[open] something a little educational

May 13, 2010 21:39

Who: kyudousha and fellow scientists, university students, or people just gathering to hear this famous tsun deliver a lecture on dream-technology
Where: At an university IDK
Style: First preferred <3
Status: Open. <3 Feel free to threadjack wherever xDDD

In which Rita delivers a lecture. )

shouichi irie, laharl, gareki, rita mordio, atoli, !moon: cycle 20, canas, victor niguel, cid highwind, chii, atsuro kihara

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Comments 132

scholastical May 14 2010, 01:50:16 UTC
[He joined the lecture because the subject matter pinged him, and Rita Mordio was a name well known around scholastic fields. Typically the topic was her young age, but he had never seen age as a factor for brilliance; he encouraged his students in that well, always telling them that age would never or should never hold them back.

No, he knows the name Rita Mordio as a famous researcher, so of course he joined the crowd to watch her lecture.

...He took notes. Yes he did. And with the opportunity to approach her, he simply could not allow it to pass him by.

So Rita, have this purple-haired, excitable teacher approach, notebook open and pen falling out of the binding.]

Miss Rita Mordio?


kyudousha May 14 2010, 01:53:44 UTC
[She couldn't help it, really. The projector had just so much potential, and without upgrades, it couldn't operate to it's full potential. Obviously, she needs to take the time to input string after string of commands to make it more accessible, just for the sake of technology in itself--

... the 'miss' makes her twitch. She looks up, glaring daggers.]

... drop the miss. And what do you want?


scholastical May 14 2010, 01:59:14 UTC
[Of course, of course. He pauses a moment to note what she is doing, and then he is in full babbling mode.]

Rita Mordio, then. That was quite the fascinating lecture, I must say, and though a little scattered at times, that is, hard to follow through your jumps in topic or logic, I wish to say that the subject matter was entirely brilliant, and your thorough research admirable. This dream-technology theory appears to be entirely new, though some parts of it seemed to me an amalgamation of many other theories of which I have read; I assume you have read the work of both Dr. Sueno and Professor Dormir? Your theories seemed to parallel theirs at times, though yours seemed rather more polished in the areas concerning technology--may I make the assumption that that is your field of expertise?


kyudousha May 14 2010, 02:14:28 UTC
[What is. With this guy.

Is he. Trying to insult her. She doesn't look amused.]

First of all, if you can't follow it, then that's your problem, not mine. Go over your study notes again, and figure it out yourself.

Second of all, it's obvious that I've read their works. And technology is my field of expertise, yes. What is your point, exactly?


WOO DATE TIEMZ 47_l0w May 14 2010, 01:56:35 UTC
[It had been a long, difficult, and arduous process ( ... )


WOOOO kyudousha May 14 2010, 02:11:13 UTC
[The lecture was boring, but she found some sense of satisfaction in the completion of it. She's never attended university -- never bothered, when she already knew that she was smarter than half the faculty and far more talented than the other half -- and while the building itself isn't anything worth looking at, the very fact that she is within the walls of the university itself brings a sense of excitement to her very being ( ... )


47_l0w May 14 2010, 02:35:30 UTC


She, uh...saw him.

Here's Atsuro, his face turning a similar shade of red. And stopping. And realising he looks really out of place. Maybe he should have gone with his normal clothes after all. Or maybe his school uniform. Or maybe a suit?

....Or would that have been too formal?

WELL EITHER WAY he can't just stand here forever and the room's pretty much empty by now so he walks in with a ton of confidence he doesn't necessarily feel and a congratulatory smile on his face.]

How'd it go?

[He'll be coming up to you know, handing you the box. Totally not a peace offering. At all.]


kyudousha May 14 2010, 02:45:51 UTC
[She bristles slightly, but the redness of her face deepens. Taking the gift gingerly -- it's around now that she wishes the ground would just open up and swallow her already because akldfa;s.

... a heavy pause. She ignores his question as though it were something obvious.]

... I thought I told you not to come.


demonichymn May 14 2010, 02:23:30 UTC
[This is crazy anarchist Laharl. This is crazy anarchist Laharl coming up on stage.

This is crazy anarchist Laharl screaming at Rita for some reason.]

It's people like you that give Somarium a bad name! You and your research and your science... Spend your time doing something useful, dammit! Like disestablishing government and embracing anarchy! Or making statues of me, the great Laharl!


kyudousha May 14 2010, 02:35:13 UTC
[This is Rita looking at him like he's just grown three heads and a tail.

This would be Rita shouting back.]

Wh-Who the hell would want to make statues of you?! And who the hell are you to talk about research and science like that? You're crazy, dumbass. What the hell are you smoking?


demonichymn May 14 2010, 02:39:33 UTC
Smoking? Drugs are for the weak! I have a natural high- A natural high from the drive I have in establishing a new world order! ...And maybe some pot.

Science, research- In a world without rules, who the hell needs that?! All this world needs is chaos and disorder! [He pulls a firecracker out of his pocket and holds it in his hand like one would hold a fireball, if one was to hold a fireball] And I'm gonna be the one to start it.


/jacks scholastical May 14 2010, 02:52:43 UTC
[Hello, guess who thought of another question and thus came back?]

Ah, Rita, there is--

Is that a firecracker?

[aklshdnkl what is thisssss]


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kyudousha May 14 2010, 02:37:35 UTC
[She looks up. And kinda recognizes him. His face is familiar, and she can place him in the lab, but she can't, for the life of her, remember his name. Which doesn't bother her as much as it should have, clearly, since names are hardly important to her anyway, and she can communicate with her fellow scientists well enough without it.

She shrugs at him.]

Of course the research is solid. Who do you think you're talking to?

[But that is an interesting question. She considers it.]

Taking dream energy as a renewable source of energy, of course. It's sustainable and it's there in abundance. I'll adapt all current systems to run on it.


(The comment has been removed)

kyudousha May 18 2010, 02:16:25 UTC
[Medicine? Huh.]

I've dabbled a little in medicine, myself. How's the research going?


clueless_com May 14 2010, 02:27:18 UTC
[And arriving right as the people start clearing out is Chii. She remembered Rita mentioning something about giving a lecture today but she couldn't remember exactly where she was giving it. But Chii was proud of the fact that she had found the place in the end (even if she had missed the whole thing).

Finally spotting Rita through the crowd of people, Chii quickly walks over to her direction.]



kyudousha May 14 2010, 02:43:47 UTC
[She hears her name being called and looks up.

Oh, it's Chii.

Raising a hand up in a semi-wave, she beckons her over.]

Just in time. I have work for you.


clueless_com May 14 2010, 02:45:13 UTC
Work? What kind of work?


kyudousha May 15 2010, 01:09:41 UTC
It's not hard.

[A gesture at the projector.] The system needs stabilizing.


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