[open] something a little educational

May 13, 2010 21:39

Who: kyudousha and fellow scientists, university students, or people just gathering to hear this famous tsun deliver a lecture on dream-technology
Where: At an university IDK
Style: First preferred <3
Status: Open. <3 Feel free to threadjack wherever xDDD

In which Rita delivers a lecture. )

shouichi irie, laharl, gareki, rita mordio, atoli, !moon: cycle 20, canas, victor niguel, cid highwind, chii, atsuro kihara

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WOO DATE TIEMZ 47_l0w May 14 2010, 01:56:35 UTC
[It had been a long, difficult, and arduous process ( ... )


WOOOO kyudousha May 14 2010, 02:11:13 UTC
[The lecture was boring, but she found some sense of satisfaction in the completion of it. She's never attended university -- never bothered, when she already knew that she was smarter than half the faculty and far more talented than the other half -- and while the building itself isn't anything worth looking at, the very fact that she is within the walls of the university itself brings a sense of excitement to her very being ( ... )


47_l0w May 14 2010, 02:35:30 UTC


She, uh...saw him.

Here's Atsuro, his face turning a similar shade of red. And stopping. And realising he looks really out of place. Maybe he should have gone with his normal clothes after all. Or maybe his school uniform. Or maybe a suit?

....Or would that have been too formal?

WELL EITHER WAY he can't just stand here forever and the room's pretty much empty by now so he walks in with a ton of confidence he doesn't necessarily feel and a congratulatory smile on his face.]

How'd it go?

[He'll be coming up to you know, handing you the box. Totally not a peace offering. At all.]


kyudousha May 14 2010, 02:45:51 UTC
[She bristles slightly, but the redness of her face deepens. Taking the gift gingerly -- it's around now that she wishes the ground would just open up and swallow her already because akldfa;s.

... a heavy pause. She ignores his question as though it were something obvious.]

... I thought I told you not to come.


...........WHAT'S WITH THE FIRECRACKERS DOWN THERE? >[ 47_l0w May 14 2010, 03:03:26 UTC
[A laugh.]

I guess it went well, then!

[A few nervous movements as he raises one hand to the back of his head.] Hehe...It looked liked you were done, so I just, well, dropped by. [He's doing his best to sound casual, and it may or may not be working. There's a tint of something careful in there, as if he's searching for a sign that maybe she doesn't mind him here, maybe a tiny bit of approval.


I got that on the way here. [Gesturing towards the box.] Thought you might like it. [AS IF THIS WASN'T PLANNED OUT AT ALL. Nope.]


LET'S GO JOIN THEM SOON XDDD kyudousha May 15 2010, 00:59:02 UTC
[... she doesn't buy that for a second. She really doesn't. But he seems to be trying hard at it, and... well, after spending months tolerating this guy, she doesn't have the heart to shove his face out the door and into a wall somewhere for staring at her like that. Like he's... searching for something. She doesn't like that look because it makes her feel irrationally guilty, and she doesn't know why.

A long pause in which she stares at the box as though it contained something with teeth before she... opens it.

And closes it.

A deep blush settles itself over her face, and she turns away.]

... stupid. You didn't have to.


LET'S \o/ 47_l0w May 15 2010, 01:49:33 UTC
[He sees that blush, Rita, he really does. And maybe he turns a little pink at the edges of his face and okay maybe his ears are more than just a little pink. But he's glad you like them?


Hehe, but I wanted to! [pause. WELL TIME TO BRING UP DINNER.] Oh, since I'm here and all, wanna go grab something to eat before you go home? Kinda like a celebration! [Please say yes please say yes please say yes-]


kyudousha May 18 2010, 02:14:22 UTC
[She huffs at this, because, well, she's never hungry, really. A shrug. She doesn't seem interested.]

Later. I have other things to attend to. Wait here.

[And she walks off, leaving him behind. Socializing time?]


47_l0w May 18 2010, 02:32:22 UTC
[Sighhh =(]


[He waits. And then he doesn't wait!

lalala insert all threads below here [ ]

And eventually they clear up whatever else is happening?]

Ready to go?


kyudousha May 18 2010, 02:51:18 UTC
[Lalala this is her looking vaguely disgruntled with vague hand gestures blah blah blah something about morons okay done.]

... what?


47_l0w May 18 2010, 02:56:59 UTC
[sdilfsjdfaksdjflkdfsd why was this so difficult.]

Umm, for dinner!


kyudousha May 18 2010, 03:02:47 UTC


She suddenly stops in her tracks. Repeats.]

... right. Dinner.

... I didn't... did I... yes?


47_l0w May 18 2010, 03:08:48 UTC
[Sighh his girlfriend needs to take better care of herself ;;]

You haven't eaten yet, right? And since you're done here, let's go somewhere else. [Just the two of us hmm~] I, uh, booked us reservations at a place I think you'd like!


kyudousha May 18 2010, 03:10:47 UTC
Wait. If you were just 'dropping by', why the hell would there be a reservation?


47_l0w May 18 2010, 03:12:17 UTC
[jsdklgja;ldksgmjkldjf;sjf;lsdfjsdlkfj he slipped up. /sob girlfriend why so perceptive.]

Ah, I, uh, on the way here...!


kyudousha May 18 2010, 03:17:05 UTC
[She's a genius, man. :|]

So basically, you already knew you were coming well in advance.

Let me remind you that I told you not to come. What part of that didn't you understand?


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