Saber 「銀」 015~[Open: In Need of Assistance]

May 14, 2010 11:06

(Who) Saber fated_blade Somarium somarium
(Where) Somni - business district, entrance to office building
(Style) either~
(Status) Open

Making her way through the streets as quickly as she could, a well dressed businesswoman kept her eyes straight forward. Clearly, she hadn't slept in quite some time; she didn't have time with the crumbing company in her hands. Her ( Read more... )

!location: somni, !moon: cycle 20, mordred, spain (antonio fernandez carriedo), gilgamesh, saber

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Comments 36

love_lostomates May 14 2010, 21:37:03 UTC
Being a single uncle taking care of a family as acting and single father made meals rather hectic, and so Spain often went out early to buy supplies and ingredients. This day was no exception. Trying to come up with a meal that both Rena and America would enjoy was a challenge all in of itself, but while that was what was keeping his mind occupied, it wasn't enough to stop him from noticing the rather upset person in front of a building he was passing by. Kindhearted as he was, Spain couldn't simply let this go.

"Is everything alright?"


fated_blade May 15 2010, 22:12:11 UTC
She didn't notice anyone around her until he spoke, and with a slight glance she sighed.

"No, I am fine. Frustrated is all. I thank you for your concern, but it is truly unnecessary."

She had gotten used to this madness after several months, but it was still more than a little upsetting. Regardless, she kept her look of strength.

"You must have other business to attend."


love_lostomates May 15 2010, 23:39:08 UTC
He smiled a little in response, shrugging. "I don't have anything too important to be doing right now. Is it anything I could help with?"

The least he could do was offer, right? She looked like she was fine, but she admitted to being frustrated. If he could help her fix whatever was bothering her, his day and hers would be a little better.


fated_blade May 18 2010, 22:13:38 UTC
"It is a family matter. I do not wish to trouble an uninvolved party with such things." It wasn't like she wanted to admit her family's money problem to a complete stranger, what could he do?

"Your offer is greatly appreciated though. Mr...."


AU tiems is a go! failgetkingdom May 15 2010, 17:01:13 UTC
It wasn't that he'd overslept: his sister had woken up and left earlier than usual. That itself wasn't much of a surprise, but it meant he had to chase after her, since he'd obviously not had the time to pack her lunch. Scarfing down a hastily-prepared breakfast for himself, he took more care in preparing a home-made lunch and packing it. After hastily throwing on his school uniform, tying the blonde hair that so closely matched his sister's, and tossed his backpack over his shoulder, he bolted out the door.

He was clearly out of breath by the time he reached her, his hair dishevelled and his tie askew.

"You..." he panted, holding up the packed lunch even as he hunched over. "Forgot..this..."


fated_blade May 15 2010, 22:19:44 UTC
She had not woken him on purpose. The poor thing had been studying so hard and lost so much sleep, it was the least she could do for him.

So she was more than a little shocked when her little brother approached, panting.

"What the devil are you doing here? And looking such a mess." She frowned, took what he offered and then moved to fix his poor hair. "I appreciate dearly, little brother, but you must be off to school this instant."


failgetkingdom May 16 2010, 14:59:05 UTC
"I'm fine," he replied, recovering quickly. He was on his school's soccer team, after all.

"You don't need to first exam doesn't start until 10, and they're expecting a lot of students to be absent in the morning."

While he had to admit that he did enjoy the attention from the sister he idolised, he didn't like making her worry. She had enough on her plate. But he wasn't about to let her go hungry; so he took care of her in his own way, just as she took care of him. It seemed as if all they had were each other.

"Besides, I'd fail my exams worrying about you if I thought you had to forgo lunch."


fated_blade May 18 2010, 22:26:10 UTC
"You will not fail a single exam, young man." She was half teasing him, but it would be hard to tell with her expression. "I have high expectations for you, do not disappoint me. Or our late parents."

One last fix of his hair, and she hesitantly (and a tad awkwardly) gave him a kiss to his temple. "Call me when you are finished, all right? I shall come by the school and accompany you home." She didn't think she'd be working as much today, the offices were closed after all.


rupturedbabylon May 17 2010, 07:10:45 UTC
And to make a bad day worse, rough tires screech to a halt on the street behind her. No doubt the fastest and most advanced model that Somarium has yet to manufacture, the stylized sports car that was gaudily custom-painted golden is now parked directly at the building's entrance. A spot reserved for the executives, though that condition is as good as moot, taking in account of the fact that the company that might go bankrupt at any moment. ...The fact that the entire side is vacant probably did nothing to help the image.

"Ah, Arturia." The door slams, and light footsteps approach. "What luck to cross you on a fair morning." The cocky blond with blood crimson eyes smirked as he approached. "It would, however, appear that yours is much less so, as little bearing as it has over the refined attractiveness of your troubled face. Play dress-up as you see fit, but what would be the problem, for you to stand so dejectedly outside of your very own family offices?" Mockery, sympathy, insult, flattery - they were all present, though it would ( ... )


fated_blade May 17 2010, 22:09:48 UTC
The second the sound reached her ears, she instantly knew her day was getting just that much worse. Without even so much as a glance, she responded with a clear note of irritation.

"I see you are following me again, Gilgamesh. Have you really nothing better to do than waste your plentiful time annoying me? Unlike you, I do not have the time, nor freedom to forsake responsibilities like work and professional commitments."

Quickly, she turned on her heal to quickly walk as far away from him as she could. Granted, she had no where in mind, but as long as she kept moving, she would put distance between her and the object of her irritation: That horrible idol Gilgamesh.


rupturedbabylon May 18 2010, 08:05:26 UTC
Her undiluted annoyance was replied with a carefree chuckle, one that managed to be condescending nevertheless. As valiant as her attempt was, he easily catches up to match her pace. Her short stature and her shorter legs just weren't effective.

"You would begrudge me for the works of chance? How inconsiderate. Ah, but it is your desperation speaking for you - or would you truly be ignorant? My industry can move swiftly and become rather demanding. I simply happen to have my affairs already taken care of today." He lightly responded, with his hands loosely tucked in his pockets. His red eyes were focused on her alone; not a single glance was spared to the stopping and whispering pedestrians. ...Of course, for all his fame, they also knew better than to get in the KING's way.

"And where might you be headed to now? Ah, or would your bureau have finally been put out of its misery?"


fated_blade May 18 2010, 22:53:18 UTC
No matter how much she increased her pace, he didn't get any further away. Dammit.

"I have nothing to speak to you about. There are plenty of other women willing and eager to give themselves to you. Go bother one of them." Her heals clicked loudly, and she had no intentions of stopping.

"I have things...important things to take care of. And I have no intention of telling you where I am heading to do so."

But she wasn't paying close enough attention to where she was going. She didn't notice the car until the driver honked, but it was already too close. In that second, she could only stare.


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