Title: Priceless Pairing: RyoKame (Nishikido Ryo x Kamenashi Kazuya) Rating: PG Summary: It just appears, like a story going from beginning to the happy ending in a single second. Notes: under the lj-cut.
haha, it started out depressing-ish (because I was at work when I wrote this and had been at work for 8 hours already =___=) but then it turned sweet somehow...? idk...? XD
I'm glad you liked it though!! :) lol, I wish someone would wake me up with ryokame :D
Hope your work gets better soon! I had my own hectic day yesterday so I somewhat understand - worked an event until 1am, passed out when I finally got home, woke up to my phone buzzing with missed calls and texts telling me I had more work to do, even though it's supposed to be a public holiday today.
Really glad I decided to check my f-page between typing documents and sending emails. This was like a burst of sunshine on a gloomy day, or what Kame's smile is to Ryo. I really love the way you described that moment btw. When I saw the line in the summary I didn't really think much of it, but in context...(: Thanks for making my day. <3
oh man, I didn't think it was possible but you seem to have an even more stressful workplace than I do!! ): 1 am?? >__< that totally sucks, I'm sorry >_<
But haha, I am happy to hear that this fic, at the very least, made your day a little better :) it's good for something at least (no matter how fail I've been at writing! ^^)
Comments 21
I'm glad you liked it though!! :) lol, I wish someone would wake me up with ryokame :D
Really glad I decided to check my f-page between typing documents and sending emails. This was like a burst of sunshine on a gloomy day, or what Kame's smile is to Ryo. I really love the way you described that moment btw. When I saw the line in the summary I didn't really think much of it, but in context...(: Thanks for making my day. <3
But haha, I am happy to hear that this fic, at the very least, made your day a little better :) it's good for something at least (no matter how fail I've been at writing! ^^)
Good luck at work!! :)
haha, yeah, it is strangely sweet isn't it? :)
it's been quite sometime since i find the new one :)
thanks a lot!
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