grip on Teddy as they walked down the lane. He was practically vibrating with excitement. “I wanna get pwesents fo’ Gamma an’ Hawwy an’ Dwaco an’ Gamma Molly an’...”

Ah, yes. Draco. It had taken Harry some time to adjust to calling the prat by his first name, but then, Harry supposed that he wasn’t so much of a prat these days. Not around Teddy anyway.

About two months after The Battle of Hogwarts, Narcissa Malfoy had owled her sister, hoping to reconnect and rebuild their relationship. She began visiting Dromeda and Teddy every other week, and soon Draco came along to see his aunt and cousin as well. This meant Harry had seen a lot more of Draco than he’d wanted to at the time, but the more he saw him with Teddy, the more Harry realized that maybe he really wasn’t all bad.

Teddy absolutely adored his cousin Draco. He talked about him constantly and loved emulating his white blond hair. Harry might be jealous of Teddy’s obvious affections if Dromeda didn’t assure him that Teddy never stopped talking about Harry whenever he wasn’t there.

“Does Dwaco like fi’wooks?”

Harry looked over to Dromeda, who sighed and shook her head.

“I’m not sure, love. We can ask Auntie Cissa when we see her tomorrow afternoon.”

“Os-tay,” Teddy said, smiling brightly. He started squirming as they neared the shop, so Harry set him down and grabbed a small, gloved hand.

“Remember, buddy, stay with Grandma and I, and keep your hands to yourself. Just ask us if you want to see something closer, right?”


Harry pecked a kiss on Teddy’s forehead and straightened up. If someone had told him three years ago that he’d be happily helping pick out a Christmas gift for Draco Malfoy, he’d have laughed in their face. As it was, he just smiled and led the way into the packed and noisy store.


Part Two

advent fic, comm: slythindor100, holiday: christmas, challenge: christmas 2015, arc: all i want for christmas, ship: draco/harry, rated: g, ewe, fandom: harry potter, challenge: 25 days 2015, comm: dracoharry100, era: post-war

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