Applications are only open for the first two weeks of the month. That is, from the 1st through the 14th. Applications close at exactly 12:00 AM (
CST) on the 15th of the month. Any applications
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Comments 4786
[Age] 23
[Personal Journal] XxBlackJadexX , but I no longer use this. Most of it is locked up, anyway. Very personal, I prefer not to be contacted through here.
[Other characters currently played] Relena Peacecraft / Gundam Wing / xDove_Of_Peacex Currently being played at phase_rpg. Also previously played as Inara Serra from Firefly (XxInara_SerraxX) at Econtra and applying at Pluto IX as Near from Death Note. (Near_Number1
[Character name] Jasper (Whitlock) Hale
[Age] 20 / 166
[Canon] Twilight
[Point in time taken from canon] New Moon, a short time after Bella's birthday party but before the Cullens moved away.
[Background]Jasper Hale was born in Texas in 1843 with the name Jasper Whitlock. When Jasper was 18, he joined the Confederate States Army to fight in the Civil War. He had a natural gift of empathy, and with his personality and charisma he was able to rise quickly through the army’s ranks. His days in the army were numbered, however, one unfortunate night when he ran into a few young women on the side of the road. They weren’t ordinary women… they were vampires ( ... )
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As a friendly note, we'd like to inform you that the Tunnels Event is currently ongoing. You are free to join in and participate with your ( ... )
[Age] 19
[Personal Journal] ”maryohki”
[Other characters currently played] n/a
[Character name] Rue
[Age] 14
[Canon] Princess Tutu
[Point in time taken from canon] the end of episode 24, just before the Raven takes her captive.
[Background]Rue is a grand example of someone with a mistaken identity. She is a human girl living in Gold Crown Town, but she was kidnapped when she was very young by the Raven. This evil bird is the primary villain in Drosselmeyer’s story “The Prince and the Raven”. Drosselmeyer never finished the book, so the Raven got bored and left the book’s pages in favor of Gold Crown Town. The story’s Prince followed, to the delight of Drosselmeyer’s spirit. Because of this, Gold Crown Town became engulfed in Drosselmeyer’s story ( ... )
At this point, I believe her renouncing her “relation” to the Raven has ceased her ability to become Princess Kraehe, so she has no supernatural powers. So, all that remains is the fact that Rue is a skilled ballerina. She is at the top of her class in the Gold Crown Town ballet school, and can out-dance pretty much any of the other students.
[Other important stuff]
For obvious reasons, she really does not like crows. Also, just for reference, if I get accepted, Rue’s journal is needs_no_heart.
((Also, please forgive my fail with my username in the first comment. It's maryohki. I only just now figured out why it did that, and I'm not able to edit posts. Sorry!))
[Age] 25
[Personal Journal] zully
[Other characters currently played] N/A
[Character name] Lina Inverse
[Age] 17
[Canon] Slayers
[Point in time taken from canon] Directly after TRY.
[Background]Lina grew up the daughter of a working class merchant family. She has an older sister, Luna, who was the village darling. She excelled at martial arts while Lina grew an appreciation for food and money while working with her parents in their store, which was in effect the village's "general goods" store ( ... )
Lina's also pretty emotionally immature. She'll tease someone else to no end about sex or having a crush on someone, but the second anyone so much as IMPLIES the same with her, she'll turn bright red, fluster, and possibly hit you. She's not out to find some great romance or fall in love and settle down and get married. This girl's all about money, though she'll take the occasional side detour to save the world if she ends up having to. She is a good person, she's just so selfish that she often lets greed overshadow that aspect of herself more often than not.
[Abilities] She uses magic, and is especially strong with black magic. She's the only known human who can control the Giga Slave, a spell that calls upon the creator of all universes herself, The Lord of Nightmares, and is essentially pure chaos energy. If not controlled carefully it could consume the world, and it actually killed her once. She also is pretty good at shamanistic magic, specifically Fire-based spells. Her knowledge of white magic is limited more or less to the ( ... )
We don't want a recap of the entire series, but there were a few key events that occurred in each season that should be mentioned. Just give a more detailed, short summary of each one and also mention the rest of the characters, that should be good!
If you could reply to this comment with the revised background section, we will review it and give you a response ASAP!
You have until July 23.
[Age] 17.
[Personal Journal] hallucinashun
[Other characters currently played] n/a
[Character name] Endrance / Kaoru Ichinose.
[Age] 20.
[Canon] .hack//G.U.
[Point in time taken from canon] After the third game.
[Background] Seven years before, Endrance was a Wavemaster called Elk, when the online game, The World was still version R:1. At that time, Elk constantly relied on his friend Mia, a player character with the appearance of a cat. When Mia started to become fascinated with the Twilight Bracelet, worn by the Twin Blade Kite, Elk became jealous ( ... )
[Other important stuff] Nothing really, except Endrance is pretty epic looking compared to a lot of others, seeing as he’s a straight-up MMO character from about 2016.
[Sample post] It isn’t actually all that strange to Endrance to find himself looking at a sort of floating castle. It looks a lot like a Lost Ground that Haseo might have taken him to or something. Though he doesn’t really recognize it, he’s never paid that much attention to graphics when he’s around Haseo.
The actually strange thing is how real this place feels. Endrance looks down at his hands and sees his player character’s hands, covered by the usual purple gloves. Did he…accidentally switch to first person view? Even as Endrance is wondering this, he finds that he can’t figure out how ( ... )
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- Fill out the Profile meme and post it in your journal (and use an lj-cut).
- Introduce yourself and your character at somarium_ooc (don't forget the tags!)
- Be sure to read about the Dreamberry and the Posting guide so you can read about the journal entries and how to format logging entries properly before posting in the main RP.
- Hop over to somarium and start roleplaying 8D
- Feel free to join the our IRC chatroom at #somarium on! Consult the IRC Guide for help!
As a friendly note, we'd like to inform you that the Tunnels Event is currently ongoing. You are free to join in and participate with your ( ... )
[Age] 20
[Personal Journal]
[Other characters currently played]
Frederic Francois Chopin | Eternal Sonata | Poet_Of_Piano
Luke fon Fabre | Tales of the Abyss | Created_Flame
Sera | Digital Devil Saga | Shanti_Shaman
Zuko | Avatar the Last Airbender | Prince_Hothead
[Character name] Eliot Nightray
[Canon] Pandora Hearts
[Point in time taken from canon] Right after Oz leaves Latowidge and he talks to Reo about his nightmares.
[Background]Eliot Nightray is the heir of the Nightray family. The Nightray family is descended from a traitorous duke, and apparently, it is the Bezarius family’s fault that the Nightray family is looked down upon. So far, it has been heavily implied that the traitorous duke they descended from is Glenn Baskerville, the man behind the Tragedy of Sabrie. Jack Bezarius was the one who stopped Glenn, so it also would make sense that the Nightray family wouldn’t like the Bezarius family ( ... )
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