Alice Liddell 026 // The More You Know

Sep 19, 2010 18:47

Who: Alice Liddell and YOU
Where: The elementary playground of the private school
When: Monday
Style: You decide!
Status: Open to all!

She is she and they are they but there are many shes within that they. )

boris airay, apollo, max lightwood, ezio auditore, jean valjean, england (arthur kirkland), alice liddell (original), !location: school

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madcuriosity September 20 2010, 02:39:32 UTC
She looked up from Basil and saw a man standing near the entrance of the park. Being a polite and friendly child she offered him a small wave and a smile.


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madcuriosity September 20 2010, 03:00:24 UTC
With the gentleman now in front of her she scooted off the bench and gave a curtsy in greeting.

"Yes sir. This is the private school. How do you do?"


punchesbards September 20 2010, 02:50:18 UTC
Being that Ezio had finally gotten Dastan to let him leave his cottage, he decided to go for a walk. Meandering about was always something he enjoyed, and it felt good to get out and stretch. His arm was still in the cast and sling, as it would be for the next couple weeks, and he was being careful of where he did tread.

When he passed the quaint little park and the children playing outside with the teachers, he couldn't help but stop and stare a moment. Didn't Leonardo mention he was going to be teaching at the school? For a moment, he actually expected to see the painter outside playing with the children--

Only to spot Alice instead, sitting alone and talking to that stuffed rabbit. He had only spoken to her a few times, but he figured it couldn't hurt to at least go over and greet the girl.

"Ciao, signorina, what are you doing sitting by yourself?" She seemed to type to be prancing around with other children, or at least doing something else.


madcuriosity September 20 2010, 03:06:31 UTC
When the assassin came towards her, Alice put Basil on the bench and curtsied to him in greeting. She offered a smile as she clasped her hands in front of her.

"Good afternoon Mr. Ezio," she greeted him. At his question she gazed at the other children and then back at Basil before returning her gaze to Ezio. She offered him a smile although it was just a little forced. She didn't want to tell him it was because some of them teased her and made fun of Basil. That she was odd to them for various reasons.

"I'm..." She frowned and tried to think of what she could say. She was rather horrible at lying and she wasn't fond of doing it... but she just didn't want to worry the man. After all, he was just a good acquaintance. "I'm just a little tired is all."

She felt a little upset once the lie left her lips but she merely just nodded.


punchesbards September 20 2010, 03:14:44 UTC
Ezio was likely not going to buy that with the way the girl hesitated, but he didn't say anything, or even act like he didn't believe her. He glanced back at the other children, silently questioning why they weren't even trying to get her to go and play with them, then turned his attention once more back to Alice.

He offered a smile, reassuring and as sincere as he could manage. "Is someone coming to take you home?" Because now he almost felt obligated to stay until someone did. What kind of man would he be if he left a little girl sitting by herself?

That decision to stay was made fairly quickly, and he settled down on the bench--careful of the rabbit--and motioned for her to join him again. Once he was settled, and adjusted the god-awful sling again, he spoke,

"I still owe you a mask, don't I, Alice?" He cast his gaze off to the side in thought, "I wonder if Leonardo can help me--Speaking of, is he one of your teachers? Messere da Vinci. I'm sure you'd remember him." He's kind of ridiculous.


Wait is his arm in a sling? madcuriosity September 20 2010, 03:22:04 UTC
"Daddy will come pick me up... or... I think Takuma might once he's done. But one of them shall come," she smiled and believed and knew that fact to be completely and undoubtedly true. As soon as he gestured for her to sit though she smiled and picked up Basil, sitting beside him.

"Hmm? Oh you don't need to make me a mask Mr. Ezio. And oh yes! Professor da Vinci is my art teacher!"


mangandsleep September 20 2010, 18:19:24 UTC
"Are you talking to yourself?" Max asked, his shadow falling over her.

It was the rude girl he'd spoken with over the Dreamberry - the one he'd sketched for, and then the reason he'd shredded that sketch into tiny, unrecognizable bits.

But he was a forgiving boy, and he was curious. Besides, she looked light she might be unhappy, so he was willing to give the rude girl a second chance, even if she was a mundane.


madcuriosity September 21 2010, 00:57:10 UTC
She blinked and looked up at the boy and didn't really recognize him. Was he a classmate? No she didn't THINK he was.

"Hello, and no, I'm speaking to Basil," she responded easily. She held up Basil to show him that no, she was no speaking to herself, though she was certain prone to that.


mangandsleep September 21 2010, 01:01:59 UTC
Max raised his brows in question, but he grinned. If she wanted to talk to stuffed animals, that was fine. He used to talk to his action figures - emphasis on used to. He was nine, after all.

"Oh, OK."


madcuriosity September 21 2010, 09:19:29 UTC
...He... wasn't teasing her? But he was a boy her age. They always teased. She pulled Basil back and gazed at Max for a long moment.

"Are you attending here?"


carnivalcat September 21 2010, 00:26:53 UTC
[So he'd been investigating all of the schools today, if only out of curiosity. And as he dropped by the elementary school, he saw just the girl he was hoping to find! So sneaking up behind her, he places his hands over her eyes.]

Guess who!


madcuriosity September 21 2010, 01:00:29 UTC
Cheshire Puss! [she exclaimed happily.]


carnivalcat September 22 2010, 01:15:17 UTC
Wow, got it in one!

[And so he leans against the back of the bench she's sitting on, giving her a hug from behind. He has a short attention span though, so his attention is then turned toward the school.]

So... you learn here, right?


madcuriosity September 22 2010, 04:00:05 UTC
Mmhmm! And I just finished my first day of school.


stole_bread September 21 2010, 21:55:46 UTC
[As should be expected, M. Fauchelevent arrives precisely on time to pick up his favorite child from her first day of private schooling in Somarium. He has stepped out of work at the factory early to see that his young daughter arrives back home safely. She will not be walking home alone ever. Ever.

His soft smile is all kindness and full of love, a look that is reserved for his family alone. But how could he gaze upon the child with any other expression? Such a feat would be impossible.

His approach is silent, so he speaks softly as to not startle her.]

More than what, Alice?


madcuriosity September 22 2010, 03:46:36 UTC
DADDY! [She hugs him tight and the teachers in the distance smile as they recognize her father.]

Oh... [She frowns and holds up Basil.] Am... I too old for Basil?


stole_bread September 22 2010, 03:52:42 UTC
What? [The question is surprising. He kneels down to her level.] Why would you ask that?


madcuriosity September 22 2010, 03:54:16 UTC
I was teased for having him in class.


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