Dec 01, 2002 21:51
i'm so glad to be home! i was away from my family for 4 days, i have missed them so much!
Nov 23, 2002 22:15
Hey Wuv, I was just watching that DVD to see the screw up David was talking about and I noticed something. Your boobs are bigger than Pam Anderson's. It's insane, so to do us all a favor I am going to buy you a bra for Christmas so you can be free to do jumping jacks without hurting yourself.
Nov 06, 2002 22:17
wuv is being scary...not that's ne thing new.
Oct 23, 2002 22:38
hey everyone! i haven't been able to update in a few days cause my comp. has been acting up! grr! i think u may all be dead anyways so what does it matter!
Oct 17, 2002 20:39
ok, everyone i know...well not everyone...but two of my friends who have dreads i have cut them off. i think i will join them and cut mine off.
Oct 16, 2002 21:20
today was a very good day! that is all!
Oct 14, 2002 20:24
wuv is being very dumb and immature! it's very aggravating seeing that i have a cold! that is all.
Oct 08, 2002 22:07
there are just some people in this world who are bitter! that is all.
Sep 25, 2002 20:19
hey guys!what's up? ok, me and wuv went out in P.O.D. shirts today, but yet no one seemed to recognize us! we're just not feeling the love!
Sep 24, 2002 20:47
hey everyone! sorry i haven't been on in a few days, but i got another computser and had to hook it up! i missed u all sooo much...ok maybe not sooo! well ne how i'm back!