Lightning ⌘ 06

Jun 30, 2010 00:24

Who: Lightning and somarium
Where: A hill, somewhere overlooking Lake Meridian.
Style: Starting in third, but pick whatever!
Status: OPEN ♥

A rainbow. An optical spectrum of light. A calming, serene and perfect arc of bright, brilliant colours. )

fang yun oerba, lightning, saber, hisoka kurosaki, hungary (elizaveta héderváry), stitch, !location: lake meridian, serah farron

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Comments 39

weird_koala June 30 2010, 08:01:58 UTC
[The lake was a part of Somarium that Stitch hasn't explored fully. He had only passed it, not sparring it a second glance whenever he goes his usual walk around the place (with or without Edgeworth). The only reason that it caught his eye now was the rainbow adorning the sky. Back in Hawaii, they were definitely a sight to see but the fur ball hasn't seen one in the longest time.]

Ooooooooooh~ Kamelikko. [Cackles, sitting on the ground and taking in the splendor before him. He hasn't noticed Lighting being there yet. |3;;]


shines_bright June 30 2010, 16:42:15 UTC
[And she notices the little blue creature clambering up the hill and moving past her. She just...blinks and stares. It looks like a dog, a really weird one, but still. ...Is it a dog?

She shifts to get a better look, as quietly as she can, but instead she steps on a small twig, breaking it in half with a completely audible "clicking" sound. She freezes.]


weird_koala July 1 2010, 02:09:56 UTC
[Lucky for you Lightning that Stitch doesn't shoot anything that tries to sneak up behind him anymore (Oh, and that he doesn't have his plasma cannons with him.) His ears perk up at the sound, making him turn around to see who it was. It was a woman and she kinda looks familiar for some reason. He takes a few steps forward, sizing her up. Once he was near enough, he tilts his head curiously at this human. She doesn't seem like a bad person...

Holding out a paw in greeting now.]



shines_bright July 1 2010, 04:39:12 UTC
[Lightning doesn't flinch as the creature comes closer, nor does she take her eyes off of it. She simply stays in place, and stares. She finds it fascinating, simply because she doesn't know what it is, yet mildly cute (though she would never admit it).

And what's this? Is it trying to shake hands? Did it actually just say hi? Yeah, have more staring. Lots and lots of staring, she just...doesn't know what to do here.]


rendtheskies June 30 2010, 09:59:15 UTC
Well that's something I don't see every day.

[and coming up the hill, catching that smile]


shines_bright June 30 2010, 17:04:17 UTC
[And like all good things...this one had to eventually come to an end too. She doesn't take her eyes off of the rainbow in the distance, but her smile does falter slightly. She can't judge whether or not the women is speaking of her smile or the natural phenomenon before them in terms of rarity, but she has a feeling that it's the former.]

Yeah, they're not exactly frequent.

[The rainbow and the smile both.]


rendtheskies July 1 2010, 17:31:14 UTC
[yep. the former]

It's a shame, really. But I suppose it's better that way. Keeps the rare ones special.

That and it would just too weird if I saw it all the time. [now standing next to her, stretching a bit]

So why are you out here, anyway?


shines_bright July 1 2010, 18:25:58 UTC
[She's just going to turn her attention briefly to Fang, and offer a bit of a glare. Now that she's done that, she's just going to sigh.]

Hope's out again, and I just needed some time to myself.

[A pause, and she's totally going to throw that question right back.]

What about you?


wingedsolaria June 30 2010, 10:18:58 UTC
[She see's you there, Light, and she knows you're smiling. And she really, really hopes you don't stop once she gets closer.

One she has, however, she takes a few steps past the place where Lightning is sitting, bright blues eyes trained forwards, hands clasped in front of her.]

It's been a long time since we've been able to see one of these.


shines_bright June 30 2010, 16:54:04 UTC
[And the smile doesn't falter, it does quite the opposite. If anything, the introduction of her sister into the picture would only make her smile brighter, and that's exactly what it did. She couldn't think of anyone else that she'd rather share this moment with.]

It's been even longer since we've seen one together.


wingedsolaria July 1 2010, 00:22:45 UTC
[The words make her turn, her attention tearing from the beautiful sight in front of her to the one that's plastered over her sister's face. The smile was an even rarer occurrence than the rainbow, and it was one she was even more thankful to see. Her own softens as she makes her way back to the place where Lightning is sitting, dropping down next to her, leg's bent, feet planted firmly on the grass.]

It's a nice welcome, after being couped up inside for so long. I wonder if it's natures way of letting us know it missed us too.


shines_bright July 1 2010, 04:53:39 UTC
[She shifts a little bit to allow her sister a more comfortable seating arrangement under the tree. She regards her with a small, satisfied nod before once again staring forward.]

It missed us, huh? That's an interesting way to look at it.

[She's not even going to mention the significance she attached to it. She smiled, that's enough optimism for one day.]


fated_blade June 30 2010, 16:15:59 UTC
If Saber had known this woman better, she would have felt quite the little bond. But she didn't, so the significance of that smile was lost on her. Though through her stay here in Somarium, Saber too had come to appreciate the more mundane beauties presented by nature.

This rainbow was indeed a lovely little thing, and she too was quietly marveling at it. "It is a welcome change to be able to enjoy such simple beauties."


shines_bright June 30 2010, 17:03:04 UTC
Lightning shifted her gaze from the colourful arc adorning the sky to address the woman who had just spoken. She was the type who liked being alone, especially in situations like this, but this wasn't her hill and she had no right to send the newcomer away.

"Yeah, it is," she replied softly, her voice devoid of all of it's typical dryness. "I would never have had the time to enjoy it back home."


fated_blade June 30 2010, 21:32:48 UTC
"Nor would I. Though I suppose it would be more I would not have had the time to notice it."

She sighed, still caught with thoughts about how to handle her current 'problem.'


shines_bright June 30 2010, 23:03:35 UTC
She sighed as well, turning her attention back to the rainbow once more. It was funny that this woman should mention time, it was the main reason Lightning was even sitting there watching it. She had promised to use her time wisely, and in the past she wouldn't have viewed observing simple acts of nature as time well spent, but she didn't know if or when she would ever see one again.

"Neither would I, which is why I'm taking the time to notice it right now."


katona_sziv June 30 2010, 20:34:53 UTC
[Don't mind Hungary. She's just on her way back to her mansion, but decided to take a detour enjoying the sudden change in weather. She notices the rainbow and quietly steps up beside Lightning.]

Lovely, isn't it?


shines_bright June 30 2010, 23:08:17 UTC
[She moves her gaze from the rainbow momentarily to inadvertently regard the woman with a smile, before turning back to finish observing. She nods.]

I wouldn't call it lovely.

[She isn't denying it's beauty of course, "lovely" just isn't a commonly used word in her vocabulary.]


katona_sziv July 1 2010, 02:24:08 UTC
Oh? What would you call it then, if you don't mind me asking?


shines_bright July 1 2010, 04:42:54 UTC
I'd call it...

[She pauses to try and think of a word to describe it. Beautiful, inspiring, fascinating, miraculous...take your pick, but she's just going to go with something much more simple.]


[She's confident in that answer; she sounds rather smug.]


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