Sep 07, 2010 22:30

Who: Franziska and YOU!
Where: A random cafe in the Government District
Style: First
Status: Open Open Open ( Read more... )

franziska von karma, lelouch vi britannia, naomi hunter, miles edgeworth, !location: somni, javert, nakago, danny fenton

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Comments 88

chose_death September 8 2010, 06:01:57 UTC
[Unlike the days of harried disaster relief and crashing castles, Javert is fortunate enough to take a normal lunch hour today. When he is given a reprieve from hand-delivered lunches courtesy of the Fenton Delivery Service from a certain neighboring laboratory, the Inspector frequents a certain little café off the main drag of the government district. It is a quiet street near the police headquarters, a great place to eyeball the passerby in relative peace before he heads off on his self-imposed beat for the day ( ... )


scientize September 8 2010, 16:07:14 UTC
[Franziska von Karma wasn't the woman he should have been concerned about.

With an expected stealth no doubt acquired from the Inspector's various tips and advice on the subject, Naomi Hunter slips silently into the empty seat across from Javert, her body language and expression strangely casual considering she is interrupting the man's meal without an invitation. With a practiced smile, the woman's small hands fold on the table surface between them, one leg crossing over the other. Yep, she isn't planning on moving from this spot for quite some time. Get comfortable, Inspector. You are now being forced to socialize with the doctor.

It's been less than twenty-four hours since she's last seen the man, but the charming look she gives him seems to tell otherwise. Is she actually happy to see him? Or is this part of the act? Well, one thing should be obvious: Naomi's thoroughly amused with the situation, like usual.]

Good afternoon, Inspector.

[Her dark eyes flicker down to the newspaper and the lunch set out in front of him. If he's ( ... )


chose_death September 9 2010, 02:24:31 UTC
[Javert, so thoroughly distracted in his task of eyeing the streets as he is, gives a rare, mild start. For several seconds, his stare is blank. The Inspector furrows his brow and ducks his head beneath the table to take a quick glance at her feet. Gone were the clacking "gunshot" heels Naomi Hunter usually wears; in their place is a pair of soft-soled, black shoes. Slowly, he resumes his impeccable posture, regarding Naomi in a wry, but no less intent, stare.

Abruptly, Javert barks out an uncharacteristic chuckle.]

You learn quick! With the slippers and dress to match! I didn't think you would make a care of it. What for? You don't have a need for it. [He picks up his bottle of water, tilting it toward Naomi in an odd, terse salute, and drinks. His gaze over his bottle grows thoughtful and sharp.]

Just to catch me like this? Or have you made it a pastime to eavesdrop better?


scientize September 9 2010, 02:27:37 UTC
[It may not appear to be much in the way of a greeting between friends, but Naomi suddenly appears very smug as she settles in front of him, almost proud of herself for sneaking in so skillfully to actually give Javert a start. When his head briefly disappears beneath the table, the woman actually lets loose an amused laugh, beaming delightfully in his direction once he reappears. Though they may have their absurd feuds and fits with each other, the Inspector truly is one of the few people she subconsciously can unwind around. He's most definitely seen Naomi at her worst and the doctor believes she's seen enough of him to never be surprised by his behavior again. What reason was there to act any other way?

Her grin is wonderfully satisfied.] I do learn quickly, don't I? I wouldn't ask for your expert advice on the subject just to disregard and forget it.

[She watches the salute while chuckling, her eyes dropping down to his food again. It really is amusing to see him like this considering how much of the population is terrified of ( ... )


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I AM TURNING INTO LARI perfektioniert September 8 2010, 20:14:25 UTC
[Though her concentration is settled mostly on her food and book, it would be near impossible for Miles Edgeworth to pass by the young woman's line of sight and go unnoticed. Cold eyes flick up as the man ambles by slowly, his movements and body language looking strangely unfamiliar to the young girl who has known him for the longer part of his life. Despite the strain the last few weeks have provided her with, Franziska knows well enough that whatever Miles has encountered is at least doubly as burdensome. With his responsibilities as Chief Prosecutor alone, his work far surpasses whatever duties she has been assigned to ( ... )


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EVERYBODY LARIS perfektioniert September 13 2010, 19:08:15 UTC
I have yet to see anything that would warrant a visit from the health inspector. Thankfully.

[Unfortunately for the pair, small talk is mostly all that will occur out here in this most public of areas. Despite the silence surrounding them, the small cafe is still very much out in the open. Edgeworth won't be getting anything out of her besides the usual rigidness and arrogance she displays.]

Yes, though I visit often enough that they could fully support their small business with from my income alone.

Would you like something?


brbblending September 8 2010, 15:31:10 UTC
There's a small chime sounds from across the room as the door to the cafe opens and in steps an matured woman with brunette hair tied by intricate metals and partially covered by a red hood, a strand of pearls circling her head. She notes the girl who's eating her lunch across the way and realizes she's very hungry and through all the shock, hadn't noticed until now.

"Scusila." She approaches the girl calmly and gestures to her sandwich. "Where might I receive some food?"


perfektioniert September 8 2010, 17:48:24 UTC
Franziska's icy eyes open at the sound of the woman's voice, her gaze narrowing at the interruption ever so slightly. There really is no reason to fear her or the whip laying dangerously within reach on her lap though. The teenager only takes her aggressions out on men.

Despite her cold demeanor, her voice is even and calm. "You are in a cafe. There is a variety of food available at the counter for only a moderate price."


brbblending September 8 2010, 21:55:22 UTC
Money. What happened to Ezio's saying that everything was free? Her nose wrinkled a little. She had no money at all, at least, not until the brothel started but most of it would be used on repairing the damn thing.

Though she notes the whip, she doesn't fear it. The girl was a child, what was she doing playing with a whip? However, she let the thought slide. She reached in her pocket and retrieved a few florins. A good number, probably enough for a doctor. She held the ancient coins out to the girl. "Will this do?"


perfektioniert September 9 2010, 00:10:09 UTC
[Well, Mr. Ezio Auditore was seriously wrong. Even in the city of dreaming, everything is run by money.

Though she would have immediately snarled and pushed the coins away from any begger who dare approach her back home, Franziska knows well enough that there are people who arrive in Somarium from completely different times and places. The most change Paola will see in her is a tightening in her sharp jaw.]

Those will get you nowhere. [A gloved hand disappears briefly before a small pile of Somarium credits are thrust into the older woman's hand.] This is the only currency you will find in Somni city. Use these for a meal and then find a job to support yourself.


seiryuu_warrior September 8 2010, 19:30:24 UTC
[Nakago arrives in his usual calm and commanding style. Simply walking into the place is enough for people to start looking at him. One look and they turn away again. There's just something about the ice in his eyes that is sure to inspire others to do as they are told. But, he manages to maintain his position among the police easily despite that aura that surrounds him, following orders as they are given to him.

Seeing Franziska off to one side, he gives her a polite nod in greeting. He fully intends to remain on her good side since he's seen the power she has. And by staying on her good side, he is given the chance to be treated well.

And has earned himself a very good reward in the process.

Walking over, he doesn't take the seat, merely looking as if he's only come to say hello.]

I hope your day has treated you well.


perfektioniert September 9 2010, 00:27:53 UTC
[Though most interruptions would be met with an icy glare and a fierce crack of her whip, Nakago has always been the exception in Franziska's book. With his calm sense of ease and his most perfect of records, how could the young woman find any reason to not enjoy his alluring presence?]

Yes, it has. I was only taking a quick break for lunch. [Her delicate hand waves to the seat across from her. It is only polite, after all.] Would you care to sit?


seiryuu_warrior September 9 2010, 00:40:15 UTC
Thank you.

[He takes the seat across from her and gives someone his order before looking back at her. It's very obvious to him that he's an exception in this moment but he is hardly above taking advantage of that.]

You look well. [A polite observation.]


perfektioniert September 9 2010, 00:48:38 UTC
[A lesser woman would be flattered by the kind comment. But Franziska von Karma?

She knows it is only a fact.

The teen nods her head, taking another more generous sip of her coffee.] Thank you. How has your day been going so far?


phantomfenton September 9 2010, 04:15:10 UTC
*Considering that this ridiculous 'intern duty' is eating into his lunch time, it's no wonder that Danny looks annoyed. In one hand, he has a receipt. In the other, he has a handful of coat-hangers, and is only doing the bare minimum it takes to keep the clothes hanging on them from wrinkling.*

*Shattering her pleasant atmosphere in his own special way, Danny thrusts both burdens towards her when he appears abruptly to one side.* Oh, good, you're here.

Can I just leave these with you? My lunch-break started fifteen minutes ago.


perfektioniert September 9 2010, 23:35:12 UTC
[Ridiculous? Ha. You haven't even begun to see ridiculous.

As Danny Fenton steps into view and blocks the lovely sunlight she was lounging in, the woman's cold eyes narrow dangerously.

Her reply is nearly a snarl.] You will take it to my office as stated earlier, fool. Is that too difficult of a direction to understand?


phantomfenton September 10 2010, 04:07:35 UTC
I understood you just fine, but your office is a block and three flights of stairs away!

Come on, Prosecuter, just this once...


perfektioniert September 12 2010, 23:21:06 UTC
[She snaps.

In a single fluid motion, she stands elegantly, somehow managing to tower over the young boy (he really is, sadly, the only person on the force she is taller than). The whip in her lap quickly unfurls before cracking to the ground, dangerously close to the boy's feet.]

I am Franziska von Karma the genius of the courts and you will not forget that, Danny Fenton!


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