The Mad Hatter /01/ "We Got a Mad One Here"

Jun 06, 2010 20:57

WHO: The Mad Hatter and Anyone else
WHERE: Espoir, on the walk way
STYLE: Either, probably start off at Third
STATUS: Open ( Read more... )

xerxes break, cheshire cat (original), sharon rainsworth, !location: espoir, mad hatter, alice liddell (original)

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inthistyle June 7 2010, 03:06:42 UTC
The Mad Hatter eyes widen a bit, what did she mean by no tea party. There must be a tea party somewhere, that’s just not possible with him. It’s always teatime after all. He cocked his head to the side, “But then when is tea time? it must come sometime! It’s always teatime with me after all, and I’m on a tight schedule! I do need my tea party to come as I please.”

It was hard for the Hatter to accept that there was no tea party, simply because he got accustomed to such a life style that Father Time has put him through. The Hatter kneeled down, remembering that this girl was still just as small, though the mushroom made her a lot bigger when she confronted the Queen. He spoke requesting for comfort, “I need to make sure Hare and Dormy are present too! Please do tell me you have seen them Alice!”

Although the Hatter was surprised that Alice was happy to see him, he couldn’t think of a way to respond to the girl that he was pleased to see her. He gave a thought and then gestured at the girl, “I am glad you’re in good health Alice, I wouldn’t like it if you weren’t, because you wouldn’t come to tea.”


madcuriosity June 7 2010, 03:23:22 UTC
"Mr. Hatter... surely you must have noticed this isn't Wonderland. This is Somarium. It's very different than Wonderland," though in some cases it was exactly the same. At his question about seeing the Dormouse and March Hare she wasn't exactly sure what to tell him. Would she be able to tell him about the other Wonderlands? Would he understand that? She didn't know how to answer all his questions... not in a way he would entirely comprehend.

"Mr. Hatter... tea time is... tea time is no longer forever. You're no longer stuck in it. You can still have tea mind you, just you're no longer forced to do so."


inthistyle June 7 2010, 03:32:55 UTC
Well this was rather shocking. While the Hatter knew this place wasn’t Wonderland, just now it started to click that he didn’t have to do teatime all the time anymore. He wobbled in place for a bit and then tried to keep level. What and where, how, and why was he here. Rather, the Mad Hatter is no longer bounded to the Tea Party? How was this possible, it must be true, this isn’t Wonderland. He glanced over Alice to look at his surroundings, the place wasn’t a chessboard, so it certainly wasn’t the Looking Glass side…so it must be as Alice says it was, Somarium.

The Mad Hatter looked at Alice inquisitively and somewhat sad. This meant that his friends might not be here as well then. He looked down for a bit trying not to look her in the eye, it might drive him madder than he already is, “So, they’re not here then… do you live here, Alice?”


madcuriosity June 7 2010, 03:41:29 UTC
She reached out, trying to help steady him. She wasn't even really sure how he was here. Somarium was a dream... but so was Wonderland. She didn't... really understand it. Not in the least. So she could do only what she thought might make him feel better.

"Ah... for now I do. Somarium... is.. ah well you see Mr. Hatter, you're dreaming!" She moved and clasped her hands. "You see, Somarium is a dream realm! You're still in Wonderland just you're dreaming you're here, with me!" Which was... mostly true. Something had brought them here but he was dreaming. Although... he was her dream so she still didn't really know how that worked. Maybe she hadn't dreamt of Wonderland. Had it been real? Surely not! She shook her head though.

"You're just asleep right now is all. And you see, you're dreaming of this place and this place is dreaming of you," and the red king was dreaming all of it... or she was dreaming of him dreaming of all of it. Oh how terribly confusing. "So you mustn't fretify will Mr. Hatter."


inthistyle June 7 2010, 04:00:48 UTC
The Hatter’s eyes lit up when the girl mentioned it was only a dream world. Well, that doesn’t seem nearly as bad then. If he is dreaming, then he will surely wake later to be with his friends again. With an “Oh”, he composed himself and looked back at Alice. “This is a dreamscape then? That’s not so bad then, I will be beamish for a while then,” he said with a smile, “Although it is frabjous that you are here Alice. I do not mind familiar company while I am dreaming then.”

Although it was a peculiar dream indeed, usually in his dreams, it is much more complicated then this is. However, he tends to forget what his dreams were about, so he may be wrong. The Mad Hatter patted Alice’s shoulder while grinning, “I would think it wise if I still were to have tea parties in my dreams, just in case.” To be truthful, the Hatter is still rather fond of having them, even if he is no longer bounded by it.


madcuriosity June 7 2010, 04:38:44 UTC
"Well you can you know. You're just no longer forced to. You can do something else during the day!" It would have to do, she wasn't exactly sure how else to explain it to the Hatter. He wasn't going to be able to wake up simply.

"Are you going somewhere in particular?"


inthistyle June 7 2010, 04:48:21 UTC
“Well at first, I wanted to see if I could find my friends the March Hare and the Dormouse,” explained the Hatter, “But now I’m afraid I am on a path of nowhere in particular.” He waved his hand about as if dismissive on the situation. The Hatter did not mind he wasn’t going anywhere specific, but that’s because he usually would find something to interest in him rather quick. So right now, it’ll have to be Alice, “Are you going anywhere my dear?”


madcuriosity June 7 2010, 05:05:26 UTC
"I was heading home. Would you like to come with me? Basil and I picked flowers for the kitchen and dining room."


inthistyle June 7 2010, 05:12:02 UTC
[He straightens himself up and nodded. Holding out his hand for Alice.]

Oh that sounds frabjous, I wouldn’t mind that. Those flowers look very nice, although they haven’t been snippy though when you picked them up? I know they usually are a chattery bunch, especially the daisies.


madcuriosity June 7 2010, 05:15:40 UTC
[She giggles and takes his hand.]

Oh no, not snippy at all. The ground is so soft no matter where you go! And I would try to wake them so, but they slept and slept! Besides, they like being shown off you know.


inthistyle June 7 2010, 05:21:50 UTC
Hm, the ground must be a very comfy bed for them then. It would be awfully easier for you to make a daisy chain without disturbing the daisies then.

[Nods to Alice.]

Oh yes, they love to be show off. Have you ever noticed how extravagant they try to be when they bloom? So many colors and shapes, they all want to be so pleasing to the eye. It’s a competition of beauty it is. I particularly haven’t found a favorite, because I believe they all look just dandy and I do not feel the need to be so choosey.


madcuriosity June 7 2010, 05:27:01 UTC
Oh I found one that is absolutely my favorite! It's call a stargazer lily. I've never seen it before. And I'm so terribly fond of the Lily of the Valley! Mr. Hatter did you know that months had birthday flowers? Isn't that wonderfully clever?

[Starts guiding him towards her home.]

Basil and I have made so many daisy chains! It's lovely! Do you know how to make them Mr. Hatter? Is it anything like making a hat?


inthistyle June 7 2010, 05:36:40 UTC
The Stargazer Lily? It must be fond of staring at the stars all night long then, sounds rather dull and tiresome to be doing that throughout the night. And months have birthday flowers? I wasn’t aware that months had birthdays, I suppose they do need to be born sometime though.

[He chuckles to himself.]

Ah, Basil, that’s your little rabbit thing isn’t it? Oh I’m sure you have, Daisy chains are very suitable for girls to adorn as hats. Of course, daisy chains was one of my first hats I have ever made, mind you it took forever to keep the daisies quiet while making it. Which is why I started making felted hats instead, the felt would not be as protective when I would make it into a hat.


madcuriosity June 7 2010, 05:54:16 UTC
Oh yes. May has the Lily of the Valley flower. I don't know what the other months have. I think June has the rose. But a stargazer is a very pink and white lily! It's so pretty! I would love to show you.

And yes this is Basil. He's my dreamberry!... Actually... you should have a dreamberry as well Mr. Hatter.


inthistyle June 7 2010, 19:01:05 UTC
Oh I wouldn’t mind seeing the Lily, I’m sure it’ll be just as pretty as you say it would be. If it weren’t then it wouldn’t do a good job as a flower.

[Looks down at Basil, taking a good look at it.]

Funny, he doesn’t look like a berry to me. He just looks like a cute little bunny. I wouldn’t imagine he’d be a very tasty berry.


madcuriosity June 8 2010, 03:31:29 UTC
I didn't think it was the flowers job to be pretty. I thought that's just what they did.

Watch then! Basil if you would please turn into a berry?

[In a 'poof' the rabbit was now her dreamberry.] See!


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