The Mad Hatter /01/ "We Got a Mad One Here"

Jun 06, 2010 20:57

WHO: The Mad Hatter and Anyone else
WHERE: Espoir, on the walk way
STYLE: Either, probably start off at Third
STATUS: Open ( Read more... )

xerxes break, cheshire cat (original), sharon rainsworth, !location: espoir, mad hatter, alice liddell (original)

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Comments 41

beamishly June 7 2010, 01:18:49 UTC
Perched on a tree was a quarter moon. No, that wasn't quite right. It had paws, belly and whiskers, not quite like the moon, but not quite like anything at all. Melted into the shadows, it purred from overhead, tail swishing slightly amongst the leaves. Like a good cheshire cat, he was where he was needed. Just so happens that he wasn't very helpful when it came to most things, but that was okay.

Nobody expects that a cheshire cat would be helpful in the first place.

He smiled down from the tree.

"Suppose the March Hare didn't run at all. Rather, suppose he jogged! Why, we might even compare him to a memory at that, and considering your location, a memory he shall remain!"


inthistyle June 7 2010, 01:39:08 UTC
The Mad Hatter turned around, he saw the grinning cat looking down at him, knowing all at once it was the Cheshire Cat. Well, at least it was someone he recognized, he folded his arms, “How now Cheshire, floating about as always I see!”, the Hatter called out to the cat with a smile.

The man the pondered for a moment tapping his finger against his chin, “I do say he could have jogged instead of ran away, it is more likely that he will bounce since he is a hare.” The Hatter now supposed what the Cheshire meant of the memory of dear Hare was of the place in Wonderland itself, he folded his arms now lifting an eyebrow, “Are you to saying he is now only of memory?”


madcuriosity June 7 2010, 02:08:49 UTC
"Can you run away from a tea party when he's still at it and it's you who has left?" a voice asked from beside him. And it was an awfully familiar voice. Or she hoped it was. That voice was very distinct though, and quite loud for such a tiny body. And a tiny girl. Sometimes Alice wondered if the mushrooms were still in her system and that was why she would never grow. But here was someone rather tall even without his hat. Seeing him had been such a surprise. She'd just been walking about with Basil in one arm and a bouquet of wild flowers in the other when she saw him.

And he was such a familiar him. She couldn't ever forget him. So he had entered this dream too. It seemed an Alice never went for too long without a hatter and a cat... or a rabbit. She watched him look at his watch and recognized it without saying so ( ... )


inthistyle June 7 2010, 02:44:40 UTC
The Hatter heard that familiar voice of that little girl that visited his tea party, not too long ago. He looked around and then down, there she was, “Alice,” he found himself to say. The Mad Hatter never would have imagined seeing her again, but yet again there weren’t that many people who visited Wonderland. Alice was still quite punctual as ever but her hair still wasn’t cut, even though he did inform her to do so. “So you’re here then,” the Hatter breathed his eyes wide.

That girl was very hard for him to not forget, she stood up to the Queen and the whole court after all. Not only that, she was the only one who came into Wonderland that seemed to have some sense left in her, it’s very hard to have such as thing there.

The Mad Hatter gestured to her, “I have not seen you since the court room dear girl, how have you been?” He then bent over a little bit, to look at her a bit closer in the eye, with a bit of a smirk, “And why, you still haven’t cut your hair!”


madcuriosity June 7 2010, 02:51:47 UTC
She gave a small curtsy but then sighed and put her hands on her hips at his remark.

"And you still haven't learned not to make such personal remarks. And there's no tea party," she said easily as she gazed up at him. She was quite used to being towered over. Though she supposed she hadn't expected him to tower over her really. Especially since she had grown to her proper size in the court room... or improper size? She couldn't recall. It was odd to see him away from the tea party. She wasn't even sure how he managed.

Perhaps he wouldn't be so mad now that he wasn't in Wonderland. Hmmm... no, probably still the same. A hatter was a hatter always. Especially this one - mad as he was.

"But I'm well," she smiled. "And happy to see you Mr. Hatter."


inthistyle June 7 2010, 03:06:42 UTC
The Mad Hatter eyes widen a bit, what did she mean by no tea party. There must be a tea party somewhere, that’s just not possible with him. It’s always teatime after all. He cocked his head to the side, “But then when is tea time? it must come sometime! It’s always teatime with me after all, and I’m on a tight schedule! I do need my tea party to come as I please ( ... )


[1/2] charientisms June 7 2010, 04:39:35 UTC
[Taking a walk with his lady is not an unusual activity for this particular Mad Hatter. After all, now that food is a necessity, trips must be made to the store--and he needs to soon set Gilbert to doing that, for that would work far better--and walks in this sort of weather are pleasant...and may lead to all sorts of pleasant information revealed.

But when he spies the man before them, it gives even him pause.

...How strange. He tilts his head, looking at the man. There is certainly a strange sort of familiarity, as if he had heard about someone similar before.

And a murmur.]

How curious.


[2/2] suppressedtime June 7 2010, 04:43:41 UTC
[She glances towards Break as he speaks, then looking towards the peculiar man for herself. And for a moment, she has to marvel at his hat. It was awfully large, far too large to be practical in the slightest.

And as he seemed deep in thought, he must be contemplating something. Then she had to consider of all the recent arrivals... and she arrived at her answer. She stepped ahead of Break to approach the man, though not too far ahead should this person prove to be dangerous.]

Is something ailing you, sir?


inthistyle June 7 2010, 04:59:33 UTC
[The Hatter spotted the two approaching him, he clapped his hands together in delight.]

Oh hello there! You must be the residents!

[He said with glee as he practically hopped toward them, he chuckled. Although, the Hatter waved his clock about.]

I was just checking the day of the month, can you believe it’s two days slow? Again?! No good devices these days can be fixed, even with the best butter.

[He shoved the pocket watch back in his pocket with the roll of his eyes. The Hatter forgot his attention until he saw they were just staring at him. It no sooner reminded him about his tea party buddies and grinned.]

Oh yes, have you see a March Hare and Dormouse by chance?


[1/2] suppressedtime June 9 2010, 03:32:04 UTC
[... March Hare. Dormouse. Keywords that managed to pique her attention as she tilted her head.]

Not as of late, sir.

[And a turn towards her servant.]

Break? Have you seen anyone fitting that description?


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