Dear Author Letter

Feb 09, 2012 01:04

Dear Author,

First of all, thank you for writing something for me (clockwork_sky)!

In general, I like hurt/comfort, happy endings, UST and relationship (of any kind) development. I also like "What if..." sort of scenarios.

For X-Men: First Class, I adore all the characters in this movie (except Shaw)--probably more than is healthy--and I am a sucker for anything in which they get happier endings than canon afforded them. Moira and Raven are the two that I've thought about the most, but Angel also intrigues me. I can't think of anything further I didn't write in the option details that's relevant. My primary involvement in this fandom has been with Charles/Erik, but I think the ladies don't get their fair share of attention and I'm always happy to find thoughtful fic about anyone.

I love Moira and appreciate her unique position of being a majority "on the side" of the minority and being mortified by the behavior of her fellow humans. Dealing with the potential for guilt by association and yet knowing that your own motives are right provides for interesting tension, I think. I also just have an affection for her personality.

There was a moment in the film between Raven and Angel ("I'd rather a bunch of guys stare at me with my clothes off than the way these ones stare at me."/"At us.") that makes me really interested to see their relationship explored either as a friendship or romance, especially since Raven has canonical romantic involvement with at least one woman in the comics. However, I also would like to see Raven/Hank take a turn for the better in some way. Also, her friendship with Erik either as a source of comfort to them after the Beach Divorce or developing at some point during the movie apart from what we saw on-screen would be nice.

There's less to say about Angel, but I would really like an gen exploration of her relationships with the other Kids apart from what I mentioned above about Raven. If, among the Kids, you have a different ship for Angel, I'd also be pretty content to see that explored as I can't think of any among them that would squick me, though they haven't really occurred to me before.

I basically explained everything for Cassie in Push, if that's what you're writing for. The way I worded it there might make it sound like I think she doesn't have an identity outside Nick, which I realized belatedly. However, this isn't what I meant at all but I just don't want to keep editing the comment. What I mean, more clearly, is that I think prior to meeting Nick that Cassie is very young to have been on her own for such a long time, and it's clear in the film that she is learning how to associate her identity with another person, so perhaps later on down the line she finds herself a bit too closely emotionally entwined with him for her comfort as someone who had to have the life she did prior to meeting him, so dealing with that would be intriguing, I think. I like complicated relationships that blur lines, and I think Nick and Cassie having one another in any way, shape or form when they don't have a lot else to rely on in the world is precious. However, it would be undeniably complicated, so I'd like it if this weren't ignored in favor of absolutely idealistic fluff.

The only other comment I have about Ygraine is that I sort of like to see arranged marriages work out, so in addition to other comments about her relationship with Uther, if this were an element to it prior to tragedy striking, I would find that interesting.

All of these things said, any deviation is welcome! I'd love to see what you come up with. The only thing that really squicks me is excessive violence or permanent death that I can think of immediately.

Thank you!
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