shabby-chic, picspam, work, expo, rl, liverpool

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  • Another life update

    son_of_darkness Feb 27, 2016 16:01

  • Just finished my first month working at the Beatles Story. It's going really well, so far. I'm in the cafe, so it's standard barista work - making coffees, grilling sandwiches and paninis, cleaning tables, till work, basic kitchen duties, etc - but I'm enjoying it. Picked up most things fairly quickly, though preparing the food in the kitchen is ( Read more... )

    work, flat, expo, rl, cosplay

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  • Life Update and awesome stuff :D

    son_of_darkness Jan 16, 2016 01:09

  • Signed the lease papers and picked up the keys for my flat on the 8th. So even though I'm not technically living in it yet, the place is officially mine!! :D

  • Have spent the past week organising bills and utilities. I've set up my gas/electric with Scottish Power, internet with TalkTalk, and my water with United Utilities. TV licence I'll get ( Read more... )

    work, flat, rl

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  • Life updaaaaaate :D

    son_of_darkness Jan 04, 2016 22:19

  • Finished my Christmas job at Primark. It was interesting working there - definitely picked up a few new skills, worked with some nice people, have something new to add to my CV - but I'm definitely glad it's over. Not the kind of thing I want for the long-term. I have a small holiday in London booked in a couple of weeks time, so I'll save the ( Read more... )

    work, christmas, rl

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