All I Want for Christmas (Is You) - Carol of the Bells

Dec 02, 2015 23:52

Title: Carol of the Bells
Author: sophia_clark
Word Count: 736
Characters/Pairings: Draco, Teddy, Andromeda, Narcissa (eventual H/D)
Rating: G (still for now)
Warning: More cuteness and three-year-old speech patterns.
Summary: Draco receives an interesting letter.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Notes: Written for slythindor100's 25 Days of Draco & Harry Traditional Prompt 2 - Owl flying through snow, & for dracoharry100's Christmas Challenge prompt - Church bells. Part two of All I Want for Christmas (Is You). The title for each part will be a different Christmas song, because I love them all! :)

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Part One

Draco pointed his wand at his sodden trousers, instantly drying and warming them. The lane leading away from the manor was covered in a blanket of snow from the day before, with more lightly falling around him and ice clinging to the yew hedges on either side. He would much rather be inside his nice, warm manor than outside slipping through the snow, but his little rascal of a cousin had insisted they go out to play.

“Dwaco! Come oooooooonnnnn! You slow!” Teddy ran ahead, heedless of his sopping clothes. Every time he fell into the snow, it only made him laugh harder. Draco couldn’t help his smile as he dried Teddy’s clothes once again.

“I’ll show you slow, imp,” Draco said as he caught up with the boy and lifted him, tickling his sides. Teddy’s carefree giggles were suddenly accompanied by the bells from the local church chiming out the hour in the distance. Draco’s smile grew as he listened to the beautiful ringing and watched Teddy squirming in anguished delight.

Pansy liked to say (loudly, and to anyone who would listen) that Draco had become a sentimental puff, but really. What did that cow know? There was nothing wrong with showing affection to a three-year-old, and doing so did not make him any less of a Slytherin. Besides, Draco would defy anyone to spend even a minute with Teddy and not fall in love with the boy.

“Oh my, you’re nearly frozen.” Draco said, nuzzling a rosy cheek and eliciting more giggles. “We must get you inside before you turn into an imp-cicle.” He smirked at Teddy’s loud snort.

“You silly, Dwaco. I no fwoze.” Draco rolled his eyes and set Teddy on his feet, facing back towards the grand house down the lane.

“Be that as it may, it is time for someone to have snack and then a nap, I believe.” Draco could see the protest in Teddy’s eyes, so he quickly said, “I’ll race you to the door.” The boy was always up for a challenge, just like his irritatingly-ridiculous godfather.

“Os-tay, go!” Teddy tore off like a snitch, and Draco laughed in delight as he followed. The front door opened up ahead to reveal Aunt Andromeda, who smiled upon seeing them rushing towards her.

“Here are our boys, Cissa. Just in time for a snack.” She picked up a cheering Teddy and kissed his nose. “Let’s get these wet clothes off and wash up, hmm?”

Teddy babbled excitedly to her about their snowy adventure all the way down the hall. Draco dried himself off one last time before stepping inside.

“Before you shut the door, it seems we have a message,” his mother said from beside him. Draco turned to see a handsome Great Gray Owl soaring down through the snow. They stood back to let the large bird swoop inside, and he came to rest on an ornate little table nearby. Draco took the offered parchment from the creature’s leg as Narcissa went to look for a few owl treats. It was addressed to him in a now familiar, messy scrawl.


I wanted to let you know I’m taking Teddy on a holiday lights tour through my neighborhood this weekend. He’s getting so excited for Christmas and I think it’ll be a lot of fun for him.

I know it might not be that exciting for you since it’s a muggle thing, but Teddy would be very happy if you came too. Think about it and let me know if you want to join us.


“Who is it from, darling?” Draco hadn’t heard his mother return. He handed her the letter and watched the owl munch his treats and take off again with no further ado. After closing the door Draco looked back to find her smirking at him.

“And just what is that look for?” He had a good idea what it was for, he just didn’t want to be the one to say it.

“Whatever do you mean? I’m simply pleased Mr. Potter extended you this invitation, darling. It is very kind of him, and I do believe Teddy will be thrilled to have you both there.” She turned to follow the sounds of Teddy eating and talking that were carrying from the dining room. “Almost as thrilled as you’ll be with the company, I imagine.”

Draco huffed as he strode after her. Thrilled indeed.


Part Three

advent fic, comm: slythindor100, holiday: christmas, challenge: christmas 2015, arc: all i want for christmas, ship: draco/harry, rated: g, ewe, fandom: harry potter, challenge: 25 days 2015, comm: dracoharry100, era: post-war

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