chuck/castiel (dean/castiel) | You're the dark room he'll always remember

May 18, 2010 20:17

chuck/castiel, implied dean/castiel. pg-13. spoilers for 5.04, the end; drug abuse, character death. ~4,570.
(c) title from you have a face carved of stone by cesare pavese

a/n: for thevinegarworks on the most glorious occassion of celebrating her birth, which was well over two months ago, but hey! i did it :) *gropes* ( Read more... )

rating: pg-13, pairing: dean/castiel, pairing: chuck/castiel, fandom: supernatural, type: coda

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Comments 9

ephemerall May 19 2010, 03:09:43 UTC
This. This is so achingly beautiful; there are so many breaks and cracks in these men, and you fill them in just enough for it to still be painful, but lovely.


devilyouwere May 23 2010, 16:41:54 UTC
Oh gosh, thank you so much! I'm really glad the story worked for you.


thevinegarworks May 20 2010, 09:30:16 UTC
Oh my jesus christ. That was... brutal. It twists and dips and rises and hurts and stings, burns, oh my fuck.

Chuck does (plans it in four-step rhythm, the story he'll tell himself because of it, he needs to hear it like it's all make-believe: you, he tells himself, you carry him back to the truck, tell him shut up shut up I'm driving, he's crying out again; carry him up the hill, carry him up the wet grass, carry him up the stairs, to the bed; no one's come back, no one knows, they will; pull down the bottles, whatever comes down into your open hands first, it'll work, and feed it to him quick, wait for his eyes to roll, to lay down, hands resting on the back of your neck; lock him in his own room, leave him, back against the wall, slide down, head in your hands, you can't think).

I cried here, man, legit cried. I read this whole thing twice over throughout the past two days, just letting it sink in and savoring it. It's visceral and sharp and wow. The repeating elements - flying, not praying, coffins, crosses, colors, twine - gave ( ... )


devilyouwere May 23 2010, 16:45:38 UTC
You cried? omg, that is fantastic (for me, not for you; this is really odd saying I'm glad you cried). God, thank you, bb! I am seriously so happy you enjoyed the fic and liked it. And thank you for requesting it! I'm so happy to have written this. I ADORE YOU (AND CHUCK) AS WELL. <3333


jabber_moose May 21 2010, 03:44:36 UTC
My heart is lodged in my throat, and refuses to return to my chest.


Oh, god...beautiful, painful, scattered in all the right ways.

Damnitall. I'm just.



devilyouwere May 23 2010, 16:47:07 UTC
Your speechlessness suffices :) Thank you so much for reading! I'm glad the story worked for you. This is kind of what I was aiming for :)


(The comment has been removed)

devilyouwere May 23 2010, 16:49:11 UTC
Chuck/Castiel is something I've thought about a little but never had much interest in, but you made them so interesting.

Best compliment, srsly ♥ That's what worries me about rarepairs--it seems like a great idea, but being able to make it interesting is the hardest part. I'm glad that I did that! :)

I'm really really glad that you liked the fic. I don't think it was meant to be happy or leave a feeling of happiness at enjoying it, but I'm glad that it did leave strong emotions. And now my comment is getting longer than yours because I ramble.

Thank you!! ♥


colazitron September 19 2010, 12:39:13 UTC
Ouch. This was incredibly painful and gorgeous. I love what you did here, with the plastic bones and fuses and the "fix it". Wow.


devilyouwere September 21 2010, 02:38:43 UTC
Thank you so much! :D I'm really glad you enjoyed it.


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