Viral [001]

Jun 05, 2010 18:47

WHO: Viral and anyone! =D
WHERE: Espoir, hidden between some buildings
STYLE: Either, though I'll start in 3rd
STATUS: Opeeen~

To anyone approaching the alleyway he's hidden himself in, they may hear a bit of this, or they may only hear him sort of grumbling to himself. He's currently all but curled up on the side of a building where he believes ( Read more... )

viral, !location: espoir, vanille dia oerba, tim wayne

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Comments 59

sugarsnrainbows June 6 2010, 02:09:48 UTC
[Vanille had been wondering the streets, exploring the world she had woken upon weeks ago. She heard some noises by the alleyway and decided to check it up.

Seeing someone act in panic and not in ease got her wondering.]

Are you okay?


claws_n_teeth June 6 2010, 02:16:34 UTC
Ack! [Someone has spotted him! He looked her over, not noticing anything beastlike about her and immediately being on his guard. What could he possibly answer that with. Agh... this was just making him panic more. He sat on his hands then, looking away as he spoke to hide his shark teeth. The less she knew the better. Maybe she wouldn't notice. Maybe he could get away with pretending to be one of these monkeys for a few moments. God, he hoped it would only be a few moments before he is rescued...]

I-I'm fine! Just tired, that's all!


Sorry for the retag, I coded things wrong >__<;; sugarsnrainbows June 6 2010, 02:25:39 UTC
Is that so? You seem more energetic than tired...

[The man sure did act weird, looking away like that. She moved closer wanting to take a good look at him.]

You should go to sleep if you're tired then! The alleyway is not a good place to rest.


lol, it's fine :> These things happen XD claws_n_teeth June 6 2010, 02:43:11 UTC
[She wasn't going away! Why wasn't she going away? To make it worse, now she was closer to him. He was going to have to run away, wasn't he? Find another hiding place, this time a better one, since the whole hive will be looking for a beastman hiding out. She'll surely know something is up if he moved, but he can't get away with this just sitting here! He sat quiet for a moment before jumping up and facing her.]

I don't know what you've done to get me here, but I've already contacted the Spiral King, and he'll find you, even if you kill me!


gourmetburgers June 6 2010, 04:54:37 UTC
[The light of day sure prevented Tim from traipsing around Somni like as a costumed madman, but that obviously didn't prevent him from roaming around the city with nothing better to do. If anything bad happened, he could always find the privacy to change to his Red Robin outfit.

Hands in his pockets, the lad was clad in casualwear as he happened to turn his head upon passing an alleyway. It wasn't that hard to distinguish a moving shape amongst all that shadow (and that voice that tried to be a whisper). but it kind of was to imagine what would possess someone to speak to their Dreamberry so frantically. Yep, he was new to Somarium. But how this guy reacted to his arrival was far different from Tim's.]

Let me guess: You've found yourself away from home, here, and now you want out.


claws_n_teeth June 6 2010, 05:11:39 UTC
[He glared up at the new voice. Yes, the guy was right, but that didn't mean Viral wanted help. Or even someone to see him. There was no shortage of terrible things happening to him today. Was this going to be the end of him?!]

I like this place just fine. Of course I want out!

[He's going to watch this guy carefully. Even if he's got some weird clothes on, he looks human. And that doesn't bode well for the Beastman.]


gourmetburgers June 6 2010, 05:28:46 UTC
[Weird clothes? Did a layered shirt and some jeans look that odd? Then again, look at Viral. It was probably different wherever he came from.]

Twitching around like that won't help. You sure you don't want a few answers?


claws_n_teeth June 6 2010, 05:47:12 UTC
[A few answers...? Well yes, that would be nice, but why would he trust answers from a human? What the hell, he supposed he wasn't dead yet, might as well humor the kid.]

Yeah I want answers, but I don't believe any of them would help me unless they include telling me where Enkidu or Teppelin is, but a human wouldn't know either of those answers.

Unless you were the one who kidnapped me.

[Yes, he is giving you a suspicious look right now.]


hellyouthinkiam June 6 2010, 05:16:03 UTC
[he has no idea Viral's here. if he had, he probably wouldn't have just passed obliviously by while eating a leg of chicken.

yes. a leg of chicken. like KFC kind only it's not KFC since one doesn't exist in Somarium.]


claws_n_teeth June 6 2010, 05:51:03 UTC
[You might not have noticed him, Kamina, but he noticed you. As he would. He also noticed that chicken leg, and while part of him wants the chicken, he figures that can wait for a moment, his rival's appearance causing him to come out of hiding.]

KA... MI... NAAA!

[He growled, just then remembering that the child he'd fought told him that this guy had died. Wait... then they were lying!]

You coward!


hellyouthinkiam June 6 2010, 21:22:21 UTC
[leg of chicken. what the hell was I thinking-- you'll have to pry that chicken leg out of his cold, dead hands furry.

but anyway, the yelling caught his attention and he'll be turning around]

Oi, who the hell you callin' a coward?!

[because coward is not in Kamina's dictionary. or well it is. under "losers".]


claws_n_teeth June 7 2010, 08:08:18 UTC
[Oh, he only wishes. That would be two things he'd wanted!

He pointed a clawed finger at Kamina, still unaware of his cleaver's whereabouts, but not about to let that stop him!]

You! Sending women and children out to do your dirty work, huh? Did you really think you could hide from me?!

[He has no clue how he's going to fight Kamina at the moment, unless he doesn't have his sword. He could always try to bite him. That would hurt a lot.]


chamberslight June 8 2010, 06:02:11 UTC
[You have been spotted by a cross-dressing shogun on a mission. She's still convinced that there is some greater purpose to this "dream" of hers ... and since you are currently the least normal person she's seen, she's pretty sure you're some sort of symbolic demon that needs slaying. Her sword is drawn and she is trying to sneak up on you ...]


lol I really need to proofread claws_n_teeth June 8 2010, 06:25:28 UTC
[She probably gets away with trying to sneak up on him for a good amount of time before Viral, in his infinite paranoia, turns to look out again, immediately on his guard, leaping up to his feet. He knew it! They had found him and now they were going to kill him! So much for all of those people who'd tried to comfort him by telling him this is a different world. Humans are so full of deception.]

S-stay back, human!

[He's going to attempt to bare his fangs and claws, trying to intimidate the other person. Damn, if only his cleaver hadn't turned into this faulty communication device!]


chamberslight June 8 2010, 06:51:51 UTC
[She's fine with being caught. Direct confrontation is much better.]

Human? By my troth, thou art in sooth a demon. I shall slay thee where ye stand!


claws_n_teeth June 8 2010, 07:07:00 UTC
[Well... that didn't work. And he hardly knew what the human had said to him. Oh yes, he caught 'I shall slay thee where ye stand', that one was easy to understand. He obviously needed to be more intimidating, though as he eyed the sword, he was fairly certain this... woman? Man? He wasn't sure, but they wouldn't be so easily deterred. Luckily, that was when his Dreamberry decided it liked it's original form, his cleaver returning to his clawed hand.]

Looks like you won't be 'slaying' anyone.

[Now with a weapon, he has enough confidence to try and seem like more than a beast, his posture reformed as he brandished his weapon.]


claws_n_teeth June 14 2010, 06:13:37 UTC
[For some reason, he didn't see that coming until late, and while he tried to avoid it, it was too late and the punch got him, but luckily not badly enough to send him to the ground this time. Thank goodness.

The effort would tire him out a little, but this was almost fun. It would be fun at least, if it wasn't SERIOUS BUSINESS. And avoiding being thrown again repaired just a tiny bit of his confidence. At any rate, he was going to keep at swiping at Kamina with his sharp nails, a little smile forming as he did so.

Of course he would win this time. He'd successfully gotten this far, right? Besides, if there was no hope, why would he even keep fighting?]


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