note: written for Kairo, who had asked if I could write a Krisyeol hp!au after that one night where we sat in Tom n Toms, discussing which houses the boys would be sorted in to. Also cross-posted this on my wordpress too. ( Read more... )
title: Caramel Coffee. pairing: ChanSoo. rating: pg genre: word-vomit should be a genre. notes: it was inspired by Chanyeol saying that Kyungsoo is his soulmate and Kyungsoo saying that Chanyeol is noisy because he talks too much. (both can be found on the NAVER Star Guest)
title: from am to pm. pairing: sehun-centric (with a pinch of Kyungmyeon) rating: pg genre: it can't be defined notes: written for this prompt at exopromptmeme. sorry it took so long! been so busy with social life. also sorry if it doesn't make sense. It's currently past 3:30AM here. lol