[intro post] Time won't let me go...

Dec 28, 2020 03:31

"Some would be inspired... Some would run away... And some would go mad..."

-The Doctor, The Sound of Drums (Doctor Who S03E12)

This is where the icons, fic, and other creations of clockwork_sky live. All entries are public unless there is a specified reason, but please feel free and encouraged to friend this journal if you like what you see.

If you're interested in , share her fandom views, like some of her stuff, or are just lonely, you're in fact encouraged to go say hi.

Intro Updated: Dec. 28, 2010

Currently, this journal's layout is WE ALL END FLOATING AWAY by ghost_factory.

Previously, it was by milou_veronica, which is also a good place to get more skillfully CCS'd layouts than those by me. As is mintyapple in general, but if I make something, I'd be flattered if you use it and would love to hear about it.

Helpful links can be found on the bottom left of the sidebar-like creature.

Current header and navigational quotes are from: Time Won't Let Me Go by The Bravery.

Legal Info

Textual Content of someinspired by Bethany Adkins is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Image Content of someinspired by Bethany Adkins is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

All other non-transformative content of someinspired by Bethany Adkins is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything unless I say I do. Most of my work is related to fandom and none of the tv shows, movies, books, or other entertainment media displayed in any form here-within this page/entry or any other entry on this blog belongs to me unless otherwise specified and is intended to fall within accordance with the legal opinion and standards of the Organization for Transformative Works as is set forth here and here. Any information or content which does not classify as a transformative work is held under a Creative Commons License. Any resources or works belonging to another individual will be credited appropriately. When crediting information is not available, it will still be made clear that I was not the original creator or owner of anything which does not belong to me.

!intro post, !resources, potentially useful stuff, !sticky

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