SOLLUX ♊ 002

Apr 11, 2011 06:51

Who: Sollux Captor and youWhere: Espoir ( Read more... )

eridan ampora, !location: espoir, sollux captor, karkat vantas

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forevveraglub April 19 2011, 11:26:51 UTC
At this point Eridan was grinding his teeth in anger. He didn't care about Sollux's stupid question as to why he was following him, in fact he wasn't even going to touch on it, because it was none of his business why he was stalking him like a creep. It was for him to know and Sollux didn't need to find out.

"Well what the fuck did you expect me to do? We were fuckin' hopeless on that barren fuckin' rock! I mean, we all were just sittin' around like sittin' quackbeasts waitin' to fuckin' die, I mean, if I did ask her to go with me, it was probably because there wasn't much hope with anythin' else! Can you honestly blame me for wantin' to fuckin' liwe?! So tell me, peasant, since you're obwiously from a time further in the future than me, what the fuck happened? You say I blinded you, you are sayin' all this poppycock about me askin' Fef to come with me, what happened in between? What lead to you gettin' your stupid fuckin' nook blinded?" He was seething, thinking about all of this, thinking about the slander and insults Sollux had ( ... )


forevveraglub April 20 2011, 09:23:44 UTC
Eridan stares at Karkat, he was wordless. He honestly didn't think what he had done was something so wrong. He knew very well that a Kismesis was suppose to be who he gave his hate to, but to not be allowed to fight anyone but Karkat, yeah it was fair to say that Eridan was ignorant to the entire extent of kismesisitude. And for that, he was feeling pretty shitty. He didn't want to cause problems with Karkat, or their relationship. Him hitting Sollux wasn't meant to be anything more than what it was, a simple hit. But the fact he had actually crossed a line he wasn't aware of... Yeah he needed to fix this ( ... )


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sm00chmylips April 20 2011, 09:50:17 UTC
Sollux had kept out of it for the most part, only really stepping back from the two in case they were to fight or something. That's what kismesis do right? He'd rather not be in the way of any of that. It wasn't until Karkat actually spoke to him again that he really tuned back in.


Wait a minute, why was Eridan following him? The douchebag never answered his question on that at all! He shrugged.

"Fuck if I know, he never told me why."


forevveraglub April 20 2011, 09:54:27 UTC
Eridan looked between the two blurs. He didn't understand why that was even a thing, why they even really cared as to why he was following Sollux, that was HIS business, not theirs! Though, he figured if Karkat wanted to know, it would probably be for the best that he answered it, even if the question wasn't exactly aimed towards him.

"I wanted to see if he'd lead me back to your hiwe, is all..." Now that he thought about it though, that seemed pretty dumb. Sollux was blind, he was following a blind person. Welp, Eridan never said he was the best at decision making.


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forevveraglub April 20 2011, 10:05:05 UTC
Eridan glared at being called a dumbass, he wasn't one! Not entirely anyways, he just thought it was a good idea at the time--but now it did seem pretty dumb. Retarded really. But whatever. When he feels Karkat grab his shirt and pull him up, he goes with it, rising to his feet.

"Like it'd make a fuckin' lick a difference, Kar. The stupid seahorse's ass broke my fuckin' glasses! So not like I could ewen see where to go, or how to get there." He was pouting, because not only was this whole thing fruitless, his glasses were broken, he got punched in the face and more importantly he had almost lost Kar. Today fuckin' sucked for the sea prince.


sm00chmylips April 20 2011, 10:18:05 UTC
"Your glasses wouldn't be broken if you didn't punch me first, dipshit." He crossed his arms over his chest defiantly, just displeased in general.

Sollux would be lying if he didn't say he was glad he broke those glasses though. If anything it was just one of the things he felt Eridan deserved. He wouldn't be able to get the chance for it later either. Which was something he was both glad for and slightly disappointed. He really didn't mind though. His best friend would be happy with his kismesis in that hate filled way, and in turn that kept Eridan away from the Gemini. It all worked out.


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forevveraglub April 20 2011, 10:36:40 UTC
When Karkat spoke, Eridan had winced slightly. He hadn't brought it up to be some dig at Karkat, he was merely stating a fact. But it was obvious that it was sore, hell it was obvious before Karkat had even said anything. So fuck, there he was making mistakes again.

When Karkat said his name, Eridan had looked straight at him. Maybe he should have expected that punch, maybe he should have ducked, stepped away, did something instead of stare as that smaller blob took a different shape, it's weird blurry limb drawing back and then extending, laying a strong punch where Sollux had minutes ago. A surprised and pained noise escaped Eridan as the fist connected, causing the Aquarius to stumble back and hold his nose--which was now bleeding.

"FUCK!It really was all he could say for the moment. As much as he was pissed off by the assault, as much as he wanted to just tackle Karkat back and give him a one-two punch, he was grateful for it. Had they parted ways and Karkat not lay a single hand on him--it would have eaten him up inside. He ( ... )


sm00chmylisp April 20 2011, 10:56:38 UTC
Sollux huffed slightly. He didn't mean to keep arguing- or maybe he did. It was just so easy to do with Eridan, but he didn't want to upset Karkat anymore then he sounded already. He was the one who was going to have to go back to the hive with him, he didn't need him being grumpier then usual. Though that was probably inevitable.

"Yeah, whatever."

He would have to make more of an effort in avoiding Eridan, or at least not antagonizing fights from him unintentionally.


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forevveraglub April 20 2011, 11:37:16 UTC
Eridan had merely nodded to what Karkat had to say. He knew he wasn't going to have another chance after this--Karkat didn't have to remind him, god. But that wasn't even the worst of it, when Karkat came back over and swatted his glasses from his hands, he silently cursed at the other. Thinking Kar was just being an inconveniencing asshole--but no.

Oh no. He was being a megadouchebag. Eridan couldn't see what he was doing exactly--him being extremely far-sighted was starting to really fucking bother him at this point--but he could hear it. The breaking of his glasses, those stomps on the lenses and whatever hope he had to actually see his way home was now utterly crushed, much like his poor glasses.

"Kar you fuckin' asshole! I know you're an irredeemable fuckin' prick, but how the fuck am I suppose to return to my hiwe now!?" He knew he shouldn't even bother asking, because chances were he'd get some smart ass reply about how it wasn't Karkat's problem. Not to mention, he wanted him to get going? Going where? Like he knew which ( ... )


sm00chmylisp April 20 2011, 11:47:42 UTC
Sollux wasn't sure what had happened at first. He had a very obvious guess that Karkat had broke Eridan's glasses, but it wasn't until he heard the sea troll bitching that he got confirmation. Oh that was a nasty thing to do. It was hilarious to hear though and even funnier to imagine. He wasn't the only blind one now. He couldn't help but snicker at that.

He was still keeping his mouth shut otherwise though.


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sm00chmylisp April 21 2011, 10:37:40 UTC
Sollux glanced over to Karkat surprised that he hooked arms with him. It wasn't bad, he just was expecting him to hold his hand like he was used to. He was comfortable with it though as a second later he had fallen back into his usual slouch.

"Yeah, I had my fill of walking today anyways."

First a walk with Kanaya and then this whole thing. Yeah he was going to be good for a while. He didn't even care for walks in the first place.


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