❖ MOON CYCLE 09/10 ❂ 03/03/10 - 03/13/10
Phase: First quarter waxing to half; the transition between the two phases is faster than usual.
Weather: Everything is calm with fair weather. Though the temperature is still chilly, it's slowly rising to around upper mid-50s. Snow is starting to melt and the ice covering any large exposed bodies of water like the ponds and small lakes will be a lot thinner. There is no new snowfall.
Effects: The Dreamberries are back to normal and are fully functional. However there are a few changes (detailed below). Everyone will be feeling exhausted for the first couple of days, but will soon calm and relax again as everything has been returned to normal. Or so it seems. The ghosts are also nowhere to be found.
Notes: There are a lot of game changes starting from now on, so please take note of them.
- Death/"Hiatus" displays are gone. Before, when a character died or was put into a sleep coma or disappeared due to hiatus effects, the names on the Dreamberries would reflect that state. Starting now, all the names will look the same no matter what state the character is in. In other words, characters will be unable to tell what has happened to a character.
- Mod Shop is vacant. This will be detailed further on down, but if any character were to attempt to enter the mod shop, they would find the door stuck and a large "CLOSED" sign hanging in front of it. No matter what your character does, they will be unable to enter the store.
We have a lot of other important game news, so please read the rest under the cut.
❖ barrier changes
The barrier has now been weakened to a degree. While the monsters from the outside cannot come in, characters can freely pass through the barrier.
Passes are no longer necessary.
This is of course not common knowledge. Everyone will still believe the passes are necessary to pass the barrier until someone tries to go through the barrier. When going through the barrier, characters will feel a strange tingly feeling when passing. It should also be noted that characters will be able to re-enter just as easily.
❖ no more credit system
We've decided to pretty much scrap the credit system. It was a good concept, but implementing it proved more difficult than originally anticipated. The dream charges are still important to the game, but they won't actually be used anymore.
The credits do still exist, just implicitly. You will no longer need to keep track of the number of credits or type of charges. We apologize for any confusion or hindrance this might have caused in the past.
❖ closing mod shop
As mentioned in the moon cycle, the mod shop is now closed. This is going to be permanent. With the credit system scrapped and the passes no longer needed, there really is no more need for it. Any of the other items that used to be there can be found at random.
Until the end of this cycle, the shop building will still be there, but it will be replaced at the beginning of the next cycle. More details will be made then.
❖ castle temporarily closed
With or without passes, no one will be able to access the castle and as stated before, the ghosts have seemingly disappeared. Try as your character might, the only reaction they'll get from banging on the doors is silence. There is just no way into the castle.
But don't worry, the castle will be made available after this cycle. Details will be made then.
❖ activity check revisions
So far the monthly Activity Checks have been going rather well, but it still needs some tweaking. After some suggestions from other players, we'd like to ask you, the players, to give us feedback on the following propositions we have to change it:
- Activity Checks will be made during the last full week of every month. This would mean that all activity asked for will have been made during that month. So for example, if everyone is on board with this, the next AC would be from March 24 - March 31. In this case, the dates required would be from the end of the last AC (Feb 21) until March 31. However, for the month of April, the check would be from April 23 - April 30. All threads would have to be from April only. This is essentially to make it easier for players to remember when the AC is and to prepare accordingly.
- No more required Dream Posts. We've been considering this for a while and we have decided that Dream posts should no longer be required for Activity Checks. This does not mean that characters can no longer dream or use posts for the AC. We still encourage dream posts, and we have plans for future "events" that will use the dreams. The original 15 total comment requirement will still hold. If this goes through, this is how the new requirement list would look like:
✦ Post (any kind) / Thread with character 1 / Thread with character 2
✦ Post (any kind) / Post (any kind) / Thread with any other character
We appreciate any feedback you might have, and will make a new post with the final decision within the next few days.
As usual, if you have any questions regarding any of this, you are free to comment here and ask. There will also be another mod post within the next few days, so keep an eye out!