Alice Liddell 026 // The More You Know

Sep 19, 2010 18:47

Who: Alice Liddell and YOU
Where: The elementary playground of the private school
When: Monday
Style: You decide!
Status: Open to all!

She is she and they are they but there are many shes within that they. )

boris airay, apollo, max lightwood, ezio auditore, jean valjean, england (arthur kirkland), alice liddell (original), !location: school

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punchesbards September 20 2010, 02:50:18 UTC
Being that Ezio had finally gotten Dastan to let him leave his cottage, he decided to go for a walk. Meandering about was always something he enjoyed, and it felt good to get out and stretch. His arm was still in the cast and sling, as it would be for the next couple weeks, and he was being careful of where he did tread.

When he passed the quaint little park and the children playing outside with the teachers, he couldn't help but stop and stare a moment. Didn't Leonardo mention he was going to be teaching at the school? For a moment, he actually expected to see the painter outside playing with the children--

Only to spot Alice instead, sitting alone and talking to that stuffed rabbit. He had only spoken to her a few times, but he figured it couldn't hurt to at least go over and greet the girl.

"Ciao, signorina, what are you doing sitting by yourself?" She seemed to type to be prancing around with other children, or at least doing something else.


madcuriosity September 20 2010, 03:06:31 UTC
When the assassin came towards her, Alice put Basil on the bench and curtsied to him in greeting. She offered a smile as she clasped her hands in front of her.

"Good afternoon Mr. Ezio," she greeted him. At his question she gazed at the other children and then back at Basil before returning her gaze to Ezio. She offered him a smile although it was just a little forced. She didn't want to tell him it was because some of them teased her and made fun of Basil. That she was odd to them for various reasons.

"I'm..." She frowned and tried to think of what she could say. She was rather horrible at lying and she wasn't fond of doing it... but she just didn't want to worry the man. After all, he was just a good acquaintance. "I'm just a little tired is all."

She felt a little upset once the lie left her lips but she merely just nodded.


punchesbards September 20 2010, 03:14:44 UTC
Ezio was likely not going to buy that with the way the girl hesitated, but he didn't say anything, or even act like he didn't believe her. He glanced back at the other children, silently questioning why they weren't even trying to get her to go and play with them, then turned his attention once more back to Alice.

He offered a smile, reassuring and as sincere as he could manage. "Is someone coming to take you home?" Because now he almost felt obligated to stay until someone did. What kind of man would he be if he left a little girl sitting by herself?

That decision to stay was made fairly quickly, and he settled down on the bench--careful of the rabbit--and motioned for her to join him again. Once he was settled, and adjusted the god-awful sling again, he spoke,

"I still owe you a mask, don't I, Alice?" He cast his gaze off to the side in thought, "I wonder if Leonardo can help me--Speaking of, is he one of your teachers? Messere da Vinci. I'm sure you'd remember him." He's kind of ridiculous.


Wait is his arm in a sling? madcuriosity September 20 2010, 03:22:04 UTC
"Daddy will come pick me up... or... I think Takuma might once he's done. But one of them shall come," she smiled and believed and knew that fact to be completely and undoubtedly true. As soon as he gestured for her to sit though she smiled and picked up Basil, sitting beside him.

"Hmm? Oh you don't need to make me a mask Mr. Ezio. And oh yes! Professor da Vinci is my art teacher!"


Yes. He broke it the other day. WHOOPS. punchesbards September 20 2010, 03:25:48 UTC
Professor da Vinci. He could only imagine the madness that would ensue if Leonardo was teaching small children. He could only hope the class project wouldn't be to make a giant flying machine. He didn't feel like being the test dummy for that again.

"I don't mind, we said we'd make them together for our masquerade, si?" He laughed, "How nice. Leonardo is a good friend of mine from back home, are you enjoying his class?"


o.0 madcuriosity September 20 2010, 03:53:17 UTC
"I suppose that's true. I've not ever been to a masquerade before. But I've seen all sorts of dresses for it! Oh yes," she gave a small almost longing smile. "I think they're so pretty. Simply beautiful dresses," Alice put her arms out on either side of her, imitating a hoop skirt around her waist. "And then these masks," she put her hands over her eyes but opened up her fingers so she could see out, "And then there's all that dancing! And no one quite knows who the other person it is and it seems so wonderfully magical and exciting!" she exclaimed. Her smile promptly fell and she leaned back against the bench. "Ah but... I'm too little to attend," she sighed. "I won't always be little though," she nodded. "I shall be a lady someday you know. And then I can attend as many masquerades as I wish ( ... )


Did you miss that? He broke it fighting Abel. )8 punchesbards September 20 2010, 04:02:38 UTC
Ezio just sat and listened, smiling the entire time the girl spoke. When he had gone to carnevale, he had enjoyed all the things she mentioned. Albeit not as much as he could have if he wasn't trying to finish a mission. Her innocence and interest in such trivial things seemed so refreshing after everything that had happened. He kind of missed being a kid.

"I'm certain if we speak to the right people, we can get you to a masquerade before that." Now he was dead-set on getting this done for her. Don't underestimate him, Alice, he's likely to go to great lengths to make people happy. Little girls included, and he won't forget, "And you'll be a lovely lady, Alice." He was sure of that much.

He laughed again, "Si, Paola is also from my home. When did you speak to her?"


I did indeed missed it. But I stand by my defense I was gone all yesterday madcuriosity September 20 2010, 06:13:57 UTC
"But I've been quite a while now, and no one has held a masquerade. And thank you, Mr. Ezio. I actually know what I shall look like as a young lady! I was turned seventeen for a bit in Somarium you see!

"Oh! And I promised Miss Paola to tell her everything I learned in school! She seemed very interested in my attending!"


You should probably go read it: punchesbards September 20 2010, 06:21:47 UTC
"I'm sure we'll think of something." or he'd think of something. Time to go talk to Leonardo and a few other people about this masquerade thing. It needed to happen sooner or later, or he'd feel bad.

A brow lifted curiously at the mention of her being older, and he had missed it? Sad days. "Oh? That's upsetting. I would have liked to see you as a fine young lady." he teased.

"Did she? I did not know Paola was so interested in such things."


madcuriosity September 20 2010, 06:40:01 UTC
"It's very kind to do such a thing for me. Thank you very much Mr. Ezio. Is there something I could do to thank you?" She smiled at him, and had completely forgotten what the children had said.

"Oh thank you," she blushed. She had rather liked being a lady... it had been terrifying the first day but she had eventually enjoyed it. "And perhaps it shall happen again!

"And she even taught me some Italian!"


punchesbards September 20 2010, 06:45:47 UTC
"There is one thing. If we do have a masquerade, you have to promise to save at least one dance for me, alright?" Because a tall Italian man dancing with a short, adorable English girl would be the cutest thing ever.

He smiled, "If not, it won't be too much longer to wait." Just a couple more years, Alice. He was pretty sure she'd be a good looking girl, albeit while being somewhat strange. Not that he had a problem with any of it.

Ezio laughed. Paola had better not be dragging in young girls to the brothel. She was worse than he was, "Soon you'll be speaking it fluently, si?"


madcuriosity September 20 2010, 06:58:59 UTC
"Of course! I would be very happy to dance with you if that's what you would like as a thank you." She had never danced more in her life than she did at Somarium. She was starting to wonder if she should ask her father for a dance instructor on top of piano and French. Although, she likely wouldn't need French as her father was from France.

"You're alright with waiting nine years?" she giggled. That seemed terribly silly to her. "How old will you be then Mr. Ezio?"

"Ah um..." she tapped her lips trying to remember the word. "Oh! Ben-ay!"


punchesbards September 20 2010, 07:05:27 UTC
"I would be honored, Alice." He'll hold her to that, too, and contrary to what she might believe, he won't forget any of this.

Here he had to smirk, "Of course. Who wouldn't take the time for such a beauty? Ah, it pains me to know that I have so long to wait!" he closed his eyes with his next bit of laughter. He enjoyed this, and was more than happy he had decided to venture out of his cottage today. "In nine years?" oh lord, way to make him feel old, "Thirty-eight." STILL YOUNG, DON'T JUDGE.

Her attempt at Italian was the cutest damn thing he had ever witnessed, "Very good. You learn fast."


madcuriosity September 20 2010, 07:37:38 UTC
"I'm very glad then," she giggled as she hugged Basil close.

"That's not old at all!" she smiled. "Daddy is much older than you and he's extremely strong!" And her brother was older than him as well but he was a vampire so it didn't really count. Alice did not catch that Ezio was willing to wait because she would be an older woman.

"Ah, well it's very close to French you know."


punchesbards September 20 2010, 07:52:07 UTC
Well, at least she didn't think he was old then. He was rather pleased about that, even if he was more than certain he'd still be exactly as he is now nine years from now. He could only hope considering what is life usually threw at him.

"It is, but not exactly the same. I could give you lessons some time, if it's alright with your father."


madcuriosity September 21 2010, 00:43:56 UTC
"I think father wants me to continue French... or at least Latin. My Latin... I'm afraid my Latin is quite poor. But I only just started it you see! So I think it's not very fair to judge it," she pouted but shook her head. "I would like to learn. We can ask daddy together."


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